Life after Death

Damon's p.o.v

I never believed in life after death. Not until I met Katherine.

I always thought of the world as a place that would have an end,but not for everyone. The world ends for you as you die,not when it is time for an apocalypse. But when I died ,I did die. I lost Everything,but only one person mattered to me. My little sister Isabella. There was no life after death for her.

Katherine turned my brother Stefan and me into vampires. But Isabella had lived the rest of her life ,but it was a very sad life. I need my sister to keep me sane. You can't begin to imagine what I've done. I'm a monster without her.

God does punish us in the worst way. Even though I don't believe in him ,Stefan does ,and he tells me that I'll be punished everyday. I'm starting to believe him.

Isabella's p.o.v

I was sitting with Edward in front of the fire and everything was great.

Well it was until Edward saw my ring. "Bella ,what is that?" he screamed at me. I didn't reply. "Bella ,are you cheating on me?" he said ,narrowing his eyes.

"Edward ,you don't know what you're talking about" I said in an angry tone.

"Bella ,tell me the truth!" he hissed. "My name is Isabella!" only one person was aloud to call me Bella and that person was dead. "since when do people call you that!" Edward asked. "Since I have been tortured for being what I am!"

I hissed ,but then I realised what I said. "B-Isabella ,what are you saying?" he asked. "just stay out of my business" I hissed. "No!" Edward shouted when the door bell rang. "I'll get it!" I said,using it as an excuse to leave the room.

"who is it?" I said as I saw who it actually was. "D-Damon"said.

Damon's p.o.v

I had heard news of a girl that looked like my sister. I was checking it out.

People told me that she spent a lot of time with the Cullens,whoever they are.

I walked to the door of a forest house people guided me to. I heard shouting and rang the bell. The girl came and answered. "D-Damon!" was all she said ,then she hugged me. It wasn't a look-a-like. It was actually her! "Bella!" I said lovingly. My heart felt whole now ,complete. "Isabella?" someone said.

I hissed at them for ruining the moment I was sharing with my sister. That's when someone knocked me out.

Bella's p.o.v

"Edward ,why did you do that!" I screeched. "Well ,I see my girlfriend in an embrace with a total stranger and took action!" he hissed at me. Stupid sparkly vampire taking my family moment away from me! "Edward ,you're gonna pay for that!" I hissed back at him. "what are you going to do?" he said ,smirking.

"Things you didn't know were possible!" I said ,watching him look confused.

That's when I leaped.

Damon's p.o.v

I woke up and stopped Bella in mid-leap. "Bella ,you don't want to do something you'll regret" I whispered to her. She nodded ,knowing I was right.

"Goodbye Edward" she said stiffly. "What?" he said. "you can't expect me to stay after this ,do you?" she replied. "Are you leaving me for him?" He said, closely observing me. " He's my brother you moron!" she screeched.

"Stop making things up ,you don't have siblings!" he said.

"There's so many things you don't know about me Edward" she said simply, leading me out of the door.

Bella's p.o.v

"Damon ,how did you find me?" I asked ,not wanting to talk about what just happened. "well ,James and Victoria told me about you ,that's probably why they didn't attack you when you were with the Cullens" he told me.

"I knew it was them when I saw them ,but they thought I died when Klaus hunted me down, and they would have blown my cover" I said to him ,while he looked very interested in the part about my past. But I wasn't ready to reveal all.