M.L.D: Don't worry; there are some Amuto, Tadamu, Kaiya, Rikku, and Kutau moments …

Rhythm: That's …sorta …too many pairings in one story …

M.L.D: Don't worry, it'll all work out …Everyone, please enjoy the brand new version of Shugo Chara: Furui! Furui! That's now called/titled as 'A Simple Thread'.

(M.L.D & Rhythm *shoots a thumbs up and smiles "YAY!"*)

-I do not own anything of Shugo Chara …if I did, the series would still be going on and there would defiantly be a whole lot more RimaHiko scenes!-

I hate him, and yet there's something about him that makes me want to never give up on anything relating to his life connecting him to mine; whenever he's around me, or from a distance gazing at me, giving me that smile that only he could wear, that alluring and intoxicating smile that would make me melt like butter.

Never once had that feeling stopped, not ever once did it ever go away. From gazing into his large, deep and understanding eyes, I could feel that we've known each other forever, that everything's going to be alright and in those moments I feel as if I can trust him with my very life.

It's as if the heavens had created him just for me and no else …

~ …Chapter One-The beginning of the endless string… ~

Rima's POV …

"Miss Mashiro …would I be interrupting something?" Wakeda-sensei came over towards my desk, and scowled down at me.

I looked from the window, that I was calmly staring out of not too long ago and looked over up to her, unfazed by her tone, "Not at all; just waiting for the bell to ring," - 'BRRIIINNGGG!' "Oh, and there it goes now; nice talk," I said with an innocent smile.

Slowly standing to my feet, I started packing up all my belongings into my brown leathered schoolbag and walked over towards the classroom's door.

"We're not done here, Mashiro," she said. Well, at least I think she did. Whatever, I could care less anyways; so I kept on walking without any chance of turning back for her lecture. Well, until tomorrow …but, let's leave that story for another day, shall we?

Stupid afternoon classes …they really need to learn (A/N: Hahaha, see what I did there …I know, lame short joke) how to end out quicker; the hours actually feel like hours trudging throughout the long school day.

That's not a good thing; by the way …it's just the opposite. COMPLETELY!

"Wow, caught daydreaming in class again, Rima-chan," 'he' the stupid, purple headed friend-stealing cross dresser; Nagihiko Fujisaki chuckled as he caught up and started walking with me to our next class together; Rhythm and Temari were floating just above his shoulders. I rolled my eyes, while Kusukusu snickered at his teasing comment.

"Shut up," I said annoyed by his presence already.

"You and that negative energy of yours; seems like that's one thing that'll never change," he pointed out.

That comment slightly tugged me at my heart (I DON'T KNOW WHY, EXACTLY!), and it made me hurt a little (again …NO IDEA WHY I ACTUALLY CARE …) to hear him of all people say that about me, especially right in front of me to my face; but, I just shook it off and countered back with an insult of my own, "Hmph; like I would want to hear that from a freaky, perverted cross dresser like you,"

"Ouch, that hurt," the cross dresser said sarcastically; feigning hurt, "Try something new," I just glared up at him from the corners of my eyes …stupid Purple Head …

The school's speakers suddenly came on; drawing in everyone's attentions, "Excuse the following announcements," It was obviously Tadase Hotori's voice over the buildings loud speaker, "This is only for Student Council members only. Any members of the Student Council committee please come to the Meeting Hall. That'll be all," the speaker then was silenced.

The mutant and I glanced at each other and headed to the designated location rather hastily.

~ …A Simple Thread… ~

"What is it? X-eggs?" Kukai Souma asked with Utau Hoshina (along with their Charas; Eru, El and Daichi) following behind him. Yes, she's attending here at Seiyo High with us …although she's older than anyone here. Let's just say that with all her music, concerts, and debuts she sort of forgot about her school life, which led to her failing and being held back a grade.

So Utau Hoshina is attending here at Seiyo High and is in the twelfth grade, same as Kukai …who by the way still hasn't told the girl how he felt and she's too dumb of a blonde (A/N: No offense to any blondes out there reading this!) to even notice, but constantly flirts with him whenever she can.

She's so much like Ikuto in personality, once you take the time out and pay attention.

"If it is one …why not go and send Amu?" the pigtailed blonde asked, "She can always purify them," she said snapping her fingers, "Just like that; no problem,"

"I've actually gathered you all here today, to speak to you about the upcoming school festival, being held here a few weeks from now, "

"Oh yeah, the Sakura Biyori festival this coming spring," Purple Head said after his few handed thoughts (A/N: Yes, this story is starting out in the winter …maybe a few days after Christmas and New Years'), "We are the Student Council, so we have to fix it up …no one else will otherwise …"

Rhythm chuckled at this.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, there's a lot of planning and work involved, so I very much thought that it would be best if we started organizing and setting up things now," Tadase explained.

"Whatever as long as it gets me out of class, I'm fine," I muttered, shrugging my shoulders.

Everyone sweat dropped at my impassiveness. I shrugged it off and stared blankly up at out Student Council leader. He cleared his throat in an awkward sense and continued on, "Anyways, I would think that splitting the jobs into small groups would make everything less harder on everyone as one big unit …and plus it'll progress more quicker in the way,"

"So what do you have in mind?" Utau asked.

"We'll all simply pull slips of paper from out of this box," he announced holding a brown medium-sized cardboard box, "…and whatever you pull, is your assigned activity that you will – with your partner; have to set and work out,"

"I agree," went Fujisaki, "That seems reasonable,"

I glared over to the stupid purple head just beside me; figures that he'll agree with Tadagay …AW! They could make such a cute homosexually-active couple! Slowly a grin plastered and tore into my face at the very thought of Fujisaki and Hotori being gay with each other … *insert dirty and evil mischievous laugh*

Tadase nodded his head and passed the box around us, and we pulled out a small light-blue slip at random, "Now, for future references …Yuiki-chan, Sanjou-kun, Hiiragi-chan (Rikka), Ichinomiya-kun (Hikaru), and Ikuto-niisan are going to accompany us in planning the festival along with their new Guardian recruitments,"

We all nodded and looked down to our slips …and our newly found tortures.

I blinked and stared up straight at out 'leader', "I'm on food committee?"

Kusukusu giggled at this.

"Well, yes …if that's what you picked; is there a problem, Mashiro-san?"

"Yeah, actually there is …I can't cook-"

"Don't worry Rima-chan …I've picked the same activity as you. We'll be working together," Baka Fujisaki smiled over to me. I glared at him and then narrowed my eyes back up to Tadase, "I don't like my partner," I say simply and rather quickly.

"Aw, Rima-chan …always so mean to little ol' Nagi," went stupid Purple Head as he batted his girly looking eyes and cheesed an annoyingly and sickly sweet smile. I returned to him one of my most deadliest looking death glares that I could muster up, but I knew that it failed epically when he started to chuckle at me in amusement.

I growled inwardly to myself, "What? Why are you laughing?"

"Sorry …hahaha, it's just that …Hahaha, you're just too cute when you glare at people like that," he chuckled louder.

"Shut. Up." I said through my slight faint blush.

He laughed some more at this, but this time followed along by his indigo Chara; Rhythm …Temari must've been hiding inside her small pink sakura egg.

"So, from what I understand …Mashiro-san and Fujisaki-kun are both partners in the food committee …Utau-neechan and Souma-san are part of the entertainment committee …the rest of the others I'm going to just assign them jobs," Tadase spoke as he read a clipboard with various forms of papers –that, quite frankly, he seemed to pull completely out of nowhere.

I sweat dropped at this, as did Kukai, Daichi, and Kusukusu. It's sort of strange that it's just us four who found that weird and confusing …Cross-dresser and Utau just sat unfazed in their seats; along with their Charas, like that was actually normal.

"So, where's Amu?" Utau asked, pulling me from my thoughts. I blinked and turned over to her and then back to Tadase, nodding my head in agreement.

"I sent her on an errand, she'll be back soon. Don't worry; I've already updated her on today's events. Dismissed," he concluded, waving us off as he was still going over the writing or whatever it was of the documents attached to the small brown colored clipboard.

Kiseke floated over to his blonde bearer's shoulder, reading along with him.

~ …A Simple Thread… ~

Everyone slowly exited out of the Meeting Hall, leaving and going off in their separate ways to their classrooms.

Kukai and Utau were in a higher division of the High school segment of the building, so they soon departed and went up about four more flights to their class upstairs …that's too much of a walk if you ask me.

So as I watched the two of them take their leave, I suddenly realized that yet again, I was stuck with Baka Fujisaki. Kami-sama is probably up in the Heavens looking down and laughing at my misery, right now.

I hope you're up there enjoying yourself, old man! When I die, I'll be up there soon enough and then I promise you, that you're gonna rue the day that you ever messed with Rima Mashiro …Never mind, I'm truly sorry, Kami-sama, please don't curse me. That was just an itsy-bitsy little tempering tantrum is all …I didn't actually mean any of that, that I just sweared …

I prayed silently to myself for a moment and then right after finishing my little prayer, Fujisaki and I walked silently down the lone, hushed, and relatively emptied hallways.

The halls were vacant of students; it's strange, of how it looks without being filled with teenagers and middle-aged adults or over, crowding around. For a moment we walked in a pregnant silence; the only thing you could hear were mine and the cross dresser's footsteps, and the floating sounds of our Charas, as they chased each other, playing around.

"Ladies first," he said politely as he signaled me to enter into the room. I blinked and stared between him and the sliding doors with a very infamous Rima Mashiro blank, emotionless stare.

"When you say that, are you sure it doesn't disturb you at all?" I asked, shining a small innocent smile. Purple Head snarled down at me, "Just go in,"

So in I entered –not because he told me to! I only simply complied, because I was tired of all the walking and really wanted to sit my nonathletic butt down-; not forgetting that the cross dresser was trailing behind me. The annoying sensei of the class; stopped us in our tracks and asked where've we been, and why're we so late. We just showed her our excuse papers, "You may be seated," she sighed defeated.

We nodded simply and headed over to our assigned seats …which, were right by each other …I hate our sensei's seating arrangements so much! But, ignoring my hatred and other stuffy stuff, Purple Head and I quietly sat down at our desks and started to follow along in the lesson along with the rest of the class.

The excuse papers were Tadase's idea, by the way. You see since, we're now in high school, we have to keep the Guardians a secret. It'll be kind of hard to believe in something as Guardian's, Charas and X-eggs. Heh, try telling something like that to your schools' principal, and see how that'll work out for you. So anyways, we only use the Student Council as a cover up, for any Guardian Meetings, like the ones' from when we were in the Middle school division of Seiyo Academy, last year. The only difference is that we don't have any rankings, like King, Queen and etc.

Just so you know the last of the original Guardians are back in the Middle school and Elementary division of the school; leaving Yaya in Queen's Chair, some new kid named Takashi Nakamura (aka Tashi-kun) in King's Chair, Hikaru in Jack's Chair, and Rikka in Ace's Chair.

Although, we're like separated in the school day; we would still see each other sometimes, but mostly on missions, or in battles, or on small and simple outgoings …

Kairi's still a Chara Bearer, but he refuses to come back to the Guardians (he's still attending Seiyo Academy and is feeling slightly guilt-worthy of using his friendship as a front, just to get close to us and tell all our weaknesses and secrets to Easter …that's ancient history though, but …meh, you know how Kairi is), but whenever there's a huge battle or something of that category, he would be on our side ready to help.

Anyway, I glanced over at Baka Fujisaki, who was sitting on the left side of me taking down notes. He's such a nerd, but a really great athlete, even without Rhythm's help …sometimes, I envy him. I mean, he's so popular and loved by everyone, he's highly smart …like some kind of freaking humanoid robot or wizard …a great dancer (he actually can pull off being a delicate and graceful flower …er… I meant 'girl'), he's great and awesome at any sport imaginable! Kami-sama …he's great at everything; what isn't he good at?

Soon enough, he noticed my staring at him and turned his ochre eyes in my direction.

He gave me a quick wink with a gentle and serene smile. I felt myself blush a little at this and then quickly turned my face from his view.

Am I actually turning red, because of him? Him, the cross dresser, of all people! ? No way, right? (A/N: You're sooo in denial Rima! Stop lying to yourself; it's just not healthy!)

Nagihiko POV …

I don't understand her at all, sometimes. First, she's all cute, and then the second she gets the chance she just …I guess I've still got a lot to learn about the opposite sex …

I returned my attention to Kiyoko-sensei in the front of the class.




I'm lost right now. I don't know where she left off, or where to start …so I just pretended to follow along. Like this is gonna help me in my well-thought-out future. –Note the sarcasm, please.

I quickly glanced over to Rima-chan, who was staring out the window …again. That's like her most preferred thing to do in this class; stare out the window, doodle in her notebook, crack whispered jokes and gags about the sensei or just either she nods off and goes to sleep …I wonder what goes through that brain of hers.

'Nagihiko, why aren't you paying attention to your school work?' Temari's voice rang through my head.

'I would, but I've forgotten where the teacher left off,'

'He's too busy eyeing, that Rima girl,' Rhythm teased.

'Zip it,' I quickly snapped at my indigo colored Chara, with a slight hint of embarrassment in my voice. I could've sworn that I heard Rhythm chuckling. Probably, off of my comment.

'Don't make fun of he's feelings,'

'I'm not; you asked for a reason and I gave you one,'

'But you're still teasing him …Rhythm sometimes you're too immature.'

I rolled my eyes and returned my attention back to the book that was laid out on top my desk in front of me; calling myself trying to get back into the instructor's lecture, but it's kind of hard to concentrate while listening to Temari and Rhythm argue. They're just like childish siblings, always arguing over the littlest things. Never once, did either of them ever actually win the arguments they had …sigh …it seems kind of pointless to me, but at the same time humorous in many ways.


Class ended after a couple minutes later. I don't really see the point of coming into class for the last few fifteen minutes of class …I guess, it was a good way to pass the time I suppose …but, finally the school day is out.

'I could use a hot soak in the tub right about now,' I thought to myself.

After collecting all of my belongings, I slowly started out the room, but before essentially leaving, I took a quick glance around the classroom and spotted Rima-chan still sitting in her seat …fast asleep.

I blinked and slowly took in her napping figure …

Her arms were both folded on top of her wooden desktop; her head lying inside of her arms, tumbling around the small blonde was many, many strands of wavy long golden curls. Kusukusu lay fast asleep on top of Rima-chan's hair.

'Rima …she seems completely different when she's asleep; from what I'm used to,' Temari says.

'I guess you should wake her up,' Rhythm pointed out.

"I should, shouldn't I …" I exhaled and walked over to her desk, "Hey, Rima-chan …" I say gently, "Wake up, it's time to go; class is over," I softly put my hand on her shoulder.

"H-hunh?" she yawned lightly with her honey brown doe eyes all droopy. Wow …I think I sort of, kinda blushed a little at this …I-I don't know why, but I think I did.

"Oh, it's just you; what do you want, cross dresser?" she asked resentfully.

"Ignoring that …it's after class …and school; time to go," I pointed out, gesturing my pointed thumb over my shoulder and over to the classroom's sliding door.

"Okay, okay …I'll get going,"

'Nagi, you're smiling,' Rhythm pointed out.

"S-shut up," I said as I quickly turned my head.

My Charas both chuckled and giggled, I just rolled my eyes.

"Are you coming or not?" Rima-chan asked.

"Hunh," I blinked, slightly startled by the small delicate and petite voice.

Rima-chan walked up to me.

"Now, don't go getting the wrong idea. I-it's just that it's getting dark out, and I'm just walking with you for your protection, that's all," Rima-chan said with her cheeks reddening; avoiding any eye contact with me.

'For protection …? It's not even that dark out,' I thought to myself.

"Okay," I answered, shrugging my shoulders.

~ …A Simple Thread… ~




It was so …quiet …

Even the crickets were way too nervous to sing their sweet gentle songs of the night; they stayed scarcely and awkwardly silent.

The sun had set not too long ago and the winds were giving off a wonderful nimble and calm breeze tonight.

"So you live close to the school?" I asked to break the awkward silence.

"A little ways down,"

"Oh, okay,"




This …is kind of …weird. She wasn't insulting me at all; she's just quiet. Right now she seems …at peace. I'm not use to this side of Rima-chan, its' weird seeing her like this. So, I tried having another conversation with her.

"So, what was with you falling asleep in class?" I asked.

"I can't help it if she makes the class boring and sleep-worthy," Rima-chan answered nonchalantly. Kusukusu snickered at the comment.

"Really," I chuckled, "That's how you end up failing, you know,"

"Yeah whatever …I mean she's always going on and on about nothing,"

"But, some of that 'nothing' can turn out to mean something,"

"Whatever; you always have to think things through, don't you?" she asked, looking up at me.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, just forget it," she said as she turned her face.

This is the first time we ever talked like this, for this long without breaking into an argument. It was kind of awkward, but yet it was nice. Whenever, we usually have a conversation we end up insulting each other, and seemingly hating each other.

"You, know …when you're like this, you're kind of attractive," I smiled to myself and I could've sworn that from the corners of my eyes I saw Rima-chan blush a light rosy pink.

"You're still a freaky, perverted cross-dresser," she said walking up some.

I frowned, only slightly but shook the insult off. So much for a small and peaceful conversation, "Well, at least I'm not the size of a seven year old," I shot back.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Oh, nothing …it's just that …I'm not the one who looks as if their still attending grade school,"

Rima-chan winced at my statement as her Chara was snickering and laughing like mad.

Temari and Rhythm looked at me as if I had three heads and one of them said that it wanted them for dinner …and it seems as if I won our little witty battle, between Rima-chan and I.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Rima-chan suddenly mumbled. I blinked and turned my gaze back onto her petite silhouette, "Okay, see you later, Rima-chan …Kusukusu,"

The small clown Chara waved and giggled my way, after hugging and saying and wishing my two twin Charas a friendly 'Good night'.

"Come on, Kusukusu," Rima-chan called from in front of her home's doorway.

"Alright," the little Chara said, as it floated after her blonde bearer.

I watched her as she opened her house's front door; before entering she turned and stared back at me, and gave me a quick small smile, right before heading inside.

I stood there motionless; replaying that sweet and not to mention cute moment in my mind.

"Nagihiko, let's go home; shall we?" Temari says.

"Hey, Nagi …I'm kind of hungry. Let's go eat," Rhythm concluded.

"Hunh," I gasped, as I snapped back into reality, "S-sure," and with that, I started my walk home; accompanied by my two Charas and with the moon, stars, and the street lamps, lighting my way. Who knew Rima-chan could be so cute? …I guess she has a side of her that I've never notice before (Or a side that she chooses not to show in school); Rima-chan is such a mysterious character, sometimes …I just can't do anything but wonder …

"Heh, I guess I still have a lot to learn," I chuckled to myself.

~ …A Simple Thread…~

M.L.D: So! What do you guys think? (A/N: Sorry for yet another interruption, but I thought that you should at least know this; Tadase is the Class Representative or as Rima said 'the Student Council leader, Nagihiko's second in command –or assistant- if Tadase should ever fall ill or is absent from school, Rima and Amu are the Treasures, while Kukai and Utau are both the advisors and/or sempais.)

Rima: It's sorta boring … *yawns*

M.L.D: Oh, who asked you Rima …I don't remember anyone asking your opinion!

Nagihiko: You don't know the half of it. -Rima glares at Nagi- B-besides, it's just the beginning so, it'll be a little drab and stuff …ANYWAYS! Please review, and thank you for reading.

Rhythm: See you all in the next chapter!