A/N: 2nd chapter to this story, thanks for the reviews! And motivation! :D Enjoy the chapter! :D

"What was that all about" John Morrison asked Melina, confused to see her talking to someone like Randy. Melina shook her head. "I dont know. But he came out to watch my match against Layla. I just wondered what he wanted, or even better, why he even came out there in the first place."

John shook his head. "Classic Randy. I rather not know what he was thinking. We all know Randy Orton. The psycho crazed deranged viper. I dont like the closure of him to you. So Mel, please do me a favor, and stay away from him, please? I cant risk you getting hurt."

"You really didnt have to tell me that at all JoMo. I was planning to stay away from him either way." Melina told her boyfriend.

"Good. Cuz you know I have like a ton of love for you Mel."

"Awww, JoMo, you know I do too. Look, I have to go. Beth awaits for my appearance. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Melina kissed her boyfriend and hurried off to meet Beth.


"God, Beth, I thought he was really going to hurt me." Melina sits across a table from her friend, Beth Phoenix who could be seen taking interest in the attention Melina is receiving from Randy Orton.

"I dont know Mel. Maybe he's right, maybe he is interested in you. In a way, I would be afraid yet mysteriously intrigued and happy at the same time, even if I have a boyfriend...I mean, this is Randy Orton."

"And Im'a Santino Marella." Interrupts Santino suddenly poking in the girls business, adding a kiss to his girlfriend's cheek.

"Really Beth. I seriously dont know what you see in him." Melina giggled.

"He's funny, I'll admit to that. But sometimes, he can be a pain in my ass." Beth picks up an apple and shoves it in Santino's mouth, making him be quiet.

"But seriously Mel, maybe this is a sign that you might get a boost. I mean, you dont have to like Randy Orton. But if Stephanie puts you in a storyline with him, you can seriously get a boost in popularity working with Randy. After all, he is the most popular WWE Superstar around."

Melina thought for a moment. "I guess you are right. But now that I think about this, I'm worried for JoMo. He doesnt like Randy one bit."

"JoMo will understand, he's a nice guy. He'll know that its only for business, not anything personal. I mean, sure it might get serious."

"Might get serious?" Melina shook her head as she now looked at the couple of Glamerella. "Yes, he and I were put into a storyline and we got pretty serious but its up to you to prevent that. You're strong Melina, you got this."

Melina sighed. She wished that Randy never interfered in her match in the first place, she wouldnt be dealing with this situation of possibly getting involved with the likes of Randy Orton.

"You know, you're not the only one getting a boost though Melina. Snooki is going to be a guest on Raw, and Trish Stratus is making a comeback to the WWE, from what I heard, JoMo is involved in a storyline with Snooki and Trish." Beth informed her.

Melina shook her head. "Why didnt he say something to me? JoMo always tell me what's going on with his storylines, he never said anything to me about this."

Beth shrugged. "I dont know, maybe he just forgot."

"Oh and Mel, LayCool is involved in it too. So...you actually might be in a storyline with Randy Orton once you are done with the likes of LayCool."

Melina sucked her teeth. "Please, dont remind me."


"Randy, I would say that you are in trouble for getting involved in the Diva's match, indirectly." Stephanie began as Randy Orton sat in a chair of Stephanie's office.

"But you're not. I actually came up with an interesting storyline surrounding Melina and Nexus." Stephanie tells him.

"Dont tell me I'm working with Nexus. The New Nexus?" Randy asked.

"Yes, CM Punk as the New Leader. At Night Of Champions, after you win your match against Sheamus, The New Nexus comes out and will beat you down to the ground. And how Melina fits into the process, well, you'll find out soon. But Randy, listen to me loud and clear."

Randy focused on Stephanie, giving her his full attention. "Just because you didnt follow the script correctly and got something positive out of it, doesnt mean you go and do it again. So Randy, dont let me catch you pulling a stunt like that again."

"Yes m'am."

"Now get the hell out of my office."

Standing up, Randy made his way out of Stephanie's office when he ran into John. "What she say?" John Cena asked him.

"Looks like I got myself a new storyline." Randy smirked. "What? You get a new storyline when you screw up the scripture of another storyline? Lucky bastard."

"It wasnt me, if Steph didnt come up with the idea, I probably would've been fired, or at least put under the watchful eye of her." Randy shook his head. "Like I could care less of what Stephanie says. I am the most talented superstar here in the WWE. Her father wouldnt lift a finger to fire somebody like me."

Randy thought about what it would be like to work with the likes of Melina. And when he did, the thought of Morrison crossed his mind. An idea crossed his mind and he was forced to turn around and make a suggestion to Stephanie about it.

"I dont like where this is going." John shook his head when he watched Randy go back into Stephanie's office.

I dont know about you, but I want Randy in this story, to be marked as someone really sinister, so dark and mysterious in Melina's eyes. And the pairing of Melina/Randy. It interests me, so it will be interesting writing the rest of this story. :) ;) Review! :D