Chapter one: Father's travels and Kagome's rite
deep under the sea in a far away place, there is a kingdom of mermaids. In this kingdom, there is of course their king and queen and heir and young prince the second in command of the army. But our story starts with this one mermaid, Kagome.
"Father, where are you going? You never stay for long."
"Oh, Kagome, I shall return, and you must behave yourself for many will look to you in my stead, do not travel to the surface unless with a group it is not safe, if you are hurt... I know not what I will do, but it would be unpleasant for all."
"Understood father, I wish you a safe journey and safer return."
"Remember this darling, we are never far apart if we are always under the same sky..."
Kagome smiled at the childhood phrase her father had used when she was to young to tell the difference in distance, but it still made her feel better to know that they were there under the same sky under the water. Kagome finished the phrase.
"Thats under the same waters."
"Good my darling, now I must bid you adieu."
With that said Kagome's father, Hirohito swam swiftly to the west out into the open oceans.
Its been 3 years since that day Kagome's father swam away, and now she was 16 and ready for the ritual, it was the day that the full moon would last for only 2 days and that day mermaids would swim up to the west shore and sing, hopefully to attract a male that is worthy of her. Kagome wanted to go for one reason and one reason only she wanted to see land, and she would no natter what her father told her.
Kagome's mother, Mikazuki went about preparing Kagomes hair, placing small randomized braids in her long black hair that held a bluish tint, then she gathered the sides in a swooping fashion up into a small pony tail that sat at the back of her head. Her mother put blue sapphires in her ears as earrings, and shooed Kagome off to the mirror to see herself.
Kagome had big and round light blue eyes as clear and striking as the clearest waters, the earrings only brought that fact out more. She was slim and small with small but graceful hands. She wasn't very big for a mermaid and was smaller then the males, which is very uncommon for a female mermaid. But her beauty and light skin made up for it. Through the window the full moons light shone into her room. She looked back to her mother, whom only nodded. Kagome gave her a bright smile, before she was off, swimming through the window and east to the shore of the western lands.
Kagome made it to shore and found many of her brethren already there. So she perched her self upon a stone and began to sing with her sisters, when all of a sudden there is yells heard and the sound of metal clashing. The mermaids dive into the water all except for Kagome who just slides off her rock and continues to watch. Her best friend Ren who could pass as her sister was next to her in an instant, her green tail bumping Kagomes blueish white one. Ren was taller then Kagome, but she was also younger then Kagome. Ren had brown hair that she wore in a little pony tail that hung off to the side of her head. She also had deep brown eyes that sparkled with her happiness.
"Kagome we must leave there is a battle going on with the dry foot people, they might try to catch you."
"Ren why do you think that they must fight?"
"Ren does not know the answer but we must return when it is safer."
"Ren you found a mate have you not?"
"I ...have, but what does it matter?"
"Well I have not I will stay and wait for their fight to end, I have waited so long to come to the surface, and look the fighting is moving farther away from the shore."
"Fine but I will stay with you."
"That is ok with me."
once their were no more sounds to be heard Kagome and Ren swam around until the moon fell from its perch in the night sky and the sun began to take its place. They then swam back home.
"How did you do Kagome?"
"I did not meet anyone yet, but Ren has found herself a mate!"
"That is great darling, you should sleep in prepare for tonight."
"Yes mother." Kagome then went to her room and floated down on to her bed a nice pile of warmed sand that made curling up on it the best thing ever. She looked around at her room, it was rather plain. Her walls were different shades of blue and pink and white, but she held few possessions. So she decided she would read for the time being. Many hour passed and she ended up fast asleep in no time.
When she awoke, the moons light was shinning into her window, so she left quickly to the shore. She made it there shortly and began to sing. She sang beautifully and most others were off key or could not match the quality of her voice, yet no one came to her. Soon she quited down enough to notice that no one even gave her a second glance, she was confused.
"Am I not worth love?" she voiced her thought out loud and one of the mermen passing by heard her and stopped. He then gave a sigh.
"No young Utako,it is just that we fear your father, atleast most of us. Some find your beauty to much and think that it would make them look horrible when standing next to you, others find you to small."
"oh.. I see."
"We do not mean any disrespect, Utako, but that is how it is, it would be better for you to leave."
Kagome merely nodded and slid off the rocks, she then swam slowly out of sight and sunk beneath the water to the east, closer to the shore, atleast she would be able to enjoy her solitude under the moon.
She came upon a small entrance, that she was just small enough to fit in and curious to where it led she followed the small tunnel. The water soon began to get hot, so she swam faster, and faster still she was burning alive and the tunnel was to small to turn around in and head back so she swam faster, bumping the walls, scratching and cutting her arms arms, hands, and tail in her haste to get out of the super heated water. Soon she flew into an opening. The water was still hot but not scorching.
Kagome was hurt both mentally and now physically. She swam back to the opening she came through to find it closed. She frantically began to swim around the outer edges, but only swam in huge circles, she was stuck in a pool. It was a large one, with many places to hide, but still a pool, with no food and no way out. She would surely die if she didnt get out. She then swam to where the majority of the rocks were, she noticed how the steam came off of them and tried not to burn herself. She swam in between the rocks and hid herself. She grabbed mud from th bottom of the pool and brought it up on one of the rocks to cool it down then she laid her head and upper body on it so that she would remain cool. If she stayed under to long her body would heat up and she would most likely die from dehydration.
"Oh the irony, living in water all my life and dieing of dehydration! I would be the laughing stock of all the underwater world!" she mumbled to herself. So she stayed like that and soon fell asleep.
Hello my darling readers I hope you like this story and please review, I need them to survive!