Ok, so I know it's been forever since I updated my other stories. But believe when I say my life has been fucking crazy. I have some chapters to add. And I will get around to it I promise.
This story is 3 chapters long, and I was in a really shitty mood and kinda pounded it out while at work. I wanted bad Jasper and bad Bella. It made me smile if only for a bit.
I also have another story in the works that is Bella/Jasper. It has been my gett away from the things going on in my life. My dad passed away and I have been using writing to escape.
I have no beta, so everything is rough, grammar sucks, and probaby some spelling…yada yada. Don't kill me please. Ha.
Both ooc and stuff. But I hope yall enjoy. I am always up for suggestions, critism, anything and all. Reviews are also welcomed of course. Make me smile people, if you like it of course. If not :shrugs: tell me a joke. ;)
I own nothing, SM does.
Her blood hit the carpet with a soft thud. Mine.
I had to have that sweet blood in my mouth. I had to taste her. There was a necessasity to it. Rules and regelations of our vegetarian diet was no longer a concern to me. It meant nothing that my brother and sisters were holding me back. I laughed in my head. Did they fucking know who I was.
Major Jasper Fucking Whitlock.
I used to take on several newborns at a time. They had to know at anytime I could throw them clear across the room. Two strides and I could have that beautiful crimson nector flowing down my throat.
Edward, that insuffarable pompous dick threw her into the table. Blood. More of it streaming like ribbons down her body. Fucking Mine.
I was fairly certain the possessiveness was wanting the blood all to myself. I had my brothers and sisters off me within minutes. And Edward following soon after.
I had her warm soft body in my arms in the next moment. She looked at me with her chocolate brown eyes and it was almost as if she was pleading with me. And at that moment I couldn't feel her emotions. But if judging by her face, there held no fear, but more anticipation.
I held her wrist to my mouth that had a particularly nasty cut. I flicked my tongue out and tasted her. Fucking heaven. She was exotic spices and sex. I looked at her again, and there it was. A small nod.
I bit her and drew greedily. I knew I had only moments. I then pushed as much venom into her as possible. She screamed and it sound like millions of bells tolling. Shit, even her scream was beautiful. Just as I felt I had pushed enough in I was pulled back by my surrogate family.
But before they pulled me away, I whispered I be back for her.
Her repsonse was more screaming. And it was music to my hears. I chuckled.
I tore myself out of their grip and ran. By the time I had reached the water Edward was the only one keeping up. He was still a good few yards behind me.
"You take care of my girl Edward, I will be back to claim what is mine."
I knew he could hear me. The roar that followed was a parting gift to me. I jumped.
I didn't slow down for hours. I knew where I was going, but I wanted to make sure no one was following me. I was a little worried about Alice finding out. But I had just bitten their precious human pet. They would think of nothing else but her for awhile. And by the time she came around, they would think me nothing of importance. Which they would be wrong, of course.
Peter and Charlotte still had their house in south Texas. I showed up at the door step and Peter greeted me with his ever famous shit eating grin.
"Welcome back brother." Welcome back indeed.
I followed him into his cabin where Charlotte promptly threw herself in my arms.
"It's good to have you back sugar, we have missed you. You know it hasn't been the same."
I kissed the top of her head. My children. My brother and sister. And soon my mate would follow. I smiled a smile I hadn't known I still possessed. I felt free. Free to really be myself. I thought all those years I wanted to be with the Cullens, to get away from killing humans. But I felt more crippled by their presences then anything. And then she walked into our lives.
Ms. Isabella Marie Swan. Soon to be my mate.
At first, I just wanted her dead. Her smell was intoxicating and when I was around I couldn't help but be pulled by her. It pissed me right the fuck off at first. So I never spoke to her. I just hovered near by watching. I would find her sneaking glances at me when Edward wasn't giving her his full attention. Curisousty and lust were the dominant emotions when I was near her. Followed by guilt and embarrasament. She didn't know yet that I could feel her emotions, or she would be constantly blushing. Which would have been fine, when she blushed she turned a beautiful shade of red.
Then, her birthday.
Before her birthday I had decided to just leave her alone. I became indifferent. Or so I told myself. But the closer Edward and Bella got, the more volatile my emotions became. Then her birthday and she cut her finger and the world shifted. I knew she was mine. I had to have her. I couldn't explain it, but I just knew she was to be mine. I was to bite her and she would always and forever be mine.
I had been lost in thought which thankfully Peter let me.
"Give it a month."
A month.
"Yes. One month. She will find you."
"Of course she will. She is my other half. We will always be able to find each other. I hate that I had to leave her there with those fuckers. But there was no way I could run with both of us."
My brother nodded. "She won't see you either."
Alice. The pixie couldn't see me. Interesting. But never the less I was thankful for that.
He slapped me on the back. "Come on brother, let's hunt. I have missed having our dinner together as a family. There is a carnival in town."
Oh yes I have missed this fucker.
"I do like ferris wheels."
"And the meals on two legs are a plus too."
We laughed as we headed out to feast on the unknowing and innocent.
I was happier then I had been in decades.