Demyx was sitting in the Grey Room, playing a quiet melody on his sitar when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He tilted his head back till Marluxia's pink head came into sight.

"Hi Marly." Demyx said.

He straightened his head and continued to play his sitar.

"Have you seen Axel?" Marluxia asked.

"Why do you need Axel?" Demyx asked.

"He got away from me after messing with my garden, again."

"I see. Um? I think he's in a meeting right now."

"A meeting?"

"Yeah, but he should be here shortly."

Several Ow's echoed from the hall into the Grey Room, catching Marluxia's and Demyx's attention.

"That should be him." Demyx said.

Marluxia and Demyx turned to the entrance of the Grey Room as Axel shuffled in. They followed his as he shuffled his way to them, a look of pain on his face. He finally made it to the couch Demyx was sitting on and sat down, sighing in relief.

"What happened to you?" Marluxia asked.

"Zexion got his memories back." Axel answered.

"That's good." Marluxia said.

"No it's not." Axel said.

"Why not?" Demyx asked, as if he didn't know.

"Because he performed acupuncture on me." Axel growled.

"He did what?" Marluxia asked.

"Zexion woke up not only remembering who he is, but everything that happened while he didn't remember. And he was not happy about it." Axel said.

"He knows about your misuse of his illusions?"


"But was he supposed to remember what happened?" Demyx asked.

"I don't think so." Axel said.

"Did Vexen say anything about this possibility when you guys went and asked him?" Marluxia asked.

"All he said was that an amnesiac will regain their memories after a couple of hours or a few days." Axel said.

"Then that doesn't mean there isn't a possibility for him to remember what he shouldn't." Marluxia said.

"I wish he hadn't remembered. Demyx would you quit poking me!" Axel shouted.

"I wanted to know where it hurt." Demyx said.

"Everything hurts." Axel said.

"Which is odd considering acupuncture is supposed to relax you, not hurt you." Marluxia said.

"Not when a mad illusionist does it. Ow! Demyx quit it!"

Demyx started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Axel questioned.

"I'm sorry," Demyx said as he tried to control his laughter, "but, I don't know why but, I find this very funny."

Demyx continued to laugh only to be cut off when Axel lunged at him. He held out his sitar to shield himself, but had it shoved out of his hands. Axel pinned him down on the couch, holding down his hands above his head.

"Do you find this funny?" Axel asked.

"Axel should you be moving around like this? Doesn't it hurt?" Demyx asked.

"It's excruciating, but I'm tolerating it."

"That's not a good idea."

"I don't care."

"Axel let me go."


"Axel." Demyx whined.

"Axel I think your friend is here." Marluxia said.

"What friend?" Axel asked, "Uh oh."

When he glanced at Marluxia, he noticed something in the background that instantly made him release Demyx and sit up.

"Damn. How'd he find me this fast. I have to get out of here."

Axel tried to lift his arm to summon a dark portal, but cringed at the pain in his arms.

"Here, I'll do it." Demyx said, summoning a portal for Axel.


"One more thing."

Demyx surprised Axel by suddenly grabbing him in a hug. What was more surprising was that the sudden gesture didn't cause him any physical pain.

"I'm glad you're okay." Demyx whispered, and shoved him through the portal.

"There was no point in trying to help him Nine, I'm already through with him." Zexion said as he stopped next to Marluxia.

"You really are back." Marluxia said.

"Does that come as a shock to you Eleven?" Zexion asked.

"No. I was waiting for you to come back and give Axel what he deserved," Marluxia answered, "You did an awesome job."

"Flattery isn't going to make me forget what you did." Zexion said.

Marluxia twitched at that statement.

"I was not trying to flatter you." Marluxia said.

"Does sucking up sound better to you?" Zexion asked.

Marluxia crossed his arms and looked away from Zexion.

"Now that I think about it, I wish I had made you wear a flower crown the entire time instead of just the single rose for a few minutes."

"If you value your second chance at life, you will never think of that again. Nine."

Demyx jumped at the sudden call of his number, and looked up at Zexion. He tensed at his glare. The smaller body seeming to loom over him.

"You should learn to not follow what your fake emotions demand." Zexion said.

He turned and left, stopping after a couple of paces.

"But if you hadn't, I wouldn't be back. And for that I…"

He paused, and sighed.

"Thank you." he said with a hint of defeat, "Make sure this never happens again." he said with authority, and continued on his way.

Once Zexion was gone, Marluxia turned to Demyx with a questioning expression.

"What was he talking about?" he asked.

"I don't know." Demyx said as he picked up his sitar.

"You're lying." Marluxia said.

"N-no I'm not." Demyx defended as he tuned his sitar.

Marluxia reached over Demyx and yanked his sitar out of his hands. Demyx turned to protest, but was held back by Marluxia's hand on his forehead.

"You stink at lying." Marluxia said, holding Demyx's sitar away from him.

"I'm not lying." Demyx said.

"Then how come you don't look at me in the eyes when you say that?"

"Give me back my sitar!"

"Don't change the subject. Now tell me, what was Zexion talking about?"

Demyx pulled away from Marluxia's hand and huffed in annoyance.

"I, I took him to Namine." he said.

"Ah. So that's what he meant by following your emotions. You let your jealousy guide you to Namine so she can bring Zexion's memories back."

"I was not jealous."

"Again with the lies. You already told me you were jealous, so there's no point in hiding it now."


Demyx turned his back to Marluxia and crossed his arms.

"Are you pouting?" Marluxia asked.

"No I'm not." Demyx said as his cheeks turned a light pink.

Marluxia noticed Demyx's ears turning pink, and sighed, rolling his eyes as well.

"You're so weird." he said as he handed Demyx his sitar back.

Without looking at Marluxia, Demyx took his sitar and dismissed it before anything else could happen to it.

"Are you going to tell Axel what you did?" Marluxia asked.

"As if. Just like Zexion said, I had better value my second chance at life. Besides,"

He turned to Marluxia, chuckling as he did.

"wouldn't it be very amusing if we kept this between us, and had a clueless Axel?"

He chuckled again.

Marluxia smirked and shoved Demyx off the couch.

"Hey!" Demyx complained.

"You are such a kid." Marluxia said.

"I hope you mean that in a good way." Demyx said as he got up.

"There isn't any other way around you. Do you feel any guilt?"

"Absolutely none."

"This is a side I've never seen before Demyx, it's very amusing."

"Thank you." Demyx said as he beamed a smile, which Marluxia found even more amusing.

AN: *sigh* I'm finally done with this story. Now on to the next one. Heh heh. Later.

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts.