Characters: Kurogane and Fai

Genre: Romance

Rating: Undetermined

Kurogane's POV

I sat next to the window cleaning my blade as I always did when I couldn't sleep. I took my cloth away and saw that my sword was as clean as it ever was, so I decided to walk around and see if I could gather any intelligence. I slide my sword carefully back into its scabbard and stood to leave when I heard a muffled groan.

We had rented two rooms; one for the kid and the princess, and I was forced into a room with that stupid magician. I turned to see him lying in his bed facedown in his pillow. This happened a lot, he always fell asleep on his stomach but sometimes his face curled into his pillow while he slept. In a case like this, it was of no use to try to wake him up. One could only try to turn him over so that he could breathe. That stupid magician.

I stepped over to his bed and reached around him to pull him onto his side, but he resisted.

"If you're awake, then role over, yourself!" I told him, but there came no reply. I sighed and continued trying to role him over until he grabbed my arm. I tried to pull away but his grip tightened. "Let go, you stupid magician!" I yelled and he pulled my arm until I lost my balance and was on top of him. During my struggle he had turned himself face-up, so my face measured but an inch from his.

His eyes glowed in the dark and stared at me hungrily. He tilted his head and I knew what was coming. I tried to get off, but that stupid magician wrapped his arms around me making it impossible for me to escape without hurting him. He lifted his head and his smooth lips grazed my own. A second later with a small force his pressed his lips to mine and prodded them with his tongue. The softness of his lips mesmerized me and I fell into his kiss. His arms loosened but one of mine moved up to his face and the other found itself around his body.

Several minutes later he retracted his mouth from mine and I sadly did the same.

"Weren't you about to leave?" he whispered.

"Yes," I mumbled a reply.

"So go," he told me. My arms tightened around him in refusal. We kissed again and again but the tiredness of the previous day overtook us and we fell asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning I woke up early and found myself in a situation I had never imagined before. Fai was still asleep, his body intertwined with mine and I remembered what happened the night before.

Why did I do that? Why did I do any of that? I thought. A moment later that stupid magician woke up and immediately his face lit up scarlet red. He scrabbled away from me falling off the bed. I stood quickly and took a step back from the bed. Fai rose slowly from the other side and could hardly look at me.

"I…uh…" he began.

"What?" I asked.

"What do you mean 'what!' After last night…" His face reddened even further.

"Nothing happened last night, okay?" I tried to convince him but he turned sadly.

"Nothing?" he asked hopefully and I felt my own faced turn red.

"Well…" I thought about it and had an idea, but that stupid magician took my idea and used it on me.

He lurched over the bed and shot his arms around my shoulders and kissed me. He drew back and looked at me like a hopeful child.

"Nothing?" he asked playfully.

I wrapped my arms around his middle and smiled. "Everything." I answered and leaned forward. Through a passionate kiss I lowered him onto the bed.