Return of Persia

Turkey didn't know why England wanted him to come over, it was odd and made him leery; but, in the end, he decided the harm was likely minimal. When he arrived at the representative of the United Kingdom's home, he hadn't expected the door to open so quickly or for a scowling redheaded man to grab him and drag him in against his protests. What he expected even less was to come face to face with a man he hadn't seen in over a thousand years; his knees going uncommonly weak, he slumps into the door frame and stares at the seated man. "Baba?" He whispers.

The man smiles thinly, "Alo Ionia." He greets. When his descendant is not quick enough to respond, he frowns and snaps, "Are you going to only stare at me?"

"I-" Turkey let's his eyes dart to the hall and sees no one. "Can you leave?"

Getting up from his spot, the slightly taller man smooths the wrinkles from his newly bought pants. "Yes, I can."

"Good," The Turkish man sighs, "We can take the first flight out of here."

"Flight?" The other mutters questioningly.

Turkey cracks a hesitant grin. "Ah, it seems so normal to me...I'm going to be explaining a lot of things, aren't I?" He remarks.

The taller man at his side gives a single decisive nod. "You will," he agrees, "Begin now, the Persian Empire may be gone; but, I am still it's embodiment and wish to be informed on all happenings and things of importance." He tells his son.

Turkey pauses. "A plane's a bit hard to explain," he admits, "But, it's transportation like a cart or boat...but, instead of using the ground or water to get somewhere; we use the sky. It flies like a bird." He elaborates, voice hushed.

Persia's voice is wistful. "That does sound quite amazing, it really does fly? Flies us?"

Turkey grins, a bit of his confidence coming from his ex-guardian's amicable mood. "Oh yeah it does! It flies a ton of people at a time!"

The ancient nation grins back at his enthusiasm, Turkey hopes his decent mood lasts.

Unlocking the front door, Turkey doesn't expect to see TRNC across the threshold barefoot and eating his grapes. But, before he can get his wits about him, Persia pushes past to see what's caused his ex-ward to stop. Cocking an eyebrow, he looks to Turkey. "So, who's this?" He asks.

"And who's this guy?" The boy pipes up, smiling his way.

Running a hand down the back of his head, Turkey sighs. "I-This is TRNC, baba and TRNC this is Persia."

"Isn't Persia dead?" The Republic inquires, looking doubtfully at the man who's tensed beside him.

Taking a miniscule step ahead of the ancient nation-just in case, Turkey hesitates as how to answer. "No," he shakes his head; however, he quickly corrects himself with, "Well, not right now, he isn't."

Eyes glancing between the two, TRNC seems to pick up the strain on Turkey and the irritation on Persia's face. "Why's that?" He asks.

Turkey, of course, doesn't know; though, it's not a problem because Persia answers for him. "We were summoned alive once more from the other side."

"Oh," the child mumbles.

Silence prevailing, the Turkish man decides now is the best time to question the boy about why he's here. "What brought you here TRNC? You didn't tell me you were coming." He prompts.

The younger nation's cheeks redden. "Cyprus was being a jerk," he explains.

"I'm not sure this is the best for you to be over-"

"Please don't make me go home! Please?" He begs, pouting up at the taller male. The Turkish man sighs, he likes TRNC; really. He's way better than that first bunch of brats he kept around and this one actually wants to be around him. He'd hate for the kid to stop coming around; glancing back to the hopeful face, he feels himself cave.

"Alright, just 'til the weekend, got it?" He tells the boy.

"Yeah!" TRNC cheers.

"Your quite soft, aren't you?" Persia remarks.

Glancing sides ways at the older man, Turkey considers him. "You were too once," he reminds him.

A smile not at all kind slices across the ancient nation's face. "Until you proved my affection was a waste," he bites. "Now, show me to your kitchen; I wish to eat." He demands of his ex-ward.

Turkey hurries to show the man, the boy he enjoys at his and his father's heels.

"This is it," Turkey says, showing the man around the room.

"No cooks?" Persia frowns in disapproval.

"I quite like cooking actually," Turkey replies; stiffly pulling out meat from the fridge.

Toying with the nob on the oven, the older male hums. "That's rather effeminate of you, isn't it Ionia?"

TRNC, who's tired of this man insulting the one person who recognizes him as an equal; bursts forth, "That's a lie!" He cries, "Turkey's an awesome cook! You'll see!"

Laughing, Persia looks to Ionia; "He's quite lively, isn't he?"

Seeing the almost merry twinkle in his father's eyes, the Turkish man nods. "He is," he agrees, cracking a small smile.

The boy still scowls warily at the unfamiliar nation, but realizes his foul mood is dissipating; so, finally looking away from him since Turkey and he returned, he pleads with Turkey, "Make some ashure, won't you?"

Pausing in cutting of Kıvırcık, the older nation taps one hand on the counter. "Check to see if we have chick peas in the fridge," he requests.

Eagerly, he does so. "We do!" He exclaims, gazing expectantly at Turkey.

Nodding, the other nation goes back to chopping the meat. "Gather everything we need up for me, would you?" He implores.

From where he sat at the kitchen table, Persia smiles faintly. "He's like you were when you were young," he comments.

Slowing in his work, the Turkish man murmurs, "Is he?"

Chuckling, the ancient nation leans back in his chair. "Yes, he's very eager and has you wrapped around his finger-like you had me." The man elaborates.

Turkey gives a small shake of his head. "I don't know, he's not nearly as mean-spirited as I was..." He fades off, moving to the stove to scrape the mutton into a pan.

From where he's been toying with the ingredients for ashure, TRNC levels this intruding man with a curious stare. "Turkey was like me?" He asks.

Waving a hand to the chair across from him, Persia grins. "I have a number of stories about Ionia," he offers.

Gaze flickering to the child's uncertain face, the older nation urges, "Go on, you'll like them." It was probably true too, he'd been a real troublemaker. Not all that different from the boy, really-except maybe less successful; depending on who you asked. With one last glance his way, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus listens.

Taking a seat, The boy leans in on his elbows and demands, "Tell me only the best ones."

Persia laughs, "You've spoiled him Ionia!" Turkey chuckles quietly, he hopes this goodwill carries; he'd hate for TRNC to witness Persia in a rage. Sneaking a peak over his shoulder at the duo, the man's reminded of his father's soft spot for children. As long as the boy stays, his presence might just be more than bearable (maybe even pleasant).

I've wanted to do Turkey for a very long time and I think I have something I finally like. Now, I know up until now, all of the nations have been happy to see their "parents", but if I'm to be realistic, that can't be true for everyone. Now, I'll explain just a bit about Turkey's history. At a point, Turkey was under the rule of the Persian Empire and during the Persian's rule, a city-Ionia-which was located in Turkey revolted due to crappy leaders. Now, let's say Persia was a pretty okay parent before the rebellion and after he turned pretty mean because he doesn't trust Ionia (Turkey) any longer. So, his return from the other side isn't exactly a happy occasion.

Also, Ashure is a traditional dessert of Turkey and Kıvırcık is a type of sheep/mutton in Turkey that's considered to be the best, lastly, Baba means dad/father and alo is hello.

Thank you guys for reading and everyone please review! :)