An Ikarishipping Fanfiction

The Pirate's Treasure

Chapter One: Start!

Summary: AU. The Captain of an infamous Pirate crew is off to set sail in the vast seas. The Captain comes across a peculiar treasure and wants it for themselves.


"Come on! Lets set sail already!"

"Aye, Captain!"

The Captain smiled and walked up the steps with her blue penguin companion. They headed to the large wheel to steer the ship. The Captain looked up, putting their hand a top of their forehead to block some of the shinning light from blinding them. The penguin did the same. The Captain saw their flag waving to and fro against the gentle wind.

The flag was black with a white profile picture of a penguin. Two bones crosses each other to make an X just below the penguin.

"Captain Berltiz," said their right hand man.


"Most people are wondering where our next stop is. Some are getting fussy because we haven't been getting much food lately," he replied. His orange eyes looked at his Captain anxiously waiting for the Captain to answer.

"Tell them. That their Captain, Captain Dawn Berlitz, will handle everything! No need to worry!" she replied confidently.

"Pip! Piplup!" cried the penguin.

The man nodded and saluted her. "Aye aye, Captain!" he turned around and headed down the steps of the ship.

Captain Dawn Berlitz smiled proudly. She looked at the flag once more and saluted to it while placing her right arm above her heart. "I solemnly swear to make you proud mother," she said softly.


A palace stood firm. Towering over the small village. Inside the palace were dozens and dozens of rooms that it would be impossible to count.

In one room, there was a man with long sleek pale purple hair. He gathered them to the back and tied it up. He was dressed in a royal navy blue suit with silver accents, buttons, lining and even piping. He wore a dark gray pants with black leather shoes.

A knock was heard at the door. He turned around and faced the door. "Come in!" he shouted.

In came a man. He too had purple hair, but his was darker in colour. He was tall and well built. His hair was tied in a similar fashion as the younger man. He wore a similar suit the the younger one, but it was pink with yellow accents.

"Good morning little brother. I see you're dressed," said the older man.

"Yeah. What do you want Reggie?" asked the brother.

Reggie took a couple steps towards him, "Father wants to see you in his office Paul."

Paul raised a brow and narrowed his eyes, "why does that lunatic want to see me?" he asked.

Reggie glowered at him, "Paul," he said warningly.

"Fine. I won't use the word 'lunatic'. But why does he want to see me?" he asked again.

Reggie shrugged, "I'm not sure. But it's important. So if I were you, I'd hurry up and get going to Father's office." with that said, Reggie left Paul's room and closed the door shut.

Paul growled. He turned to face the mirror of his vanity table and saw nothing but him in the reflection. The anti-social, cold hearted bastard that couldn't care less about his father and this country and city. His dark eyes showed no emotion. He got up and walked towards the door. He left his room and started walking down the hall and down the spiraling stair case.

He reached ground floor and walked even more until he was standing in front of the two door room. He knocked on it and heard a reply to come in. He opened the door and saw a large desk and the chair's back was facing him.

"Hello Paul," said the voice. It was deep, but not too deep that you couldn't hear.

"Hello Father," Paul replied. Just saying it in a calm and respectful manner was sickening. He made a note to himself to wash his mouth after wards. "What is it that you asked to see me sir?"

The chair turned around and revealed a man with short cyan coloured hair. His eyes were as narrow as a crack in the door.

"Ursula is going to be joining us for a nice brunch this afternoon. You remember her, don't you Paul?" it came out more like a statement then a question, but nonetheless, Paul answered him coldly.

"Yeah, I remember her. You and her snobby parents arranged us to get married," he spat.

"Now Paul. I will not tolerate that tone from you," he boomed.

"Sorry sir," he said sarcastically.

The father decides to ignore Paul's comment and continued to talk, "she and her family are going to come for brunch. I expect you to be on your best behavior. Why not show off how powerful your Torterra is? I'm sure Ursula and her parents will adore your Pokemons strength, as well as you as a trainer."

"Sure, whatever. If that's all you have to say to me, I'll excuse myself." Paul turned his heels and walked out the door of his fathers office. Once the door closed, Paul quietly pressed his ear against the door.

"Hello? Yes, this is Cyrus. My son would be delighted to discuss the terms about the arranged marriage with you and your daughter, yes. Alright, thank you."

Paul sunk his teeth with each other. His eyes grew dark every millionth of a second. He turned around harshly and walked outside to the backyard.


Dawn was in the mess hall with her crew and eating some fine grub. Her companion (whose name is Piplup) was next to her and munching down on some delicious food.

She was wearing a pair of black shorts that reached just above her thigh. A pink sash was tied around her skinny waist. She wore a cream coloured short sleeved rippled shirt. Her hair was tied up in a high pony tail, leaving some of her hair to be let down and tied down with a simple golden yellow clip. Her boots were knee high and black with endless amount of lace holes.

"So, what are we going to do today I wonder," she asked to no one in particular. Maybe to Piplup.

"Pip! Piplup pip pip!"

"That's an excellent idea Piplup!" she said. Dawn stood up, her hands banged onto the table with much enthusiasm. Her crew mates stopped and turned to face their grinning captain.

"Today, we're going to dock on one of the prestigious city in Sinnoh: Veilstone."

Many of the crew mates cheered and hollered with excitement.

"What made you decide to go to Veilstone Captain Berlitz?" asked her right hand man.

"Well, a simple penguin reminded me that in Veilstone, there's a special meteorite locked away in this giant palace. It would make a fine collection, don't you all agree?" she asked loudly.

"Yeah!" they all cheered.

"Piplup! Pip! Piplup pip!"

"Atta boy, Piplup! Barry! Go down to the ship's basement to get more to drink! We're going to celebrate tonight!" Ordered Dawn.

"Aye aye Captain!" yelled Barry. He rushed out of the mess hall and shut the door.

"Come on Piplup. Let's continue eating while we wait for more drinks to come," said Dawn.

"Pip! Piplup!" chuckled the blue penguin.


Evening quickly came and covered the country of Veilstone. Paul, Reggie and Cyrus were all at the courtyard with Ursula and her parents.

"So Cyrus, why not tell us more about Paul? Ursula was dying to meet Paul again. They haven't seen each other since their first meeting!" laughed the mother.

"Yes, yes. Well. Paul here is aiming to become the toughest trainer here in Veilstone. He's even been practicing with his grand Torterra for hours today just to impress you all," said Cyrus.

"Please father. Don't tell them such a thing. They'll think I want to get into their daughters pants," Paul retorted angrily.

Awkward silence flood the table. Ursula's parents and Cyrus all looked at Paul with sheer discomfort. Ursula on the other hand was giggling away madly and blushing.

"Oh, come now Paul. Don't be so modest. I'm sure with a little persuading, our parents would allow us to get married sooner!" Ursula said happily. Paul only twitched in reply.

Reggie was shaking his head as he had to watch his brother's plan to cancel the arrangement fail to utter bliss.

"Paul, I think you and Ursula should have a battle. Ursula's been training her Pokemon, hasn't she?" asked Cyrus.

"Oh yes. She has. But it's mostly for those ridiculous contests. Those contests don't get much respect from actual training and battles like what your son does, hm Cyrus?" replied Ursula's father.

"Daddy, please. Contest battling is the most important to me. Ever since big sister won the grand festival in Sinnoh. I just want to follow in her foot steps," Ursula replied fiercely.

Her father sighed, "our eldest daughter, Solidad, had this crazy dream of being top coordinator back in Hoenn. Of course, she lost, which I'm grateful. I even told her to give up on her dreams and marry a fine fellow that I've arranged her to get married to. Though, she rejected and told me in such a rude way that the man she rather be with was the run down wardrobe shoppe's son by the name of Harley. She ran away with him to Sinnoh and even continued her silly dream-"

"It's not a silly dream daddy. Solidad had every right to run away with her lover. She won the grand festival, didn't she?" Ursula deemed.

"Y-yes honey. She did win the festival. And I'm very proud of her. Though I do wish she would have stayed in Hoenn and married the man your mother and I wanted her to marry."

"But she did find love, daddy. Of course, I don't approve of Harley because he's in such a lower class. But I do care if Solidad is happy or not. If she's happy, I'm happy," Ursula replied snobbishly.

"Y-yes. You're quite right...anyways...that Pokemon battle. How about it?"

Ursula took some time to mull things over, "alright daddy. I'll have a Pokemon battle with my fiance!"

Paul raised his brow and looked at his brother as if saying "this chick is off her rockers."

The two of them walked down the steps from the courtyard to the battle grounds just below. The parents and Reggie turned their chairs around to face the two.

"How about I make this easier on you. You can use two Pokemon against my Torterra!" suggested Paul.

Ursula gave a sly smile. Her hand just in front of her mouth and her fingers fraying upwards. "My, my. What a gentlemen. But no need. I'll just simply rely on my Gabite."

"If you say so," he replied. "Crazy woman..." Paul whispered the last part.

"Gabite, you're on!" Ursula threw a red and white spherical ball into the air. It opened and revealed a massive dragon like Pokemon. Its horns resembles that of jets or planes. It had four fins. One on each arm, one on its tail and another on its back. It roared with confidence after being released from it's tiny capsule.

"Torterra, stand by for battle!" Paul threw a similar looking ball up into the air. It opened and out came a very large Pokemon in comparison to Gabite. It was massive with a growing tree on it's shell and pointed like mountains. It stood on all four strong but stubby legs. It looked like a moving island.

"I'll let you have the first move," said Paul.

"Why, thank you Paul. You're so kind. Gabite, dragon claw now!" ordered Ursula.

"Gabite!" answered the Pokemon.

"Torterra, use leaf storm!" shouted Paul.

"Tor!" roared the Pokemon.

"This is going to be quite a battle," said Ursula's father.

"Yes, quite the battle," Cyrus replied.

"Gabite, dodge and use dig!"

"Torterra, counter with frenzy plant!"

"Bite!" wailed the Pokemon.

"Terr!" snickered the larger one.

"Gab...bite..." the Pokemon faintly got up.

"Come on Gabite! You can do this! Now, use double team!"

Suddenly, there was a giant mass of Gabites, all surrounding Torterra. The giant land Pokemon didn't flinch or get confused. He only waited for what will happen next.

"I see you're not going to make a move hm, Paul? If you don't mind, I'll go in your turn! Now, use dragon rage!"

Gabite spit a red, purple hue of fire from it's mouth and directed it towards Torterra. It showed speed and power from the Pokemon.

"Torterra, use stone edge!"

Torterra obliged and was now surrounded by tiny gray rocks and pebbles. Then, the number of it grew even more that Torterra shielded the massive dragon rage with stone edge.

"W-what! How could that be!" Ursula cried in disbelief.

"I did some research on your Pokemon and your previous contest appeal and battle rounds. I don't like to believe my opponent is just some wuss with no battling skills," Paul snubbed.

Ursula bit the corner of her lip, showing her teeth as well. "I see...well then, we should try and keep up with you, shouldn't we? Gabite, use sandstorm!"

Gabite engulfed itself with it's sandstorm, it then rose a couple feet off the ground and became a sphere. Paul and Torterra was questioning what was going on.

Ursula smirked, "alright Gabite, use iron tail on the sand and aim it at Torterra!"

A shinning flash glowed slightly as a huge wad of sand was aimed towards Torterra. The massive Pokemon got hit critically. It happened a couple more times until the sand was no longer there anymore. Gabite gracefully flowed down onto the now, sandy ground.

Paul clicked his tongue, "Torterra, use leaf storm! We're not going to lose to the likes of you, got it!"

"Oh, Paul. When will you learn? The women always gets what they want. Gabite, quickly use dragon claw to cut the leaves!" she ordered.

Gabite nodded. Gabites claws began to glow. It was in a fighting stance, waiting for the storm of graceful leaves to come at him. Once they were close enough, Gabite quickly slashed every single leaf there was.

"Damn it... Torterra, use crunch!"

Torterra charged towards Gabite. He opened his jaws and clamped down on Gabite's fin on her back. Gabite wailed in pain.

"Oh no! Gabite!" Ursula cried in worry.

"Let's finish this before I really get mad," Paul muttered to Torterra. "Hurry and use frenzy plant while you're close to it!"

"What! No! Gabite! Hurry and use dig!"

It was no use. The large overgrown roots shot up from the stoney ground and wrapped around Gabite. The Pokemon was struggling to break free, but it didn't work out. Not much longer, the plant released its hold on Gabite and dropped her. Gabite had fainted. Paul and Torterra won.

"Gabite, you were great," Ursula said quietly. The Pokemon was returned the the ball. The pink haired girl stood up and faced Paul with admiration.

"Well, you sure are strong Paul, gotta admit that. But of course, next time we see who's stronger, I think it should be a contest appeal," Ursula stated while tossing her hair back.

"Sorry, I don't do contest," Paul replied seriously. Ursula's content expression contorted. She turned around and faced her fiance.

"I do believe that I'm your fiancee. You should do what I ask, Paul."

"Like I said. I don't do contests." with that being said, Paul returned Torterra back into his capsule and walked up the sturdy stone steps to the courtyard and sat down to finish his food.

"That was an excellent battle Paul. You showed us just how strong you and your Pokemon were," said Ursula's father. Paul gave a curt nod and went back to eating his food. Ursula came back up with a huff and a puff. Her hands were carrying both side of her blue dress. She glared at Paul and went around the table and sat back in her seat.


Dawn and her Piplup were up in the Captain's room. Piplup was looking out at the sea and Dawn was lying on her bed. Her arms were behind her head and she stared up at the ceiling with a solemn face. Piplup turned around excitedly to face Dawn, but grew sad as he saw her expression. Piplup jumped off the window sill and walked over to Dawn, firing off a line of bubbles at her.

"Ack!" Dawn sat up quickly. Her hair and face were soaking wet. Her clothes are just partially wet. She turned to face the penguin and narrowed her eyes at him.

"Piplup!" she scolded.

"Pip!" replied the Pokemon. His flippers on his hips and his head held high.

"Piplup. I know you're worried about me, but no need to worry. Alright?" Dawn replied, trying to reassure her Pokemon.

"Pip! Piplup pip pip-"

A knock on the door cut Piplup off. Causing the blue penguin to grow tears and wallow in the corner.

"Come in!" cried Dawn.

"Captain. We've arrived at the land. Though, we should stop the ship in the empty lagoon and use the Floatzles to get to the land."

"Alright Barry. Prepare all the Floatzle. Since each Floatzle can carry about three people, prepare two. Understand?" she asked.

"Yes! Aye aye Captain!" Barry saluted and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

Dawn smiled and looked down at her Pokemon, "hear that Piplup? We're going to dock and use the Floatzles to carry us to land. Aren't you excited?" she asked him.

"Pip!" Piplup moodily turned his head and cross his flippers.

"Eh heh...I see you're still mad. I'm sorry Piplup. Anyways, let's just enjoy today, okay?"

"Piip..." Piplup turned around to face his trainer and nodded just before jumping into her arms.

"Alright, let's go and get ready."


The ship headed towards an empty lagoon. The heavy anchor was released and splashed into the water with a thump. Two Floatzles were taken out of their pokeballs and five crew mates were off towards the inland.

Dawn, Barry and Piplup were on one Floatzle, the other three were off on their own.

"This is going to be great! If we nab ourselves that meteorite, if we chip some off, we might be able to sell the pieces for such a high price! We'd be rich!" Barry boomed happily.

"Ha ha! Barry, you know you could always sell some of your old things. You don't need them anyways," Dawn explained.

"Huh! No way! I need my things! They're my things!"

Dawn simply shook her head.

"It was good thinking to change into those attire that we took from the last town. Then they won't get suspicious and capture us," said Barry, looking at his new clothing. It consisted of a nice fine light golden yellow jacket with gold accents. A white dress shirt and orange neck tie, and dark brown pants with brown leather shoes.

"I know. Because remember last time we went to this one city dressed as pirates? The town's police officer captured you. I had to nab myself a pair of nice clothing's and explain that you're just way too into your head and isn't thinking properly."

Barry nervously laughed and scratched his head. The trip from the ship to the mainland was a long one so Dawn took a nap. Floatzle's soft orange fur made her sleep even faster.


A small dark haired girl was running along the shore wearing only a tattered black shirt and pink shorts. Her feet were bare, making them sink deep into the sand as she ran.

"Mama!" she called.

An older woman with the same dark blue hair colour as her turned around and smiled at her daughter. "Having fun Dawn?" she asked.

"Yes mama! Come play with me!" Dawn begged.

"I'm sorry Dawn. I can't play with you. I have to take care of your brother Lucas remember? He's still ill," she replied with worry. Dawn's bright eyes went dull in mere seconds at the mention of her continuously ill brother.

"Why is big brother Lucas always sick mama?" Dawn asked with barely any sympathy towards her brother.

"Because Dawn, it's...complicated. Now, run along into town and fetch me these ingredients would you honey?" her mother asked kindly. Dawn looked at the piece of paper and looked back up at her mom, "alright mama."


The family finished their meal and Paul was forced to spend time with Ursula.

"This is where I usually train my Pokemon-"

"Wow! This will be perfect to train my Pokemon for the next contest battle," said Ursula. She walked into the middle of the training field and spun around a couple times before she stopped, her back facing Paul.

"Uh, no. This is my training field. Find another place to train your weak Pokemon," Paul snapped.

Ursula's enlightened face turned hard and turned around to face Paul. She slowly walked towards him while saying, "excuse me but. I'm your fiancee and you should listen to me. My daddy holds much more power than yours and with one complaint from me – your father could be out of business. So don't think you can get away with anything just because you're tough and you merely defeated me in battle Paul." She was so close to him that he could feel himself getting nauseated. Her fingers trailed lightly down his cheeks and and neck. Her hands roamed and gripped onto Paul's shoulders. Ursula had to tip toe to accomplish her goal. Paul knew what she was trying to do and stepped away fiercely, causing the rosiette to fall onto the ground.

"Ug! You little ill mannered man!" she roared with anger.

"Yeah? What are you going to do about it hm? Who cares if you're father holds more power than mines. I could really care less you insufferable bitch."

" DARE you say that to me!" she yelled. "I am telling my FATHER on you!" Ursula got up and took a fist full of her dress and lifted up as she ran off to find her father.

"Ha! Like I give a crap," he muttered. He took out his pokeball and threw it into the air, "Torterra and Ursarig! Standby for battle!"


Once they reached shore, they got off of the Floatzle and returned them into the pokeball. They tucked them into their bags and purses and continued their way into Veilstone.

"Where to captain?" asked Barry as he jumped and shook his feet.

"Well, to the town of course. We're going to stock up and maybe take the city's precious meteorite while we're at it. Heard they keep it at the Cyrus Mansion," replied Dawn. She looked up into the blue sky, her braided hair loops tickled her face and ear.

"Okay, I'll go with the others to get supplies. Do you think you can manage to take the meteorite on your own Dawn?" he asked her. Dawn looked solemnly at the ground, causing Barry to worry at his Captain. Once Dawn lifted up her head and turned to face Barry with a big grin, he felt relieved.

"No need to worry Barry! I'll be fine. After all, I have Piplup and my team with me, don't I? I'll meet you back here in two hours or so. If I'm not back, go onto the ship without me and send the Tailow out to direct me back to the boat got it?"

Barry nodded and saluted, "aye aye Captain!"

Dawn and her crew parted ways. The Captain walked down a nice path road. Being greeted by the people living in the city. She could see a large white mansion just over a couple of houses and buildings. If her correction was right, that was the Cyrus Mansion. Though she wasn't sure exactly and had to check.

Dawn walked up to an old woman and was browsing about her product. "Hey, I have a question. What is that glorious white house and who lives there?"

The old woman was short and had a scrunched up face, "oh, that is the Cyrus mansion. The Cyrus family lives there. They also hold all the precious meteorites that helps build the city's economic boom. We are so grateful for them...anyways, enough about them, what would you like to buy hon?"

"I'd like to buy this handkerchief."


A/N: I know I have Bluebells and Lavenders to worry about, but I just had this very nice story idea after watching the trailers of the fourth installment of Pirates of the Caribbean. Anyways, enjoy chapter one of The Pirate's Treasure!
