Since I can't really seem to come with any stories about the new Cas I decided to try my hand at an AU story. I' usually not into AU's very much, but this idea wouldn't leave me alone. I hope it's any good.
"Oh, Sammy, come on. There's a party tonight and you didn't tell me about it? I'm totally coming with you." Dean Winchester was sitting in his brother's dorm room, reading the flyer about the college party he had just found on Sam's desk under a pile of papers.
"But you won't know anyone there and I'm sure it'll be really boring." Sam tried to discourage his older brother. He couldn't believe Dean had found the flyer. Sam had thought he had hidden it well enough. When Dean came to a party it almost always ended in a disaster. With terrible hangovers and memory loss. But now that Dean knew about it there was nothing Sam could do to keep him from coming.
"I'm coming over after closing the garage for tonight. This will be fun." Dean was already excited. College parties were perfect to meet hot chicks and he was usually pretty popular with the ladies. So after finishing at the garage where he worked as a mechanic and cleaning up to make himself presentable he returned to his brother's dorm room and together they went to the party a couple of floors below.
There were quite a few people already there and Sam and Dean mingled, enjoying the music and the drinks. There were plenty of pretty girls around and Dean was soon surrounded. Later, when the alcohol level had considerably risen, someone suggested a game of 'spin the bottle'. Dean immediately jumped at the chance of kissing lots of hot chicks. Sam didn't want to participate at first, but Dean quickly convinced him.
The game went very well. There was a lot of kissing as well as a lot of drinking, since they had decided that same sex couples didn't have to kiss if the person who spun the bottle didn't want to. In that case both persons involved had to drink a shot. This resulted in all the guys slowly getting very drunk while the girls mostly just kissed each other, teasing the guys that way.
The game was attracting a lot of other party guests who either joined the game or just stood around the growing circle and watched and cheered. Then one of the girls spun the bottle and it stopped pointing at a small gap in the circle between two people. The girl looked at both of them, another girl and a guy and then she looked beyond the circle.
A guy was leaning against the wall, quietly watching the game. He had dark, unruly hair, deep blue eyes and he seemed to be deep in thought.
"Hey, Cas. Get over here and kiss me!" the girl called out. The guy, whose name appeared to be Cas, looked up and tilted his head in a silent question.
"But I'm not playing." he answered confused.
"Now you are. The bottle chose you." the girl insisted and all the other girls cheered, trying to convince him. They all seemed to be thrilled about the chance to maybe get to kiss him. Cas shrugged and came forward. He took his time checking out every participant of the game, his eyes lingering on Dean. At least that's what it felt like to him, but that was probably just his imagination or the alcohol or both. Finally Cas sat down in the circle and leaned forward to kiss the girl.
Then it was his turn to spin the bottle and before he did that he again looked around at all the players as if he was trying to decide where he wanted the bottle to stop. And this was actually exactly what he did. He checked out the girls, there were quite a few he liked, but the person who really caught his eye was in fact a guy.
Cas thought that he was Sam's older brother Dean. Sam had talked about him a lot. His brother had practically raised him after their Mom had died and their Dad was gone for weeks to work. Dean was really important for Sam and just from looking at him Cas thought that this Dean was someone special. He really wouldn't mind if the bottle pointed at him.
Cas took the bottle and spun it with determination. The bottle was spinning fast and turned and turned before it finally slowed down. Everybody was watching intently as the bottle got even slower and stopped to point right at Dean. For a moment it was quiet and then people started to cheer and tell Cas that he should definitely choose the kiss over the shot.
Cas pretended to think about it, then he shrugged and got up on his knees, much to Dean's horror, who hadn't expected this at all.
"Kiss, kiss, kiss!" the people around them shouted.
"It's what they want." Cas said as an explanation to tell Dean that there really was nothing he could do. Dean tried to find a way out, but there was nothing he could do without losing his face. Reluctantly he leaned toward Cas, thinking that he had had enough alcohol already to be able to handle a quick peck.
But Cas had a different idea about this kiss and when their lips touched he grabbed the back of Dean's head and pulled him closer to really kiss the guy, with everyone else clapping and cheering. After a few seconds he let go of a shocked Dean, who slowly sat back down and immediately downed another shot.
After this kiss Dean quickly abandoned the game and drowned his confusion in alcohol. The kiss hadn't been bad. In fact it had been really good. Dean had enjoyed it and it confused him very much. He didn't know how to deal with this, so he decided to just ignore what couldn't be and seek oblivion in a bottle.
The next morning Dean woke up on the floor of a small room, feeling miserable. Seeing his brother sitting on the small bed in the room didn't help. Usually Dean woke up next to some chick after a college party like last night. He couldn't remember what had happened that had made him crash in his brother's dorm room.
After supplying him with coffee Sam was happy to help his older brother with his memory problems. It was just too good not to.
"Well, we played 'spin the bottle' last night. You enjoyed yourself very much." Sam started.
"Okay, but that doesn't explain what the hell I'm doing in your room."
"You got pretty smashed after you stopped playing, after you'd had to kiss Cas. I could hardly get you up the stairs into my room. Then you fell asleep on the floor right there and I just left you there." Sam explained the events of the past night.
"I kissed who?" Dean asked curiously.
"Cas, Castiel Novak. He lives just down the hall. English major I think. Smart, quiet, always there when you need his help. He spun the bottle and it pointed to you. You two kissed, then you got up and got completely wasted." Sam grinned as he watched Dean's expression change while he told the story.
"I don't believe you." Dean declared, after listening to Sam. "I don't remember anything from last night; you're just making stuff up to fuck with me. I'm leaving now."
Dean got up, put on his worn leather jacket and left the room to get back to his small apartment next to the garage where he worked. Walking down the hall he saw a few faces he remembered from the beginning of the party. When he turned the corner to get to the stairs he almost ran into another guy. He was a bit shorter than Dean, had dark hair and very blue eyes.
"Good morning, Dean." the guy smiled and looked Dean right in the face.
As he looked into those bottomless pools of blue that were Castiel's eyes, he suddenly remembered everything that had happened and everything he had felt and thought. Dean's eyes widened in shock and without saying a word he pushed past Castiel and hurried down the stairs, leaving behind a very disappointed and slightly confused Cas.
Dean didn't slow down until he had reached his apartment. He immediately got the bottle of whiskey from the kitchen cabinet and poured himself a generous amount. He didn't want to remember the party anymore and he was determined to forget it again, with the help of copious amounts of alcohol if necessary. Whatever it took he was willing to do.
So, what did you think? Should I continue? I'm really not sure about this, so please review.