Chapter 15: In Which There Is a First Date

"Dude. When I said that you should try to date her, I didn't mean that you should get your ass kicked multiple times in order to try to earn her forgiveness or something. Seriously, bro, what exactly are you tryin' to prove here? That you're a good person, or what?" Lars demanded impatiently, offering Søren an icepack that he'd fetched out of the freezer.

"Fuck you, man. You just… you don't get it," Søren swore as he took the icepack from Lars. He winced from the sudden cold as he placed it over his re-blackened eye.

"No, I don't. I did the bet too, but I don't think anybody other than Marion Bonnefoy has tried to win her over as much as you're doing now. And the only reason Marion's tried so much is because she hates backing down from a challenge."

"What's your point?"

"I don't think she's worth all the effort you're putting into this. You're trying too damn hard, man."

"Yeah, that's where you're wrong. She is worth it," Søren insisted fiercely.

"She's worth getting your ass kicked. Multiple times."

"I gave as good as I got, you fuckass."

"Right. That's why Oxenstierna came away clean, and you probably rebroke your ribs or something," Lars said dryly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Dude, I don't need an angry Tino on my hands. That is the very last thing I want. Actually, 'm pretty sure that that's the last thing anybody wants. And I didn't rebreak my ribs, 'cause nothin' cracked this time. An' he didn't leave totally unharmed!"

"Yeah, a bruised cheekbone is not exactly a badass injury."

"I'm pretty sure I cracked his jaw, too. Somethin' cracked."

"Okay, look, I don't give a shit if you beat him up. The point is, I don't think that Nora is worth all this effort you're putting in. Just – just give it up, man."

"Nope. Not happening."

"She's not worth it. What do you even see in her, anyway? She's a cold, heartless bitch."

Søren glared up at Lars, fury blazing in his good eye. "She's not heartless."

"Really? How do you even begin to explain the bet, then? She dumps guys without even a second thought, doesn't feel anything like guilt after she does. C'mon, man, look at what she did to you! She doesn't give a shit about anybody but herself."

"Her dad asked her to start it before he died. It was his way of making sure a guy was good enough for her without actually being around."

"Doesn't explain how she can just throw guys away like they're meaningless to her."

"How do you know that's what she does? How do you know that she doesn't feel anything when she dumps them? Can you read her mind now, Cullen?" Søren asked mockingly, grinning humourlessly as Lars bristled in indignation (he never appreciated being made fun of for looking quite a bit like Robert Pattinson). "She's not emotionless, any more than you are. She's just really good at hiding how she feels. Like you. Like Berwald. Like – well, half the people we know, really, when ya think about it."

Lars scowled at Søren for a long few moments, his hazel eyes simmering with the faintest traces of anger. "Fuck you."

"I'd rather you didn't. I like you, man, but I don't like you that much."

"Seriously, Søren, stop kidding around. She's not worth it."

"She is worth it! You just don't see it because – I dunno, you never got over her dumping your ass. Or something."

"She did the same thing to you! Or have you already forgotten?"

Søren rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. "No, I haven't, but you're forgetting that I deserved it."

"Holy shit," Lars breathed, clearly shocked, "You're actually in love with her, aren't you?"

Søren considered this for a minute or two before answering quietly. "I… yeah. I think so. Pretty sure. All the songs're makin' sense, and apparently that's when you know. At least, that's what Marion says."

"I can't believe you. You dated her for what, two months, not counting the initial period?"

"It was three and a half months, not two. What's your point? It took you less time for that to fall for Maddie."

"I wasn't going after Madds for a bet," Lars said pointedly, crossing his arms over his chest. "Also, it's pretty damn creepy that you kept track."

"It's not creepy ! I had to. Six months of dating meant winning the bet. But, look, just 'cause I wanted the cash first doesn't mean I didn't fall for her after that. It wasn't about the money by the end of it."

"You are such a cliché," Lars sighed, scoffing quietly in disgust.

"Your mom is a cliché," Søren retorted childishly as he adjusted the icepack slightly, feeling slightly wounded by Lars' disbelief in him.

LadyleFae13: I know you're not on right now, but there's something you ought to know…

17: Actually, I am, but not for much longer.

17: So… what's up? Make it quick, please, I still haven't done my makeup.

LadyleFae13: Soren's still trying to win you back.

LadyleFae13: Also makeup? Really?

17: … I…. already knew that…?

17: And, yes, makeup. Apparently I need to "look nice". For a "surprise".
17: And he knows that I HATE surprises.

LadyleFae13: I know you do, too. And before you ask, NO I DO NOT KNOW ANYTHING.

17: Damn it all. I was hoping you did.

LadyleFae13: Sorry. You know I don't really get along with him. ANYWAY.

LadyleFae13: He's REALLY trying to win you back.

LadyleFae13: Like, apologising to everyone he's hurt in the past four years to make himself look better in your eyes.

LadyleFae13: that's how hard he's trying.

17: and your point is?

LadyleFae13: that includes Berwald.

17: … I call bullshit.
17: There's no way. He and Berwald HATE each other.

17: I would think that not even I could change that.

LadyleFae13: I'm serious!

17: And where did you get this information from?

LadyleFae13: Tino.

LadyleFae13: He tried calling you, but apparently to no avail?

17: … Oh. So he did.

LadyleFae13: He said he left you a voicemail. He only called me because he thought you might be here, getting ready.

LadyleFae13: Which, obviously, you're not.

17: So… it's definitely true, then.

LadyleFae13: Yeah.

17: That… definitely wasn't the kind of info I was looking to find out before my real first date with Eirik.

LadyleFae13: … I know, and I'm truly sorry, Nora.

LadyleFae13: I just thought that you should know sooner rather than later.

17: … I really could have waited to know about this.

17: But… thanks for telling me, I guess.

LadyleFae13: Best of luck on your date, Nora.

17: Thanks.

17: I'll talk to you later, I guess.

Eirik nervously tugged at the sleeves of his button down shirt, making sure that the edges were just peeking out of his jacket sleeves, anxiously pacing back and forth the whole while.

He wondered if wearing his Chucks would be too over-the-top for his look. He'd already spiked his hair up properly, and it didn't help that the only suit he owned was pinstriped. He didn't want Nora to think he was deliberately trying to look like the 10th Doctor.

… Even though he was, kind of. Not that he'd admit it, if she asked. Probably.

His thoughts were violently interrupted by Nora knocking quietly on his door. "Eirik? You ready to go?"

"Uh, yeah, almost, just a sec!" he said, panicking slightly, searching around for his dress shoes. After a minute he decided to forget about that option and just pulled on his Converse, taking deep breaths as he did so to calm his rapidly fraying nerves. He tied his shoelaces quickly, then got up and opened the door, his jaw dropping slightly at the sight of her.

She looked gorgeous – well, not that she didn't always look gorgeous to him, but she was especially so tonight, with her hair halfway pinned back with an old, ornate silver cross pin and curled up into loose ringlets and wearing a dark blue dress that really showed off her curves.

It halfway made him want to stay home and not have to share her with anyone else. Ever.

"Oh, good, I was wondering how much longer you were going to be. You look… nice," she said quietly, idly twirling a strand of her hair, like she always did when she was anxious.

"I – uhm, thank you, I think? You look – uhm, you look really amazing," he replied, smiling nervously at her.

"Mm, thanks. So, was it your goal to look like the Doctor, or did it just happen that way?" she asked teasingly, still fiddling with her hair.

"It just – kind of happened that way? I couldn't find my dress shoes, or I'd be wearing them," he said mournfully, staring down at his feet awkwardly.

"It's okay, I'm not complaining or anything! I was just wondering. Really. You look really good. If you're the Doctor, then… well, I suppose I can be your Rose, for tonight at least."

He stared at her for a long few minutes, completely stunned. "I – What? But you never – just, what?"

"You heard me."

"I thought – wait a minute. You're just trying to get me to spill what we're doing tonight, aren't you?" he asked, glaring at her suspiciously.

She sighed, clearly disappointed. "I almost had you there for a second, too. Damn it all."

"I told you that it was a surprise."

"With real confetti this time? The good stuff?"

"No, no confetti," he answered, slipping his wallet into his jacket pocket. "Now, c'mon, or we're gonna miss our train."

"… So we're going into the city, then?"

"Yeah. And that's the most you're going to get out of me. You've got your ID, right?" he asked, grabbing his coat off the coat rack as he made his way out the door, shrugging it on as he headed outside.

"Yeah, I've got it. You're sure you can't tell me any more than that?" she wheedled as she pulled on her heavy blue wool trench coat, a slight whine in her voice.

"I'm sure, Nora."

"C'mon, Eirik, please? You know how much I hate surprises…"

"Look, I promise you'll be okay, okay? It's a good surprise," he tried to assure her, looking up at her from the bottom of the stairs.

"There's no such thing," Nora declared, pouting at him.

"Sure there is. Now, c'mon, let's go."

"Not until you tell me what we're doing."

"Nora, c'mon, what are you, five? Look, we're taking a train into the city. You now know one step of the plan. Can we go now?"

"… Fine. I don't see why you can't just tell me what we're doing."

"I told you, that would ruin the surprise!" He groaned, shoving his hands in his pockets. "We're gonna miss the train, and if we do, that'll pretty much ruin everything I've got planned."

"Oh, fine," she sighed, pulling her keys out of her coat pocket and handing them over to him. "Promise you'll tell me as soon as you can?"

"I'll see what I can do."

"You're – oh my god, Eirik, you're taking me to see Phantom?" Nora asked excitedly, her voice barely audible over the crowd congregating in front of the doors.

"Yeah. They had student rush tickets, and I just – I figured that it was a good option…"

"It's absolutely perfect, Eirik. You're just… how did I get so lucky?"

"I have no idea. So, it's a good surprise, then?"

"It's brilliant. I'm sorry for doubting you."

"It's fine, Nora. I'm just glad you're happy," he said, slowly moving to grab her hand.

"It's Phantom, Eirik. Of course I'm happy about it!"

"Oh, good. I was - I was kind of worried about it. Really worried about it, actually."

"Well, you did brilliantly. Best official first date I've ever been on, and it's barely started," she gushed, bouncing lightly on the balls of her feet in happiness.

Eirik stared at her with a mix of happiness and shock. "Y-you mean it?"

"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it, Eirik."

"Oh. Right. Duh. Sorry, I'm kind of stupid. I'm glad you're happy about it, though," he muttered, giving her hand a light squeeze.

"It's all right. You're allowed a few moments of stupidity. So what time does the box office open? It's kind of freezing out, and also starting to snow," she complained, looking up at the sky with distaste.

"Should be any time now. Don't start with the whining, or I'm going to take you home," he threatened, nudging her lightly with his elbow.

"I'm not going to start whining! I'm just saying, it's cold and it's snowing. Neither are exactly favourable conditions for waiting in line," she stated, nudging him back.

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't start, okay?"

Nora rolled her eyes dramatically and let out a small sigh. "Okay, fine. I'll try not to."

"That's all I need."

"Hey, the line's starting to move! Finally!" she yelled happily, jumping up in down in excitement.

"Brilliant powers of deduction, my dear. Next you'll be solving murders and wearing a goofy hat with earflaps," he said dryly, grinning at her wryly.

"I am not going to start wearing a deerstalker, Eirik. That's completely ridiculous. I'm not Sherlock Holmes."

"That's good. Those hats are stupid, anyway. You ready for this?"
"Never been more ready in my life, Eirik. Thank you so much for this," she gushed, staring up at the sign with nothing but pure, unadulterated glee in her eyes.

He grinned back at her, bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet. "You're welcome, Nora."

"So, what'd you think, then?" Eirik asked quietly, entwining his fingers with Nora's as they walked out of the theatre.

"It was brilliant! I knew it was going to be, of course, I mean it's Phantom, but – god, the sets were absolutely brilliant! I mean the whole staircase scene – god, what I would do to get behind the scenes and see how that works, and I don't even like math and physics! And the costumes, oh my god, they were absolutely gorgeous – I'm sorry. I'm babbling, aren't I?"

"You are," he confirmed, grinning at her. "That's okay, though. It's cute."

"I guess the point is… this was perfect, Eirik. Thank you," she murmured, kissing him lightly on the cheek and squeezing his hand gently at the same time.

"You're welcome, Nora. I'm glad you liked it."

"Liking it is an understatement. Seriously – this was the best first date ever."

"Better than Søren's?"

"God, so much better than his. I mean, come on, he took me to Thor."

"Oh, god, I forgot about that."

"Thought you might have."

A/N: And out of nowhere, after months and months of no activity, comes an update!
I'd blame life happening, but... well, the truth is, it's hard to write for a high school AU when you're in your second year of college.
I'm seriously going to finish this up for Nanowrimo, though. Maybe two more chapters, and I'm calling it done.