Disclaimer: I own nothing of Inuyasha

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All was quiet in the forest, the creatures were enjoying the summer heat and their was peace among all beings, a figure in white strolled through the foliage head held high as he checked his territory.

It was a peaceful day even for the deadliest of creatures. A small smirk came to Sesshoumaru's lips as he continued to patrol the borders of his lands. He couldn't leave this kind of work to the humans that lived on his land, no they often let in unwanted things.

Feeling that he had done a sufficient walk of his borders and coming up with no troubles Sesshoumaru stopped and made his way back toward where he left his retainer and ward. Sesshoumaru felt good-he had nothing to worry about these days.

It had been four moon cycles since he had rid himself of his mistake and his thoughts were finally settled. Making him able to do his job as the western lord.

Noting that he was near where his half brother, his sire's mistake, rested he let a small smirk come to his lips. Curiously, he wondered how the miko had taken her offspring's despise. He didn't let his mind ponder on that too much, as he didn't care of the miko nor her offspring.

As he neared the clearing he stilled, listening carefully he noted that his ward was not alone-she had another being with her. Sniffing the air lightly he tried to figure out who it was, his eyes narrowed as he smelt his half brother's miko near, but he could not smell who it was that was with his ward.

Curious on who would approach his ward without his permission he continued toward where his ward was playing. Coming into the entrance he stiffened and his eyed widened slightly as he took notice of whom his ward was with.

A hanyou. More specifically the hanyou he had sired. How could this be? The poison should have ended her life.

It should have. Why didn't it? From what he could tell, the hanyou was in perfect health and had grown to where she could walk.

"Lord Sesshoumaru look! Rin has a new friend!" His ward greeted when she noticed his presence.

Sesshoumaru's rose a brow and responded with a "hn". He turned his attention once more toward the young hanyou that kept his ward company. He looked the hanyou over with narrowed eyes.

He felt his curiosity rise when he noticed that aside from aging, there was something new with the hanyou. She was wearing something upon her wrists, they seemed to be wards of some kind. Curious.

Sesshoumaru stilled as he heard the miko's voice, calling out for her pup, turning his attention toward where the miko was coming from Sesshoumaru watched with masked curiosity as she emerged a few moments later. Her attention went directly to her pup, she quickly made her way over to the young hanyou and picked her up "What are you doing here Kaiya? I thought I told you to stay with your uncle." Though the miko was obviously scolding the pup, her words seemed to be underlined with humor as well.

Sesshoumaru watched as the miko finally seemed to realize she was not alone-she smiled at Rin. Which Rin returned without hesitation "Lady Kagome! Is Kaiya your baby?"

The pup, Kaiya, seemed to be insulted at being called a 'baby' -her reaction to the title made Kagome laughed and she nodded "Yes Rin, Kaiya is my baby. Though I'm afraid she is not really a 'baby' anymore" she stated as she put the pup back onto the ground. "Thank you for looking after her Rin." she added with a small smile upon her lips.

Rin nodded her head "Rin doesn't mind!" she stated happily "Kaiya is Rin's friend now"

Kagome hummed and nodded and then took her pups hand. Sesshoumaru was surprised the miko had yet to notice him, he wasn't hiding. Maybe the miko had the poison and it just made her slow? He smirked at his own thoughts and as he noticed the miko had finally turned his way. She stiffened upon seeing him and also tightened her hold on her daughter's hand.

Sesshoumaru rose a brow at the action, but did not speak. Waiting for the miko to respond to his presence. He didn't have to wait long, for soon the miko took a step back and looked at him with wide eyes. "S-Sesshoumaru, what are you doing here?" she questioned.

"This Sesshoumaru believes the answer to your question is obvious miko"

He watched as Kagome glanced toward Rin and huffed. She bowed slightly to him while still keeping a hold of her daughter's hand. "Ah yes, well we will be going now-my apologies for bothering you and your pack"

Sesshoumaru frowned as she watched the miko start off toward where her pack was resting. "What is on the hanyou's wrists?" He watched, curiously, as the miko stopped and looked back at him before looking at her daughter.

"Protection bracelets"

Sesshoumaru rose a brow at her answer, protection against what? Though Sesshoumaru wasn't usually one to question or converse with humans, ecspecially with humans of no standing, he decided to voice his question. It might be benefical to him. "What are they protecting against?"

He watched as the miko stood, now facing him, she seemed hesitant to answer him. After a few moments of silence, the miko huffed and responded "Kaiya fell ill five months ago. She almost died, it felt like she had died. Then she suddenly became better, it was strange, but what was really strange was what happened after she recovered..." she stopped talking and glanced down at her daughter, once again it seemed as though the miko was hesitant to continue. After a few moments though, she finally did "After she recovered, poison started coming from her claws. The protection bracelets are to protect her, and others around her, from her poison. At least until she gets better control over it."

Sesshoumaru had begun looking at the hanyou the miko was holding onto as she explained the situation. It was interesting. Not only had a hanyou survived his poison, a poison that could kill adult demons and humans alike. She also was able to use poison. "Hn" he responded, not showing his curiosity as he looked the hanyou over. A smirk came to his lips as he noticed the hanyou was looking him over too.

He turned his attention toward the miko when she cleared her throat. He watched as she fidgeted in place and started taking a step toward the path she was previously going to. "Well, We have to get back now. Goodbye" she stated before softly leading her pup from the clearing and toward where her pack-and his half brother- rested.

Normally Sesshoumaru would have killed anyone that would turn their back toward him, or dismiss him before he could dismiss them. However, with the new knowledge he just obtained, he had a lot to think about. Maybe, the hanyou he sired would be of some use after all. Her life might be worth keeping around.

A/N: Hey all, so sorry for that cliff hanger for the last chapter and that this chapter was short .

I couldn't kill of Kaiya, she's a baby-not even I could kill off an innocent baby. Plus she's the key for making this a Sesshoumaru/Kagome romantic story. So...she still lives! YAY. Sorry for being misleading. Thanks to those that reviewed!