Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Seed and Naruto.

Once Kira and Karui returned, they went to go join the others.

"There goes that idea" said Kira walking in

"Got any more" asked Karui

"We will just tell the command staff that our contract is complete" said Samui

"But the Alliance will still get the Strike and Aegis" said Karui

"But they won't be able to do much with them with the Coordinator OS and lock you have on them" said Erica

"I guess we will have to get to the PLANTs the old-fashioned way" said Kira

"Let's go tell them now" said Samui

Kira and Karui nodded their heads as they left with Samui. They headed to the office the Archangel's command staff was given. When they walked into the office, Murrue, Mu, and Natarle looked up at them.

"What do you need" asked Murrue

"We are here to tell you that our contract is complete" said Samui

"You were hired by Orb" exclaimed Natarle pointing at them

"We were not" said Samui

"What about the Archangel" asked Murrue

"With the destruction of the Duel, Buster, and Blitz, you have no more threats against you that you can't handle" said Kira

"It was a pleasure working with you, but this is farewell" said Samui

They then left the office. Natarle ran after them only to see an empty hallway.

"They are already gone" said Natarle

"I hope they unlocked them before they left" said Mu

Natarle's eyes widen as she quickly ran out of the office.

Kira, Karui, and Samui returned to Chief Simmons' office.

"Welcome back" said Erica seeing them

"There was something that I wanted to talk to you about" she said

"What is it" asked Kira

"It was something that I noticed in the data" said Erica

"Can you tell me what happened right before re-entry" she asked

Kira and Karui thought about it for a minute before Karui said "That was when that bastard in the Duel tried to attack the refuge shuttle"

"I noticed a spike in the performance of the mobile suits that didn't show up again" said Erica

"Can you tell me if you felt anything doing that" she asked

Kira and Karui thought back to that moment.

"It was like I entered a Zen like state, allowing me to react more quickly" said Karui

"I think I saw something explode in my mind's eye before it happened" said Kira

Erica got an excited look on her face as she started furiously typing on her computer.

"This could be proof of it and it looks like genetics doesn't have any say on who has it" mumbled Erica

"You didn't mention anything like that before" said Samui

"We didn't give it a second thought when it happened" said Karui shrugging her shoulders

"Do you know what happened" asked Kira

"I may" said Erica

"There is a theory about this" she said

"About how a person could enter a state of enhanced awareness and reflexes" she explained

"That could be useful to us" said Samui

"We need to work on that" said Karui

"Please keep me informed on any developments" said Erica

"We will" said Kira nodding his head

The next day, Team Samui took Cagalli out to a clearing in the forest.

"Let's see how well you kept up your training" said Samui

Cagalli nodded her head as she got into her stance.

Kira and Karui drew their katanas and charged forward. Cagalli took out her tanto and met their attack. Samui waited for her opening before she shot forward. Cagalli jumped back and threw shuriken at them that they easily knocked away.

Soon Cagalli was on the ground covered in cuts.

"You did a good job Cagalli" said Kira

"You kept up well" said Samui

"Thank you" said Cagalli breathing heavily

Kira held out his hand and helped Cagalli get up.

Once the Archangel left Orb, Team Samui got ready to leave as well.

"You are going to the PLANTs now" asked Cagalli

"Yes" said Kira nodding his head

"Good luck" said Cagalli

She then gave him a hug and a kiss.

"I guess its Lacus' turn now" said Cagalli with a smile

Team Samui got on board a shuttle heading to Aprilius. Once they arrived, they headed to their secret HQ.

"Welcome Kira-sama" said guard seeing them

"I will inform Lacus-sama of your arrival" he said walking away

They went to her office and went in and sat down. Soon Lacus walked into her office.

"You are earlier than I expected" said Lacus

"I take it has to do with the destruction on the Buster, Duel, and Blitz" she asked

"It does" said Kira

"We were planning on faking our deaths, but those reckless hotheads ruined that" said Karui

"Could you show us the new mobile suits" asked Kira

"Sure" said Lacus

"Look at this" she said pointing at the main screen

Blueprints for two mobile suits appeared on the screen.

"This is the Freedom and the Justice" said Lacus

"The Freedom can attack multiple opponents at once and the Justice has a backpack that can act as a separate weapons platform" she explained

Then the blueprint of a ship appeared on the screen.

"This is the Eternal" said Lacus

"It is a ship built to support the Freedom and Justice" she explained

"We are planning to steal it and got our men posted on it and got Commander Waltfeld posted as the captain" she said

"What is their status" asked Kira

"The Freedom is ready to go, and they are making final adjustments to the Justice" said Lacus

"I think Kira should take the Freedom" she said

"Who wants to take the Justice" she asked

"I will" said Karui

"Ok then" said Lacus nodding her head

"You can take the second mobile suit we are building Samui" she said

Samui nodded her head at that.

"How are they coming along" she asked

"They should be finished soon after the Justice is" said Lacus

"You will have the one with beam swords while I use the one with beam rifles" she said

"Understood" said Samui nodding her head

"When do you want me to take it" asked Kira

"I wanted to wait until we find out what Operation Spitbreak's true target is" said Lacus

"You think it is a decoy" asked Karui

"Yes" said Lacus nodding her head

"It has been made way too well known" she said

"Alaska" said Samui

"That is going to be their target" she said

"That makes sense" said Kira thinking about for a few seconds

"They could have released the target to make Alaska's defenses weaker" he said

"We will just have to wait and see" said Lacus

"Let's see how far you have come" said Samui

"Ok" said Lacus

They all went outside to the training area. Lacus took off her white overcoat revealing the black battle kimono underneath tied with a pink sash. She took out her tanto and got ready. Samui took out hers and charged at Lacus. Kira and Karui took out their katanas and attacked when the opportunity presented itself.

Soon Lacus was on the ground covered in cuts.

"I will not be left behind" thought Lacus

"I will stand with them" she thought determined

A blue seed fell and exploded in her mind. She quickly got up and charged forward.

Kira's, Karui's, and Samui's eyes widen when they saw Lacus' pupils shrink and disappear. Samui quickly brought up her tanto blocking Lacus' attack. They then started fighting much quicker than before.

"It looks like she just did it as well" said Kira

"It does" said Karui

"That could help us figure out how to control it" she said

They saw that Lacus was fighting much faster now and reacting to Samui's attack more quickly as well. But they soon noticed that Lacus was completely focused on fighting Samui.

"You better get her attention" said Karui sheathing her katana

"Right" said Kira sheathing his katana

Kira quickly got next to the fighting duo and shouted "Lacus!"

Lacus stopped fighting Samui as her eyes returned to normal.

"What just happened" asked Lacus

"What were you thinking before that happened" asked Kira

"I was thinking I didn't want to be left behind and it was like something exploded in my mind before it went clear" said Lacus

Kira let out a sad sigh as he quickly pulled Lacus into a hug causing her to drop her tanto.

"I would never you behind" said Kira

"I love you, that is why I gave you this" he said caressing the seal around her neck

"So please don't think that" he said

"But I do" cried Lacus

"Everyone is so far ahead of me I feel like I will never catch up to them" she cried

"That is because you didn't have any prior training" said Kira

"You have come so far since then and I am sure you will catch up soon" he said

"So, don't worry about it anymore" he said wiping away her tears

"Ok" said Lacus smiling

He then kissed her.

Samui let out a sigh as she sheathed her tanto.

"What was it like" asked Karui

"I thought I was sparring back home there for a second" said Samui

Once Kira and Lacus separated, Karui said "There has to be more to it than being determined"

"Since it only happened to us once" she added

"You know what that was" asked Lacus

"Yes" said Kira nodding his head

"Chief Simmons told us about it" he said

They then told her everything Chief Simmons told them.

"How did it happen to you" asked Lacus

They explained what happened during re-entry.

While they were telling Lacus about their re-entry, Kira thought "Maybe that is the key"

"Maybe you have to be fully committed to something" he thought

"What could I commit to" he thought

He looked at Karui, Samui, and Lacus.

"I want to protect them" thought Kira

A purple seed exploded in his mind.