DRRR! Alterage c4

Fourth DRRR! Fanfics :D~

T : adult!Shizaya

R : T

P : still, the red - eyed informant x the strongest bodyguard alive.

D : if I said that I own, would somebody believed? -_-"


This is an AU story, so it's maybe contains too much OOC –ness, and, forgive my rotten grammar.



Chapter 3b: adult!Shizaya (part two)


Izaya's apartment…


Dammit. Shizu-chan's home with the girl, and carrying her in his broad back and entering her room and lied her in bed and she's asleep for something's sake!

A short sling ached within him, but he decided to take another glance at the screen again to confirming another 'eviddence' he could gather



And gasped.

"Oh, my. Isn't this is a kind of what they called 'fanservice'?" Izaya held his brunette head panickly.

Shizuo's in his baths, soaking wet in the hot water.

"Dammit fog!" he cursed. All of the hidden cams he planted are blurred, because of the fog. As long as he known, Shizuo' rarely bathing with hot water.

"Oh, well…" Izaya sighed.



Some days passed, and on a sunny morning, Vorona brought something shiny in her hands to Shizuo.

A few of something – like glass pieces.

"This is…"

"Hidden cameras, senpai…" Vorona said, more like muttering.

"Who's spying on us?" He asked.

His mind flew off. Tom – senpai would never do something like that, he trusts Shizuo with Vorona. Then, Kadota's gang was out of count as the otakus would mind their anime mangas more than spying. Simon? Impossible. Shinra, or Celty? There's no need to do that, both of them.

And that's left…





IzaIza's apartment…


"OhmyOhmyOhmy~" Izaya blinked nervously.

A few screens showing Shizuo's close – ups. That girl had discovered his cameras.

"Damn b*tch!" Izaya hissed. "Shizu-chan will discover me soon!"






So that's left…

"I-ZA-YA-KUN!" Shizuo glared at the glass lenses, crashing it as if they were Izaya.





"My goodness~" *facepalmed*




"Senpai, where…?" Vorona asked, but her words are left unspoken as his senior left the room, closed the door violently.

"Senpai, the door's broken… again…" she mutters. "It's the third door this month," she huffed.



Shizuo's searching throught the entire Ikebukuro, hoping that he could find the 'flea'. But, he ended up nothing. When he's about to reach the Russian sushi for dinner…

"Nii-san," an expressionless voice called.

"Kasuka!" Shizuo turned.

"I've got two days break, so I decide to spend it with you," Kasuka said. "Doing well?"

"Yeah, sorta. I'm going to kill Izaya, but maybe two days later," the blonde said.

"Oh, by that 'kill' thing, did you mean you're going to confess?"

CHOKE. "There's no way I'll do!"

"Welcome! Heiwajimas. Shizuo. Kasuka. Eaaat, eat, sushi is good for siblings!" Simon greeted.

"Ah, yeah, sweet shrimp and yakisoba, please…"

"Sashimi set," Kasuka nodded.

They sat on a table, waiting.

"So, your childhood love hasn't settled yet?" Kasuka sipped his ocha.

"What was that 'childhood love' you mean?" Shizuo gulped his water.

"Thank you,"Kasuka nodded as their orders' arrived. "Yeah, that Izaya-san' thingy…"

"What's with Izaya? No, Shizuo, fighting is bad!" Simon said.

"Not that," Shizuo poked his shrimps. "I'm f*cking hate violence. So I'll kill him straight."

"Kill the one you loved?" Kasuka said. If only he had another facial expression, he'll be smirking now.

"Love?" Simon coughed. "Shizuo love Izaya?"

"Uh – huh," Kasuka nodded.


Iza's apartment… again.


'Dammit,' Izaya thought.

It has been years since he met Shizuo.

To be precisely, it's been 15 years.

Their first encounter was at the third grade.

It was the time when they were in a same class with Shinra and Dotachin. Usually, Shizuo hangs out with Shinra more than Dotachin while Izaya's with Dotachin.

Maybe it's only a coincidence, or, rather a cruel fate the Karma plays on them, but he didn't know why, there's something 'interesting' in Shizuo, but he couldn't explain why and what.



It was a forbidden love.



He discovered himself caught on this when he's 16.

Accidentaly, it comes to a realization when they were teenagers, on Raira's rooftop.

It was a brief kiss.

Shizuo Heiwajima, actually kissed him that time.

He himself couldn't believe it.

And, he's told that, that's why he's being more… well, obsessed with him! It's a secret obsession!

Even that, in reality, they're always quarrelling.

Well, maybe, just maybe, it was their way" to express each other's feelings?

Well, at least it's what Dotachin told him, after "that precious rooftop thing".




Shizuo walked home with Kasuka silently.

"Nii-san… I smelled… a girl' perfume," Kasuka said, while taking off his shoes.

"Errr…. Yeah, ah, I forgot to tell you that I've got a kouhai at work," Shizuo explained. "So I used to live with her…"

"So, after all, you decided to leave Izaya-san?"

"I… Ive told you I'm not!" Shizuo facepalmed.

"You not what? Not leaving Izaya-san?"


"Nii-san, don't lie to yourself anymore…"

"Whatever. I'm taking bath, your milk is in the refrigerator and don't eat my pudding."







"Love?" Simon coughed. "Shizuo love Izaya?"

"Uh – huh," Kasuka nodded.

"Finally…" Simon smiled.

"Ah, you're here too, Shizuo? Kasuka?" Tom – san voice heard.

"Yeah," both Heiwajimas nodded.

'Damn, more people included,' Shizuo cursed.

"Shizuo. I know that you'll finally realize it," Simon nodded solemnly.

"Oh, that Izaya thingy?" Tom – san spoke. "I'm quite curious about it, honestly."

And, almost an hour later, the first time in his life that Kasuka spoke so long outside his acting job, telling Tom – san and Simon about their childhood with Izaya.

"Don't forget the highschool time," Tom added. "I'm your senpai, afterall," he added.

"W- What?" Shizuo asked.

"I know your encounter with Izaya at the rooftop," Tom – san stated, but not mentioning what is it about, much to Shizuo's relief.

"Oh, so sweet~" Erika cooed under Walker's arm as they're eavesdropping.


"So… Say, Shizuo, have you two dated or kissed?" Kadota asked at his sudden appearance, revealing Erika and Walker eavesdropping.

"Do… Dotachin!" both otakus squeaked.

Of course, Kadota knows Izaya and Shizuo's secret, as Izaya accidentally told him when they're 16. But, he only wants to confirm it. Kadota isn't a pro – gay either, but, well, 'Afterall, they're deserves love,' he thought.

"…" how.

"…" awkward.

"… Ahahha! There's no way Shizuo would've done it!" Tom tried to break the awkward silence.

But the mentioned guy could only blush.

"S… Shi... zuo?"

"Shizushizu must've done it! Afterall, he's the attacker and not the receiver so he's more aggress-urrff!" Erika's chirping was blocked by Yumasaki.

"No, Karisawa – san! The guys weren't the one who should always begin!" Yumasaki aginst it. "In

"No! Shizushizu is the seme!"

"Cut off!" Dotachin's temper rose. This wasn't what he'd intended to hear, anyway.

The blonde bodyguard was totally speechless, and his cheeks are now scarlet – colored.

"… I… I've done my first kiss!" what an unexpected one.


"With… With who?"

""It must be IzaIza~!"

"…AND WHY'D YOU NEED TO ASK?" Shizuo tried to suppress himself (because there's Kasuka and Tom xD), but did end up lifting a table.




"Sorry, I…"

"Pfffffftttt~! Look, Yumacchi! Like I've said, Shizu and IzaIza are~! Are~~!" Erika hung her words, unable to speak due her excite giggling and Walker' hands.

"Nah, just accept it like that, Shizuo. You've been in love," Dotachin concluded.




+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++flashbacks ends+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++




"Am I… really?" Shizuo muttered, as he soaking himself in his baths.




Ikebukuro, a bright morning of June…


"IZAYA-KUN! I told you to stop, you damned FLEA!" Shizuo spat, as they doing their usual game.

"Not now, Shizu-chan~ How pity that I've got some other business right now, so I'll take my-" Izaya's words are vanished.

None of the hell that Ikebukuroers would dream of the two Ikebukuro "heroes" is standing in the middle of the most crowded street in the city, less than an inch and, smashing their lips each other.

"I've told ya' to stop!" Shizuo said. "Do you… remember?" the blond whispered, slightly blushing.

"…" Izaya' fell silent, trembling and blushing madly. But the next second, he chuckled in the bodyguard' broad chest. "That was…our second, right? I thought that you've forgotten how to kiss the Great Orihara Izaya, protozoan brain," he hugged the ex-bartender.

"Damn louse, shut up you flea!" Shizuo smacked the raven head softly.

Izaya's hand traveled to the blonde' butt, and slipped his hands in his back pocket, and pulling out a black leather thin wallet (SORRY if you're think that I'm gonna write some steamy thing XD~ no, it's not that ** thing *slapped*)

"Dammmit!" Shizuo spat, grabbing his wallet back. "You slick little robber!"

"I… the memo, thrown…" Izaya mutters.

"Oh. I… actually I haven't thrown it…" Shizuo opened his wallet, pulling out a rusty yellowing memo.

As the slanted crimson eyes filled with surprises and teary, a pair of strong hands carried the red eyed man, with the informant's slender arms circled on the blonde's neck comfortably.








My fourth fic and second fic of izaya/Shizuo or Shizuo/Izaya pairing XD

The alter age ideas comes from a pic in a friend's cellphone XD showing Iza/Shizu as child, teen and adult XD

So, how's my crap fic tastes? .

Review pleaseee~ *Izaya's puppy eyes pleading*

Review or flame is appreciated . (ahahahah, we all know that fire can be used to do many things such as burnt someone's prized possession *Izaya's maniac laugh* :D)