Author's Note: Hello out there. I know that it has been a very long time since I have posted anything, but it's been a rough couple of years. My mother is in a nursing home, my brother has been in and out of hospitals and even I had my own hospital stay. I've been dealing with a lot of medical issues, but I'm hoping to get back into the game. I have a few chapters banked and I'll try to type them and get them out, but I have arthritis in my hands, so I can be limited to how much I can use them. We will see and hope for the best. Leave me some love after reading, it brightens my day:)

After filling my little Poppit's belly and another diaper change, I knew that I'd delayed long enough and I needed to call Dr. Ludwig. I knew that she would be able to tell me if the baby was okay and would be able to help me find her family.

It took me a minute to dial the phone and then it only took two rings for Dr. Ludwig to pick up. "What can I do for you little Momma? Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine Dr. Ludwig. I'm not calling about myself, I found a basket on the beach that was cloaked in magic. There was a baby inside and I was hoping that you might be able to help me find her mother."

"You can't keep out of trouble can you?" She didn't wait for an answer before she continued. "I'll be there shortly." The line went dead. Supes really had horrible phone manners.

I set the phone down and held tight to my little Poppit. "Dr. Ludwig is coming to see you Darlin' and hopefully she'll be able to help me find your Momma. Why she would ever leave you in the first place just boggles my mind. You are just the most precious girl ever. If you were mine, I would never let you go." Thinking about her staying with me sent this warm, fuzzy feeling through me, but I quickly pushed those feelings aside. She wasn't mine and there was no way that I could let myself get attached to her. She had a mother and a family out there somewhere who were probably missing her awful bad right now.

After changing my Poppit into a clean onesie and me changing into a sundress and sandals, Dr. Ludwig popped into the bedroom with us. I was quick to hold the baby tighter even though that I knew Dr. Ludwig was just here to help. it was like an instinct had kicked in inside of me to protect her. "Well, what have we here?" That instinct grew even bigger and fiercer when Ludwig reached out to touch the baby. I couldn't stop my fangs from popping out and I snarled at her.

Ludwig slowly backed away from me, not in fear, just cautiously. It wasn't her actions that helped me snap out of my instinctive rage, but the baby's reaction to what I'd done. She was laughing at me. I looked down at her with my mouth hanging open in surprise and she reached up and touched my fangs with her little chubby fingers.

The fact that she wasn't afraid of them or me at the moment was surprising in itself, but what was even more surprising was when a second later a pair of fangs popped out of her own little gummy mouth. Holy crap! How the heck is that possible? "Looks like this little fairy girl wants to be just like her Momma."

This situation was growing crazier by the minute. "What are you talking about? I'm not her Momma."

"To her you are." She slowly put her hand over the baby without touching her. "She's your kin, so that explains the connection."

My confusion was growing and my fangs finally retracted into my gums. "How is she my kin? How do you even know that?"

"Because I was with your cousin Claudette when she gave birth to Erin."

I looked down at the baby and she smiled at the mention of her name. "Are you my girl Erin?" I don't know what possessed me to ask her that, but I was pleased with the response. I got the feeling of warmth and comfort you feel when surrounded by family. "Do you want me to be your Mommy Poppit?"

Her whole body shook as she nodded her head at me and wrapped her little arms around my neck. My heart was just about busting in my chest and tears were welling in my eyes, but they were happy tears.

I looked over at Ludwig and I knew there were so many questions that I needed to ask. "Is there other family that could come and take her from me?"

"Claudette had been estranged from her family long before she had this little one. None of them even knew that she was pregnant."

"I want her Dr. Ludwig. She's suppose to be here with us, aren't you Poppit?" She did the whole body shaking nod and I couldn't help but smile. "Is she really okay though?"

"She's fine. She didn't see what happened to her mother."

"What about who did it? Are they still out there? Are they going to come after Erin?"

"As far as I know nobody but me knew about the baby, so I assume after Claudette was gone, they probably went back to the fae realm"

"But you can't be sure, can you?" I could feel my power building just thinking about anyone wanting to hurt my little Poppit.

"Calm down little Momma, there are no fairies on this island that aren't suppose to be here. And I'm sure that if there were, you would know about it. Your instincts will not let you down if trouble should come your way."

I knew she was right, but I couldn't calm down completely until my little Poppit curled up against my neck and gripped onto my hair. She was able to calm me down with just her little touch and I loved her even more for it.

"I think that you two are going to be just fine together."

"Of course we will. You're sure that she's all right?"

"She's perfect. I'll come back in a week to check on both of you."

"Thank you Dr. Ludwig." And without another word the good doctor vanished.