Scream-The Alternate Version
Chapter Eighteen: Survivors
Two months later
Billy and Sidney are walking towards the water fountain. She, Billy and Tatum not to mention Gale and Dewey went through hell. Gale was treated for her bullet wound. She turned to work two weeks later.
Dewey had to stay at the hospital awhile longer due to the injury. He'll live though but will have limp. A nerve was severed when he was stabbed and as a result won't walk the same. He was lucky to have Gale by his side. She provided a lot of comfort. Unfortunately, she ended up leaving Woodsboro chasing another story. Dewey was heart- broken. Tatum and Momma Riley stood by his side.
Tatum had her neck check out and is ok. She was also treated for her bullet wound and left the hospital on her own. She didn't like to be cooked up and hated hospital food. She decided it was best that her mom take care of her. Besides, the school year wasn't out yet and they had yet to replace the principal after Mr. Himbry was murdered.
Billy's stomach had been checked and stitched up. He was lucky that all he had was a deep flesh wound. No major arteries or veins had been affected. He spent no more than a few weeks in the hospital before being released into the custody of his father. His mother had come to town to take care of him for a while. When Billy was better she had to leave.
Sidney had been checked out as well. All she had were simple bruises. Her heart ached. She had to bury her father next to her mother's grave. She also called his job to inform them on what happened. Lucky for her the Loomis' and Mama Riley were there for her. Sidney's lawyer got her to sell the house. She moved in with the Riley family. She also inherited her father's money and due to his life insurance policy received one hundred and ninety thousand dollars.
She and Billy are holding hands. She was glad he had survived. She didn't know if she could go on without him. The two are talking.
"You ok?" He asked her.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Sidney said to him.
"I'm sorry about what happened." Billy said to her. Sidney didn't say anything. Billy took her hands in his. "I know how much you miss your parents. You'll get through this. Ok?" Sidney nodded. "I'll be with you every step of the way." Billy leans in to kiss Sidney's lips.
"I'm glad you didn't die. I don't know what I would've done without you." She said to him.
"Hey, I told you. It takes a lot to keep me down. You can't get rid of me that easily." Billy said smiling causing Sidney to smile.
"So you have dreams about me?" Sidney asked him smirking.
"What?" Billy asked her. "I don't know what you're talking about." He said looking away.
"Oh really? You didn't have a dream about you and me being married with children?" Sidney asked him. Billy looked away knowing he was caught.
"He told you didn't he?" Billy asked.
"Yes but I get the feeling there's more going on than meets the eye." Sidney said to her man.
"I can't tell you." Billy said to her.
"Why not?"
"You'll think I'm a goof ball." Billy said smiling.
"No I won't come on. Tell me." Sidney said to him.
"Ok. When we started dating, the dreams were vague. I would dream that you and I would well…" Billy said to her reminding her of the night they had sex which was the same night Randy flipped his lid and killed everyone but them. Sidney smirked remembering the love making session and vowed to give herself to Billy more often than not. "It wasn't until after you mom died, that I watched you deal with all the press, the courts, not to mention the police and at the same time dealing your emotions. I watched how strong you were at the point and how you kept grieving even though it all. I was so impressed and in love."
"My grieving for my mother made you love me?" Sidney asked confused.
"Yes. You reminded me of my mother when she and my dad got divorced. It tore her up inside but like a true woman she was able deal and move on while at the same time healing. I told my mother that if I found a woman who was a lot like you, I'd marry here." Sidney smiled.
"I'm happy you see me in that light." She said to him. "With both my parents gone, I don't know how long I can grieve but I'm happy to have you, Tatum, Dewey, Mrs. Riley and your parents to help me through this."
"My pleasure." Billy said taking her hands in his.
"Do you think this is over?" Sidney asked her question deadly serious.
"I don't know. I sure hope so." Billy said to her. He pulls Sidney close to him. "Don't worry baby, I won't let anything happen to you."
"I love you." Sidney said to him.
"I love you to." Billy said as the two kissed passionately. Neither of the two noticed Tatum walk up behind them.
"Get a room you two." She said as Sidney and Billy smirked.
"Tay, you alright?" Billy asked her.
"I'm fine Billy." Tatum said.
"Let's get out here." Billy said wrapping his arms around both Sidney and Tatum's shoulders as they headed off away from the fountain in the town's square.
The End!