Chapter 8
Flaming rocks spit out of the crevasses surrounding the rock platform. More came raining down from the cave ceiling.
Fire erupted from cracks in the ground. Smoke filled the air.
It was as if the whole world were burning and crumbling to the ground.
Hiccup looked around. There were no ground level exits. The cavern would soon collapse on him and his friend.
Water began rushing in below him. Which would get them first? The water, or the fire? Hiccup went over these two horrible options in his head.
Toothless thought of all their escape options. He could not think of any.
The Creature, Perseus, had destroyed his independent tail attachment. Flight was impossible. Even if it was, He was far too weak to fly.
Hiccup looked at his friend. "Well…I couldn't think of anyone better to die next to." He shrugged. Tears came to his eyes.
Suddenly a screeching tore through the sound of crumbling rock and burning embers. Toothless looked up.
Orpheus. His father had returned. He circled around before touching down ahead of them.
He looked at the lifeless body of his elder son. He froze for a moment.
Then he bowed his head. Tears formed in his eyes.
"I had no choice father." Toothless murmured.
Orpheus nodded. "I know. But no time for that now. We have to get out of here."
Toothless gestured. "The boy goes first."
Orpheus walked over to Hiccup. Hiccup closed his eyes, expecting no less that swift death. Orpheus extended a wing and gestured to his back.
Hiccup cautiously climbed onto the old dragon's back.
Orpheus then grabbed onto his son's wings. He groaned as he lifted them off from the rock platform.
Toothless took one last look at his brother. Then the platform collapsed into the crevasse.
Orpheus flew them out towards the opening. Hiccup grimaced as the sun hit his face. He put his hands over his eyes.
In the distance, Stoick watched from the lead ship. He watched the flames and smoke billowing from the island.
He closed his eyes. He didn't want to think about the boys.
He couldn't comprehend Hiccup and Toothless dying on that island.
Suddenly up from behind the island, he saw it. The two dragons, one holding the other in it's grip, flying off. The outline of a small boy on it's back. Stoick and his men cheered.
Orpheus touched down on a large rock a mile from the cove. Hiccup got off his back and embraced Toothless. "We made it buddy! We made it!"
Toothless let out a small yelp of joy. Then he turned somberly to his father.
"He was in pain. He would have died a slow, agonizing death. I had to remove him from his misery."
Orpheus looked down at the ground. Then he looked at the crumbling island. "Perseus spent much of his life in agony. His only way to alleviate the pain was vengeance."
He sighed. "And I helped him. Because my love for him blinded me. My greatest failure was that I could not see what he was becoming. His fight was not only with the humans. He wanted vengeance with the world that had taken so much from him."
There was a silence between them. Then Orpheus continued.
"It wasn't your fault."
Orpheus eyed him sadly. "All those years ago. When the humans destroyed his face. It was my fault. Not yours."
Toothless shook his head. "I could have saved him…"
"Had you tried, you would have been killed. I should not have left you two alone. I could've scared away the humans."
The aged lines on his face drooped. He looked like not but a sorrowful shell of the proud dragon he had been.
Suddenly he turned to Hiccup. He began speaking in perfect English.
"I have misjudged humanity. For that, young sir, I apologize. Your father saved my life in battle today. I owe your family a debt that I promise I shall repay."
He turned to fly away. "It would seem my son, Theseus, wishes to stay with you. Take care of him boy."
With that Orpheus extended his wings and flew away. In the distance, the island shuddered, and collapsed beneath the waves, taking Odom, and most of the Rogues with it.
There was a pause. Then Hiccup looked at Toothless. "Theseus?"
Toothless shrugged. Hiccup chuckled. "I think I like Toothless better."
Hiccup looked out and saw the lead ship of the Viking fleet heading in their direction. He smiled. Time to go home.
Toothless wandered aimlessly through the forests of Berk. He remembered all early encounters with Hiccup. He went to the small pond where he had crashed years ago. This was his home now.
He looked at some of the bushes. Suddenly he heard a rustling. He trudged forward, extending his teeth, ready for a fight.
Toothless pushed his head through the bush. He paused.
Before him stood two baby dragons. They were Night Furies. He looked at the two roughhouse and roll around on the grassy forest floor.
"Get off!" The younger one shouted. Toothless watched the older dragon smile and get off.
"As you wish Theseus." The dragon said. "I hope these humans aren't any trouble. I wanna get this over with. After this we get to go on our own hunt! Can you believe it? Our very own hunt. No father. Just the two of us."
"Just focus on the task at hand." Theseus said. "Father's not gonna be happy if we mess this up and get killed or something."
The older dragon rolled his eyes. "We won't. I already know my future."
"Yeah right."
The older dragon laughed. "No really. I had a vision."
Theseus looked frightened. "We aren't supposed to have those yet. You should tell father."
The older dragon shrugged. "He doesn't need to know."
Theseus's expression changed to restrained excitement. "So what was your vision?"
The older dragon smiled. "Promise you won't tell?"
"I'm gonna be a hero Theseus." The older child whispered. "And so are you. We're going to be the two greatest dragons ever to live. Fathers will tell their children stories about us."
A tear came to Toothless's eye as he watched his brother deliver these words. He walked towards them as they embraced.
He couldn't take it anymore. He closed his eyes. When he opened them, the two baby dragons were gone. Tears filled his eyes.
"I swear to you brother. If there had been any other way…I wouldn't have…"
He trailed off. He stayed there for a moment, alone with his memories.
Toothless turned. Hiccup was calling for him. He turned without hesitation and ran after the boy. He forced the tears from his eyes.
It was time to leave the past behind. The boy was his brother now.
The End