
A box arrived on Alfred's doorstep. The American looked around for any sign of where it could have come from. It was the same kind of chocolate as the box Britain had brought him three months ago except this one had a red ribbon wrapped around it. America picked it up and smiled warmly, attached to one of the loops of the bow was a gold band. He glanced from the box down at his doorstep and Arthur was kneeling there suddenly. A smile tugged at his lips, one sided as if hope didn't posses the strength to pull at both corners. His perfect green eyes shining in hope and desperation. His features relax when he knew Alfred was looking at him, love washing over his features. His smiled softened and reached both corners of his lips. His eyebrows dipped in less. Somewhere wind chimes clinked together. The sun came in from the window behind the American, giving him an angelic glow. The unsaid question hanging in the air.

Alfred kneeled down before him and set the box down. England looked at him slightly worried only to be practically tackled by the energetic nation. He pressed a soft, loving kiss to the others lips and whispered, "Yes." The chimes stopped clinking just in time for it to be heard and a cloud passed over the sun, only letting a few rays through that fell upon the couple. A perfect moment, gone just as planned. Even if it was a little late.