I am so so so so so so so so so sorry with how long it's been since I updated this fic, I really apologise about that. I don't really have a reason why it's been months since I've updated it not going to lie to you. I did have a complete writers block and it was annoying me because the reviews I've gotten on the last two chapters have been so amazing and I really wanted to get a chapter out quick so I'm angry at myself for not writing this chapter earlier.

All the glorious Wemma news we've received including the promos (:O) as well as Ria gave me the kick I needed to finish this fic.

This chapter is probably a little short but I didn't really know how to continue this on without writing a lot more. I think this fic will now be longer than 4 chapters by the way.

So, here it is! I really hope the wait does not disappoint. Also it's not beta'd so please forgive any bad grammar or spelling mistakes.

Emma began to walk back inside but didn't go in until she looked back one last time, noticing Will turn back before getting on the bus and looking into her eyes, reminiscent of when they were in the hallway over a year ago when Emma told him of her engagement to Ken, although this time way more painful. They both eliminated their eye contact together as they turned away from each other as Emma's tears began to fall again as she ran inside to return to her office.

Chapter 3

Will followed Rachel as he walked towards the bus after breaking eye contact with Emma, noticing that Artie was the last person to get on the bus as the lift brought him up. After closing the door following Artie, Will got onto the excitement filled bus still flabbergasted at what had just occurred. He tried to put on a brave face.

"Ok guys, NEW YORK CITY! Are you all excited?" Will exclaimed almost sarcastically as his thoughts were still on what had just happened. Will got exclaims and cheers back from all the kids but Tina, she noticed something, his mood had switched since she arrived to the school that morning, she knew something had happened, the smile that usually appeared on Will's face had faded.

"Mr Schue are you ok? You seem a little..off, but you were fine before has something happened?" Tina asked quietly.

"Um yeah, yeah I'm fine, just didn't get a lot of sleep last night from uhh...being so excited about going New York!" Will realised after he finished speaking that what he just said didn't sound convincing at all, and that was confirmed by all the kids' faces so he needed to rethink his reason.

"Yeah so Miss Pillsbury just told me she loved me, then Rachel, yes you Rachel Berry, decided to chime in and ruin our moment we had going there, you know that moment I've been dreaming of for a whole year, since a moment which you also interrupted by the way, thanks for that. Because of you interrupting and dragging me onto this bus because of precious vocal warm ups which by the way really won't really help since the competition is in 2 days I didn't get to respond to what Miss Pillsbury had said to me and now I'm going to NEW YORK CITY where I'm going to try my hand at Broadway, oh yeah I forgot to mention that to you I might be leaving you all forever after all we've been through if all goes well with April's show, which I don't think will happen but she has so much faith in me that I'm now thinking maybe I've got a shot at this, but then that means I'll never see Emma again and respond to what she told me so I'm kind of stuck at how to process everything at the moment so if that makes me seem like I'm off to you all then that's what it is. Thanks Rachel, thank you very much."

Yeah he couldn't say that. Bingo.

"Okay guys I just, I'll be honest here, I don't want you getting too excited. I know going to New York is amazing and I myself could not be more thrilled with how we've performed this year and how with just 2 years of being together we've been able to rise to this level but I don't want you to get too excited, at least not yet. The competition is fierce this year and I'm worried that because of your excitement with being in New York it might affect how we do in the competition. We need to be all game guys, we need to show all those other glee clubs, including Vocal Adrenaline that we belong at Nationals."

That sounded believable he thought.

"We understand Mr Schue" Finn replied, always understanding of his teacher. Will sighed with relief on the inside as his speech worked. While yes that speech was just a cover-up to how he was really feeling he believed what he said. In order for the club to be somewhat successful in their first Nationals competition they all needed to be focused on the reason why they were going where they were and hold in all excitement about being in New York until after the competition where they would have time to explore.

"Mr bus driver! Take us to NEW YORK CITYYY!" Rachel screamed.

"Rachel I just sa-" Will began

"Well we aren't going to get to Nationals and show them what we got if we don't step on it right now! We are already running 3 minutes late! 3 MINUTES"

"It's okay Rach calm down" Finn said while gently rubbing her shoulder.

"Seatbelts guys" Will said, checking that they were all seatbelted up before collapsing in his seat at the front of the bus able to think for the first time since his encounter with Emma.

Did she really say all those things? Will thought to himself, Will had been waiting for them 3 words to come out of her mouth for an entire year and when it finally happened, he did nothing. For a whole year he envisioned how that moment would go down, firstly it would not be when he was about to leave Lima and possibly begin a new chapter in his life, although in the last year he never thought that was even possible. For a second he just thought about the possibilities that could come from him finally being on a Broadway stage.

He would picture himself performing to an audience night after night with standing ovations, becoming the talk of the town and getting starring roles in every big production available. Just thinking about it was already putting a smile on his face, and then he realised why it was there. He never had any of these thoughts, on this scale, before Emma, sure when he was younger he had similar dreams but they began to disappear as he grew older, she rejuvenated that belief and passion in him. The thought took him back to 2 years ago when New Directions was just a tested theory, if it wasn't for that conversation with Emma he would be sitting in some cubicle for a big money-making corporation as an accountant right now, something he had no heart or desire for. His dreams from being 13 years old were now becoming a reality and that was all because of her.

She told him to do it. She told him that he had the talent and that he could really do this, something he had not felt since he was in Glee club himself when he spent his days at McKinley. It then dawned on him that while Emma told him to go to New York, it must have killed her inside to be able to do that. She was sacrificing her own happiness to make him happy and because of her confession he was now just realising it.

Hope I didn't disappoint! I hope you forgive me. I'll try very hard to get a new chapter up soon. Reviews would be amazing, please no flames though haha.