Thanks for the reviews and alerts.

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So this is the last chapter of the story. Thanks to everyone who read and reviewed.


"So I think Seth and Ayla's date went good," Kaitlynn said once they were inside Paul's house.

"Me to," he agreed.

"They were so cute together," Kaitlynn said happily.

"Adorable," Paul said rolling his eyes.

"Ok fine I'll stop talking about them," she said and he smiled and stepped closer to her but she took a step back, he took another step closer to her but she stepped back again, they kept doing this until Kaitlynn felt her back hit the wall and Paul smirked as he closed the distance between them and placed his palms against the wall on each side of her.

"I believe you're trapped," he whispered.

"Maybe I planned it that way," she said softly and looked up at him and he leaned down and kissed her lips wrapping an arm around her and pulling her closer to him so their bodies were pressed together. Paul ran his hands over her body as he slipped his tongue in her mouth and their tongues touched and battled for dominance as Paul's hands slipped to her ass and thighs, picking her up, Kaitlynn wrapped her legs around his waist and he pushed her against the wall as he kissed her neck. Kaitlynn ran her fingers through his hair and tilted her head to the side so he could reach her neck better. Paul brought his lips back to hers and carried her to his bedroom.

When he walked into the bedroom he carried her over to the bed and laid her down on it and moved on top of her placing kisses on her neck. He pulled away and ran his hands down her sides and pushed her shirt up and she lifted up so he could pull it over her head, he tossed it to the floor and then removed her bra and threw it to the floor. Kaitlynn ran her hands under Paul's shirt before pulling it over his head and throwing it to the floor. Kaitlynn ran her hands over his chest and across his abs, Paul brought his lips down to her stomach, he trailed kisses across her stomach, Kaitlynn closed her eyes and let out a moan as he kissed up her body and between her breasts. Paul ran his tongue over the nipple of her breast before taking it in her mouth and gently sucking, Kaitlynn moaned and arched into him. Paul switched to the other breast as Kaitlynn ran her hands down his chest stopping at the button on his pants and popping it open. She slid his pants over his hips and he kicked them off and Kaitlynn gave his chest a push and he rolled over pulling her with him so she was lying on top of him. Kaitlynn leaned down and pressed her lips to his chest, Paul closed his eyes and moaned as he ran his hands down her body. He unbuttoned her jeans and slid them off her body so they were both naked. Paul grabbed her hips and went to roll over but Kaitlynn sat up and placed her hands on his chest.

"No," she told him and he looked up at her shocked.

"Seriously?" he asked surprised.


"You're sure?"

"Positive," she told him and ran her hands down his body and took him in her hand moving her hand up and down and over the tip of his member.

"Damn," Paul moaned.

Kaitlynn placed one hand on his chest holding him in the other. Paul grabbed her hips and guided her down and he slid inside her, they both moaned. Kaitlynn began to move up and down slowly at first with Paul holding her hips helping her move, Kaitlynn leaned down and began moving her hips in circles.

"god," Paul moaned as she continued to moved her hips in circles. "Damn baby that feels so good," he moaned.

"I know," she groaned out as she sat up and Paul guided her up and down again. Both of them were breathless as Paul sat up and Kaitlynn wrapped her legs around his waist and she started rocking back and forth, Paul leaned forward and kissed her as her hips moved forward to meet his. Both of them were panting and breathless when Kaitlynn and Paul finally fell onto the bed next to each other.

The next morning when Kaitlynn woke up she was staring into a pair of beautiful brown eyes.

"Morning," she said as she sat up.

"Morning," Paul smiled. "I love you," he said and she smiled.

"I love you to," she told him. "Lets go have breakfast."

Over the next month Seth and Ayla's relationship was getting stronger. He had brought her around to meet the rest of the pack and everyone immediately liked her. He had finally told her about him being a wolf and that she was his imprint and soul mate. After a few days of freaking out and avoiding Seth she finally talked to him and now things couldn't be better between them. Even Ayla's dad became more accepting of Seth and even started to let them go on dates alone, it seemed he finally realized Ayla truly loved Seth and that Seth wasn't going anywhere.

A year later

Kaitlynn started college a double major in psychology and sociology. It was a lot of work but she was doing well and getting good grades and actually enjoying it for now. Kaitlynn had also moved in with Paul before she started college and things couldn't be better between them. She was happy with Paul. Of course she also thought Paul would have asked her to marry him by now as well but he hadn't. So when she walked in the door after school that night she wasn't expecting the surprise Paul had in store for her.

Paul was at home waiting for Kaitlynn to arrive. He had spent over an hour getting things ready for them tonight. He had gotten Emily to fix them something for dinner since he was no good in the kitchen. Emily had made baked Parmesan chicken, green beans and rolls. He had it on the table ready because he knew Kaitlynn would walk in any minute. He took a deep breath as he looked around and took the velvet box out of his pocket and opened it, Kaitlynn's engagement ring. He really hoped she liked it, the only reason he hadn't already asked Kaitlynn to marry him was because he was saving up for this ring and he had finally got it yesterday. Paul smiled as he heard her car pull up and he shoved the box back in her pocket and picked up a long stem red rose lying beside him on the couch.

Kaitlynn opened the door and walked inside and Paul stood up from the couch.

"Paul," Kaitlynn said and he walked over and handed her the rose.

"Thank you," she said and he leaned down and kissed her lips.

"I love you," he said and she smiled.

"I love you to."

"Dinner might be a little late," she told him.

"Dinner is already on the table," he said softly and she looked shocked.

"Really?" she asked and he nodded.

"Come on," he said and took her hand in his and led her to the kitchen. When Kaitlynn walked into the kitchen she couldn't believe what she was seeing. The kitchen was dimly lit and there was a single lit candle in the middle of the table and a red rose in a white vase. The table also had rose petals scattered over it.

"Wow," she whispered.

"You like it?" he asked.

"Yes," she smiled and Paul led her over to her chair and pulled it out for her and she sat down and he pushed her up to the table and went around to sit down in his seat. "It looks great," she told him and he smiled.

"Well I know it will taste good, Emily cooked it not me." Kaitlynn smiled and picked up her fork and started to eat.

After dinner Paul led Kaitlynn into the living room and they sat on the couch.

"Kaitlynn you know I love you more than I've ever loved anyone. That I would do anything for you," he told her. "You're my soul mate, my best friend," he told her and she smiled. "I've never been happier than I am when I'm with you," he said and stood up and reached into his pocket and pulled out a box and got down on one knee. "Will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?"

Kaitlynn looked down at the ring and touched it, it was so beautiful.

"Yes!" she exclaimed. "Yes I'll marry you," she exclaimed and Paul smiled and slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her. Kaitlynn looked at her ring, it was silver with round diamonds around the band with a princess cut diamond in the middle. It just sparkled when the lights hit it.

"Its so beautiful Paul," she said. "I love it." she told him and leaned over and kissed his lips again. "I can't wait to show everyone my ring to," she said and held out her hand and looked at it and smiled. "I love you Paul," she said softly.

Six Months Later

Paul found himself standing in front of a small gathering of people for his wedding to Kaitlynn. The guys stood with him. Kim and Emily were Kaitlynns bridesmaids and they were dressed in floor length strapless dark blue dresses. The music started and Kaitlynn and her dad made their way down the aisle. Paul couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was wearing a white floor length ball gown type dress. It was strapless, the bodice had beading all over it, there was also beading along the bottom of the skirt, the back also laced up and had beading down the center. She carried a cascading bouquet of pink lilies and white and blue orchids. Kaitlynn's dad placed her hand in Paul's and then took his seat. The minister stepped up in front of them.

"We are gathered here today to join Paul Lahote and Kaitynn Jones in holy matrimony." he began. "If there is anyone here that can show just cause as to why these two should not be joined together let them speak now or forever hold their peace," he said and looked up as everyone else looked around. "Kaitlynn and Paul have prepared their own vows and will exchange them at this time," he said. "Kaitlynn."

"If anyone had told me when I moved back here that I would be standing here marrying Paul Lahote I would have thought they were crazy," she said and Paul smiled. "We didn't exactly get along my first time here." she went on. "But now not being here with you and not loving you and not marrying you, that's what seems crazy." she smiled. "You're not just my husband, you're my best friend, my soul mate, the one person I know I can be completely honest with and I love you more than I thought I could ever love someone and I can't wait to start the rest of my life with you."

"Paul," the minister said.

"I think everyone here knows what kind of guy I was before you came back into my life." he said. "Not the best guy in the world," he added. "But as I got to know you better and spend time with you, I found out how amazing you really were, I never thought I would love someone as much as I love you Shortcake but I love you so much," he told her and a tear ran down Kaitlynn's cheek. "You're my best friend to and my soul mate and now my wife and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life loving you and making you happy," he told her.

"Ok do you have the rings."

"Yes," Paul said and Emily stepped up and gave Kaitlynn Paul's ring.

"Ok Kaitlynn repeat after me."

"Paul, today, tomorrow and for the rest of my days."

"Paul, today, tomorrow and for the rest of my days," she said.

"I promise to stand beside you, To dance with you in times of joy To lift you up in times of sadness."

"I Promise to stand beside you, to dance with you in times of joy, to lift you up in times of sadness." Kaitlynn said softly.

"To rejoice with you in times of health, To comfort you in times of illness I promise to turn to you for solace, for encouragement, and for inspiration."

"To rejoice with you in times of health, To comfort you in times of illness I promise to turn to you for solace, for encouragement, and for inspiration" she said as tears ran down her cheeks."

"I promise to be faithful and true to you, I promise to shower you with love and affection. Every joyous and blessed day, for the rest of our lives."

"I promise to be faithful and true to you, I promise to shower you with love and affection. Every joyous and blessed day, for the rest of our lives." she said and slipped the ring on his finger.

"Ok Paul," he said and Jacob stepped up and handed the ring to Paul.

"Kaitlynn, today, tomorrow and for the rest of my days."

"Kaitlynn, today, tomorrow and for the rest of my days," Paul said.

"I promise to stand beside you, To dance with you in times of joy To lift you up in times of sadness."

"I Promise to stand beside you, to dance with you in times of joy, to lift you up in times of sadness." Paul smiled

"To rejoice with you in times of health, To comfort you in times of illness I promise to turn to you for solace, for encouragement, and for inspiration."

"To rejoice with you in times of health, To comfort you in times of illness I promise to turn to you for solace, for encouragement, and for inspiration" he said and he saw tears running down Kaitlynns cheeks.

"I promise to be faithful and true to you, I promise to shower you with love and affection. Every joyous and blessed day, for the rest of our lives."

"I promise to be faithful and true to you, I promise to shower you with love and affection. Every joyous and blessed day, for the rest of our lives." he said and slipped the band on her finger.

"Ok now by the power vested in me I now pronounce you man and wife," he said. "Paul you may now…" he said but Paul took Kaitlynn's face gently in his hands and kissed her lips. "Kiss your bride," he finished. "Kaitlynn slid her arms around Paul's neck as they continued to kiss. Paul finally pulled away and they made their way down the aisle as husband and wife.

A Year and a half later

Paul was holding Kaitlynns hand in the delivery room.

"Come on baby you can do it," Paul whispered as he held her hand in his.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Kaitlynn yelled, Paul brushed her hair away from her forehead.

"We're almost there," he said.

"What do you mean we," she snapped. "I'm the one trying to push a person out of my body!" she yelled again.

"You're almost there Kaitlynn, just one more push and your baby will be out," the doctor said and Kaitlynn pushed again and a few seconds later they heard a baby cry.

"It's a boy," the doctor said and Paul smiled as Kaitlynn laid down on the bed. Paul kissed her forehead. "We'll get him cleaned and you can hold him," the doctor said.

"A boy," Paul smiled and Kaitlynn let out a sigh.

"Do you have a name picked out yet?" the nurse asked as she brought him over.

"Alexander James," she told her.

"Alexander James Lahote," Paul said. "I like it." he added as the nurse handed Kaitlynn the baby.

"He's so cute," Kaitlynn sighed. "I can't believe we're parents."

"Me either shortcake," Paul said as he ran a finger across his son's cheek.

A few days later Paul and Kaitlynn brought baby Alex home. The took him up to the nursery and laid the sleeping baby in his crib. Paul wrapped an arm around Kaitlynn and she laid her head on his chest. Neither one of them had ever been happier, they had each other and a beautiful baby boy to love. When Kaitlynn moved Back to La Push with her dad she never imagined she would find her soul mate and find happiness in the one place she thought she never wanted to be. It turned out that La Push was the one place she always should have been, that held the one person she was going to spend the rest of her life with.


Thanks again to everyone who read and reviewed. Hope you liked it.