Chapter 1: Stranger

The silence woke me. I had grown so aquaited to the vibrating sounds of Jeb's snoring; I'm pretty sure carried through to everyone's room. Or the occasional complaints voiced by Lacey that wake the majority of our little civilization up.

But, what really worried me was the murmuring coming from far away that I strained to listen to. It sounded as if it were coming from the hospital, in which case making it top secret. My curiosity got the better of me.

I quietly slipped from Ian's grasp his immediate involuntary action was to sprawl out on the bed all limbs covering it. I- or should I say my body- let out a soft giggle. My hand stealthily opened the door, and closed it without so much as a thud, something I picked up from Ian. And thus, my investigation began.

As I made my way down the hall I realized I may not like what I found in the hospital just like before. I shuddered at the thought of silver blood. No, I reasoned they wouldn't be doing anything I wouldn't like. Jeb had promised, and I believed him. Anyways if I was needed for any emergency raid I would be there to help.

The murmuring was becoming clear now, "What the hell, Jared you probably led the seekers straight to us!" Kyle hissed.

"Oh, like you almost killed us all by getting Jodi?" Mel used a more even tone.

"Kyle, if I didn't go we might as well been discovered anyways. She was screaming bloody murder out there." Jared's voice came up tired, and strained, unusual for him.

I turned the corner and I was blinded by the bright oil lamp shining in the center of the room. Scalpels and other medical supplies were ever so neatly placed along a mat. I smiled when I saw Mel Holding a thrumming cryotank. Jared looked like the dead barely keeping his eyes open and hand close by Jeb's gun. Kyle looked livelier than all of them combined back straight, and scowling ever so often. Doc was hovering over a girl-a young girl possibly twelve or thirteen- light brown hair spilled over the cot. Her body was shockingly dirty perhaps from wandering around in the desert. Clearly Doc had extracted a soul.

When I first came into view no one was shocked to see me. Even Kyle, being on edge, didn't so much throw me a glance. Maybe I was to quiet. I didn't want to appear nosey so I continued to stay quiet, and slipped next to Doc. As soon as I sat down the girl gasped. All the eyes in the room turned to her.

Doc jumped on the opportunity of her consciousness by pulling out his flashlight. "Hello, are you alright-"He stopped suddenly when the girl grunted and opened her eyes.

The girl looked around, and seeming pleased with herself she closed her eyes, and yawned. "U menya vsyo khorosho," she whispered.

Kyle's voice interrupted the quiet that had proceeded, "well, that was unexpected."

Doc and I got up from our crouching positions. I was shocked to find Ian behind me leaning on the rock wall. He smiled at me, my heart jumped and of course I blushed. I leaned against Ian his very scent overpowered me and I succumbed to his warmth. But he seemed tense, "What happened? I thought we decided to wait until we had a plan to start kidnapping souls off the streets." Ah, that's why. He was always looking out for me. I rolled my eyes while I was still hidden against his chest.

Jared sighed, "I know, I know, but it's not like that. " He sighed again he clearly needed some sleep, "Jeb woke me up because he spotted-well heard-a soul wandering around screaming something about killing herself." I shuddered at the thought. "So Jeb, and I drove out to pick her up before some seeker found her. " I think everyone shuddered at the thought of seekers.

Jared was going to start again, but Kyle interrupted. "You took the bait? We're all screwed now!"

"Shut up, Kyle." Mel said with a groan. Kyle muttered something about being at code red, and stalked out of the room.

Jared continued, "Anyways, we took her to Doc, and here we all are."

"Indeed," Doc started, "but that doesn't explain the fact the soul was English speaking, and her host was clearly not."