I already hinted at this, so without further ado I give you the final part of this story. Enjoy.

Not being able to use one arm proved to be a lot of trouble in every day life and Dean spent so much time at Cas' place that he practically moved in without either of them making a conscious decision about this. When finally Cas was allowed to use his arm again a few weeks later Dean just stayed. It felt natural and right and even though he still kept his apartment he was never there anymore.

Gradually Sam had been using his apartment more and more when he wanted to spent time with Jess. The dorm wasn't really that private and after having met her and having seen how much in love Sam and Jess were Dean had gladly allowed them to use the apartment. Now, months later, Sam had moved into the apartment completely. He had just finished getting his stuff there from the dorm room and he and Jess were still dating and it seemed to be something serious.

Dean was very happy that things had worked out so well for both him and Sam and it was also nice to have his brother living so close. They got to see each other much more than before and they had also gone out on a few double dates which had been great fun. It had been a crazy year since he had first met Cas but things had worked out well.

"Good morning." Dean smiled at his lover when Cas finally woke up from the smell of breakfast and slowly sat up in bed with tousled hair and his eyes still almost shut. Dean had already been up for a while preparing breakfast for them, among other things.

"Mornin'." Cas replied sleepily but his mood lifted at once when Dean came over to kiss him properly awake.

"Do you know what day it is?" Dean asked a few minutes and several kisses later, his voice laced with excitement that Cas couldn't place just yet.

"Sure. Today is Claire's wedding. But there is still some time till we have to leave." Cas answered and tried to pull Dean back into bed with him.

"Yes, that too. But there's something else as well." Dean grinned as he resisted Cas' puppy dog eyes with some difficulty. But there was something he wanted to show Cas before they left for the wedding and if he let himself being pulled back to bed for cuddling that certainly wouldn't happen.

He pulled his arm free of Cas' grasp and went back to the kitchen, smiling as he heard the soft footsteps of Cas' bare feet as he followed Dean.

"So what else is today that is so important that made you force me to get out of bed?" Cas asked when he sat down at the table, looking over at Dean who leaned against the counter.

"A year ago today was the college party where we met for the first time." Dean explained and Cas' blue eyes widened at the terror of having forgotten about this. But then he had always assumed they had pretty much forgotten about the events before he had moved into this apartment and invited Dean for the house warming party. And that day's anniversary was still a while away.

"Don't worry about it. I know I agreed to a new start." Dean told him as if he knew what Cas had been thinking, which was probably the case because he was sure his face clearly mirrored his thoughts. Then he picked up a medium sized box and put it on the table in front of Cas.

"Dean, you shouldn't haveā€¦" he said, feeling even worse now.

"It's not what you think. Not exactly at least. Open it." Dean encouraged and Cas gingerly lifted the lid off the box. Dean had been right, this was not what he had expected, not that he had really expected anything to begin with. But he could never have expected this because it was self made and absolutely unique, even if the idea for it might not be that unique.

'It' was a wooden board that had a bottle attached to it in the middle, a bottle that could be spun. The board itself was empty at the moment but there were also some laminated sheets of paper that could be attached to it. On those sheets were small fields with directions for certain actions that apparently had to be carried out when the bottle pointed to them. One sheet had funny, crazy actions, one had loving, sweet ones and one had very explicit suggestions. That one was certainly only designed for private use.

Cas smiled as he read everything before getting up to pull Dean into a tight hug.

"I love it." he whispered into his ear and then returned to the table to fix one of the sheets to the board.

"Yeah, since this game really started everything I thought it was a good idea." Dean told him at the same time looking slightly embarrassed and happy that Cas liked his idea. He watched as Cas spun the bottle and then came over to see which option his partner had chosen, smiling when he noticed it was the explicit one.

"I think we should wait to play until after the wedding or we might never make it there." he smiled and Cas agreed with him.

"Yes, we should probably start getting ready since Gabriel will be here soon to pick us up."

And so they ate in comfortable silence until the doorbell rang. Both of them had been looking forward to the wedding for a while but now they were also looking forward to getting back home after the wedding. After sharing another deep kiss they both grabbed their jackets and went outside to meet Gabriel who was already impatiently waiting for them and all three of them left.

~The End~

Thank you everyone for reading this story and accompanying me on this journey. It has been great fun writing this and every one of you kept me motivated. I couldn't (and probably wouldn't) have done this without you. This is the first, and so far only, AU I have written and even though it started out as just an idea for a one-shot it somehow became the longest story I have published so far. But all good things must come to an end and this is it for this fic. And now, off to new projects :)