Arisa Fernandez-Carriedo, also known as Philippines or the Philippine Islands, had a secret.

She was completely in love with a certain cranky Southern Italian.

"Ah! Mi Romano! This is Arisa!" Spain beamed, holding the young girl in his arms. Romano scowled and turned away from Antonio as he went back to lazing around while eating a Pizza.

Spain rolled his eyes and turned back to Arisa. "Aw, you're so cute, my little Tomato!" he smiled wider and nuzzled his nose on hers, which caused her to giggle and hug his neck tightly.

Romano turned his head as he heard Spain call 'Arisa' his little Tomato. She turned red with jealousy and stomped out of the room. His nose practically pointing up to the sky.

Antonio merely chuckled at Romano's jealousy and set Arisa down. "Mi Amor. Why don't you clean up here? While I take care of your country." Spain suggested bending down to her level.

"Yes, Big brother Spain." she grinned before she started clearing up the mess Romano had created. Spain gawked at the cuteness and smiled proudly before walking out... Of course, not a second later did he turn back and watch her clean.

Arisa saw him today. And he was not happy, as usual. But, he did turn red when she had started talking to Veneziano. She took a seat beside America... Her current boss.

America was decent. He was not a flirt, unlike Italians. He could be a child sometimes, but so was Romano. He was better mannered, compared to Romano's potty mouth.

There was a world meeting. And, of course, America had some really silly and just plain awful ideas sometimes. Arisa had to hold him back sometimes.

"I have an awesome announcement!" Alfred grinned, standing up. "Please, America. Just for once make some sense." England said, sipping his tea. "That's impossible." Norway muttered under his breath, which made England, who sat beside him, snicker and smile slightly.

"Well. This is seriously important." America said, his voice had gone serious. He held out his hand to Arisa. She gulped and placed her hand in his.

"What is it, Alfred?" Arisa asked, as he pulled her up. "I'm giving you independence." he stated, looking into her brown eyes. Arisa's eye went wide as she pulled her hand away from his. He looked confused, as she did so. Arisa smiled and pulled him into a tight hug.

Philippines smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Alfred." she said. Alfred said nothing and kissed her softly. "Bastard!" Romano yelled from beside Veneziano and Spain.

Arisa pulled away and saw the retreating Italian as he stormed out of the conference room, she turned to Spain, who, for once, had a frown on his face. She turned to Netherlands, who also had a frown on his face. Finally, she looked at England; he too had a not-so-happy look on his face.

Arisa frowned and pulled away from Alfred. "I... I'm sorry, Alfred. B-but... We just... No." she said frantically running out of the room to chase after the Southern Italian. But, as she passed, she couldn't help but notice the smirk on Japan's face...

She finally found him on the street of Rome. She felt her heart crack slightly as she saw him on the edge of the Trevi Fountain. It was already 7 PM, and the fountain shone in the dark night with no moon.

"Lovi..." she whispered, walking up behind him. "Eh? Why don't you go back to your American Idiot?" he snapped. Arisa merely giggled, "What are you laughing about?"

"You." she replied. He growled. "Because you thought that I would really be with Alfred." she said. He stilled didn't look at her, and continued staring and listening to the flow of water.

"Lovi, I don't like America. He's a my big brother, and I love him only as a brother." she said, making him turn to her. "To be honest, I love you, Romano." she said, giving a small smile.

Romano couldn't help but crack the smallest smile on his always grumpy face. He leaned over and was about to kiss her, but then stopped and pulled out a hanky. She gave him a confused look, he didn't react and was about to wipe her lips.

She pulled away, giving him a light 'WTF' face. "I am not kissing lips that have just kissed a Hamburger Bastard." he said straight. Arisa giggled and just pulled him into a kiss. Romano could taste the hamburger still on her lips. But he was too happy to even care about it.

Arisa pulled away, feeling Romano's hand pressed on the small of her back. FLASH! Went a camera, which cause Romano to fall back into the fountain, he landed with a splash.

Romano growled and peeked out of the fountain, spotting his little sister holding up a camera and smirking. His blood boiled and his face went red.

Arisa smiled as she placed a blanket over his shivering shoulders, and took a seat beside him, as his shivering went down. "Achoo!" he sneezed, making Arisa smile and giggle slightly.

"Aw, so cute!" she cooed, and pinched his cheek. He pouted, and grumbled. Alfred stared from his seat. He could feel the jealousy rising up in his stomach.

Arisa stood up from her seat and walked over to Alfred, then taking a seat in the empty chair beside him. "America, I'm sorry." she said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I take it back. Your still my colony." he said, abruptly standing up and storming out of the conference room. She frowned, but something in her mind clicked.

Alfred was acting childish, she didn't want to be America's colony forever. She didn't want to be his. She wanted her own independence. So that she could develope on her own, and learn things her own way.

She was going to start a revolution against America.

Arisa and Romano walked around Rome, exploring the history. Their comfortable silence was interrupted when Arisa turned to Romano, effectively stopping him.

"I'm going to revolt against America." Arisa stated. Romano looked startled, "Why would you do that? You could get hurt. America is a strong country compared to yours, Phili. Not to mention that bastard hates me. He'd do anything to keep you away from me." Romano said, snarling.

"But, I want it. And I'm going to do it. Without regrets. This I promise." Phili said, the look in her eyes suggested that she was determined to fight for her right.

And that is how the Philippine-American War broke out.

"America, I want my freedom!" Arisa yelled, soldiers lined up behind her, with guns she had received from England.

"No! Your are not ready, Philippines!" America yelled back, it was pouring rain on the bloody battlefield, and Arisa was not backing down. "All I want is my freedom." Arisa said her voice shaky and her breathing rapid.

Alfred stared into her chocolate brown eyes. And he remembered. That day he wanted independence from England. That day he stared into England's emerald green eyes. But, this time, positions switched. He knew how Philippines felt, and he loved her ever since he bought her from Spain. He took care of her and watched her grow into who she was now.

It was at this point did he notice he was on his knees with Philippines pointing a gun to his face. "Shoot me." he said, looking into her eyes. She looked back into his icy blue orbs and tears started forming. She blinked them away, and placed her finger on the trigger.

America's troops pointed their guns to her, as the Filipino soldiers pointed their guns to the American troops. "You know I can't. You know I can't shoot you America!" she cried, throwing away her gun.

Romano and Feliciano both stayed by her side in the hospital. Her land was destroyed with the war, which ended her in the hospital. She had a battle scar on her stomach, and it was wrapped in a bandage.

Romano held her hand, and kissed it lightly. He was usually so mean and cold, but his lover was in the hospital, and she was wounded. Arisa slowly opened her eyes, and stared into 2 pairs of amber eyes.

"She's awake! Ve~!" Feliciano smiled and jumped around. "Shut up!" Romano growled at Feliciano. This made Philippines giggle weakly. Feliciano, as an Italian, caught the mood of romance in the air, and quietly left the room.

"Romano... What happened?" she asked. "You fought with America. And you lost." he said, Arise could feel the tears pricking her dry eyes. Romano saw her sadness and kissed her cheek.

"It'll be alright, Phili." he said. "Romano... It's not. I lost. My people are hurt because of my foolish mistake..." she cried, tears falling from her eyes. Romano gently wiped them away.

"You told me you would have no regrets. You promised." he said. Arisa wiped her tears, and nodded. "I'm sorry..." she whispered.

The door creaked open, and in came a blue-eyed blonde.

"What the fuck are you doing here you Bastard?" Romano yelled, America said nothing, and shook his head. "I came here to apologize... And tell Philippines that she can have a Commonwealth." America said, shifting his gaze to Philippines.

And that is how Philippines got their Commonwealth status... Then WWII came.

Philippines walked alongside Romano on the streets of Rome. And she was not happy.

The whole day had been spent with Romano giving her a full 'tour' of Rome. And by that, it meant Romano bring her to places and talking to other girls who would ask for 'directions'.

And Romano was stupid enough to fall into it. Philippines sighed when there was another girls that came by, catching Romano's eyes. She sighed and felt her self-esteem drop.

"Uhm... I'm lost. Do you by any chance know where the Trevi Fountain is?" the girl asked, showing off a bright smile, with piercing Blue eyes. Romano smirked and turned to Phili.

"I'll be right back. I'll just show her the fountain." he said, leaving with the other girl faster than Phili could say anything. She sighed and watched her... Boyfriend, walk away with a girl.

Philippines just laughed at her irony. She should have known better than to ever believe that the Romano that hated her would ever come to actually love her.

She just shook her head and walked down the busy street. By the time it was night, the streets were empty and quiet. She hugged her jacket closer, the Philippines was never this cold. After all, she was a tropical country.

Arisa sighed and kicked a can on the road. "Arisa?" a deep voice said behind her. She turned around, seeing the bright eyed German.

"Oh... Germany. Hello..." she said, he smiled and walked along beside her. "Feliciano and I were looking for you and his brother. Where is he?" Germany asked.

Arisa frowned. "I don't know... He left me a few hours ago." she replied. Germany looked surprised. "I know he was a dick, but I never thought he would leave you." Germany mused.

Arisa couldn't help but let out a huff of slight humor. "He left me... For a girl." she said.

Germany's eyes got bigger. "He left you?" he asked, his face confused as ever.

"Yeah... He ditched me to show around this other girl. And, I've been walking around the whole afternoon." she replied, "Well, he's an idiot. How about we go back to Italy's house. After all, since Romano is busy, I'm sure Feliciano would show you around." Germany smiled.

Arisa gave a small smile, "Thank you, Germany." she smiled, as they walked back to Italy's house.

"Bastard! Get away from Arisa!" Romano yelled, pulling Arisa back beside him as they entered. Arisa sighed, looking away from Romano.

Romano turned to look at her, his slight annoyance toward Germany dissolving.

"Ve~ Germany, let's leave them alone." Feli said, pulling Germany out the door.

"What happened to you?" Romano yelled.

Arisa shrugged, turning away. "Gago. Ikaw naman umalis, hindi ako." she cursed him in her native language.

"What? I don't speak Tagalog, but it sounds like you just cursed!" he yelled.

Arisa's lip trembled and walked away from him, he sighed, grabbing her hand.

"Mi dispiace, amore." he said, gently pulling her back into his chest.

"Romano, you are such a dick sometimes." she mumbled in his chest.

"Yeah... I know. But that's why you love me, no?" he smiled, hugging her tightly.

"Yes... Yan dahilan kung bakit mahal kita." she replied, looking up at him, he offered his charming Italian smile before leaning don and kissing her softly, like the gentleman he could be... Deep down inside, he could even put England to shame.

"I don't know what that meant, but I'm guessing you said you loved me?" he stated. She giggled and nodded against his chest as Romano's hand rested around her waist.


For my friend, WildShinyMuDKipAppeared's birthday! :D

Sorry it's not the awesome-est, man.

Hope you liked it. :D

I almost forgot the translations. XD

(Link to her profile on my profile, you should read her fics. As Prussia would say, they are AWESOME.)

"Gago. Ikaw naman umalis, hindi ako." - Dope. You left, not me!

"Yes... Yan dahilan kung bakit mahal kita." - Yes... That's why I love you.

"Mi dispiace, amore." - I'm sorry, love.

I speak English, Filipino/Tagalog, and the basic Italian. :D


One LAST thing, to it'sjustme who reviewed this fic, if your reading this, it can be either. Because reason and why have the same meaning used this sentence. :D Thanks for reviewing though. :) And, I MIGHT make another one-shot after this. :D Or I'll just make this a two-shot.