Final chapter! Enjoy it! And remember: don't be sad it's over – be happy it happened!

'Mommy! Daddy!' the Lestranges heard a squeal and Bellatrix felt something running into her, about her waist level. She'd have fallen down if Rodolphus hadn't supported her.

'Aquilla!' Lucius Malfoy screamed, running up to them. 'What have I – and auntie Cissa – been telling you about running into people?'

'Soly, uncle' the girl, because it was a girl, said apologizing. Then she looked up. Her eyes met Bellatrix's.

'Mommy' the girl said, smiling. Bellatrix was so shocked that she didn't know what to do. She was brought here, handcuffed, only to… to meet her daughter? She crouched and hugged the girl tightly. She knew she was crying again, but she didn't care. She had the ultimate proof that her daughter was safe, healthy and knowing about her. Aquilla hugged her too and she looked at Rodolphus.

'Daddy, join' she asked and Rodolphus hugged both his daughter and his wife. Lucius felt unneeded. They were a family, a family that should live together, but was brutally separated…

'Aquilla' Bellatrix whispered.

'Yes. I'm Aquilla Bellatlix Lestlange' Aquilla said with pride. 'Mommy, don't cly…'

'I'm not… no, no, you're right, I'm crying. But it's not because I'm sad… it's because I'm happy, I'm very, very happy' Bellatrix hugged Aquilla even tighter.

'I'm happy too' Aquilla smiled. Lucius cleared his throat.

'You know what, here is a bench which you could use' he said. Rodolphus chuckled and sat on the bench, pulling his daughter on his lap. He was laughing and crying at the same time, hugging Aquilla. He felt a warm, tight embrace of his wife.

'Share her' Bellatrix said. Not that Rodolphus was willing to do so, he was too busy showering the girl with kisses. Aquilla's arms were around his neck and he was just the happiest man in the whole world. He was still shaking, and so was Bellatrix. Lucius couldn't resist: he took a photo of them. This way, he thought, Aquilla would have a reminder and proof of their love to her...

Rodolphus freed himself from his wife's embrace and looked at Lucius.

'Do you happen to have any comb?' he asked. Lucius nodded and handed him a small, pink comb.

'I've dreamed of doing this for literally years' Rodolphus said, combing his daughter's hair. The girl sat still, stroked by her mother. Bellatrix was humming a soft tune, which Lucius didn't recognize. He kept distance, leaving big space for the Lestranges. He watched Rodolphus plaiting Aquilla's hair in two braids. He could believe that the man had dreamed of plaiting his daughter's hair, but the braids came out uneven. Lucius didn't laugh though. Aquilla, on the other hand, did… mostly because Rodolphus buried his face in her tummy and was tickling her.

'Da… daddy, youl… youl beald tickles!' Aquilla chuckled. Bellatrix patted her husband's shoulder.

'Come on, Roddy… my turn' she said jealously, but Rodolphus paid no attention. He gazed at Aquilla.

'You're really my dream daughter' he sighed. 'Tell me, can you read yet?'

Aquilla nodded.

'I wasn't even foul when I lealned!' she said. Rodolphus hugged her tightly again.

'My, my smart girl' he said, truly touched. 'I am so proud of you… and you should remember that we are Lestranges, and we have a lot of pride in our hearts' he leaned towards her and whispered to her ear, 'and even more prejudice.'

Aquilla nodded and whispered back,

'I want to be a Death Eatel when I glow up, like you al.'

Bellatrix and Rodolphus looked at each other.

'But, sweetie…' Bellatrix said softly, 'do you know what Death Eaters do?'

'Yup!' Aquilla nodded. 'Crrrrucio.'

This word left the Lestranges speechless with awe – and Lucius, speechless with shock.

'Aquilla…' he said. 'Since when can you pronounce R?'

Aquilla shrugged and blinked. Lucius nodded, as he knew it was a sign for "I'll tell you when we're home".

'It was tiring to tenlike I can't say R yet' Aquilla said, looking at her father. Rodolphus stroked her again.

'My little actress' he said. 'Inherited Daddy's talent, didn't you?'

'Rod…' Bellatrix sighed again. What Rodolphus didn't understand, Aquilla did. The girl slipped down from her father's lap and climbed her mother's. She was still clutching her "safety cloth".

'Is that…' Bellatrix started and Aquilla nodded.

'It's from you. And this is from Daddy!' she pointed at her button pendant. 'Mommy, Daddy, do you know it's my birthday today? I'm five!'

'Yes, yes, we know' Bellatrix hugged her. 'Happy birthday.'

'It is' Aquilla replied, returning the hug. 'Oh, I have something for you!' she squealed and turned back to Lucius. 'Uncle, did you take these drawings?'

Lucius nodded and took a scroll out of his bag. Aquilla unrolled it and showed two drawings.

'This one is for you, Mommy' she said, handing one to Bellatrix. 'And this one is for you, Daddy!'

Rodolphus discretely wiped a tear off. He liked… no, loved the drawing.

'You'd have enough of these if you had her everyday' Lucius chuckled. Rodolphus shook his head.

'I don't think I could have enough of her ever' he said sadly. 'It's just not fair.'

'Enjoy your time with her then' Lucius said. Rodolphus nodded and slipped closer to his wife and daughter.

'I didn't even imagine that I could be so happy before the Dark Lord returns' he admitted. 'Aquilla, learn well. Learn spells and curses. For one day… one day you will be a warrior.'

Bellatrix smacked her husband.

'Not yet' she said. 'Aquilla, you're a little girl yet. And stay this way as long as necessary. Yes, learn spells and curses… but don't let anyone know how much you know. Let everyone see just a cute little girl… for if you're underestimated by your opponent, you'll defeat them easily.'

'I will, I will do this all!' Aquilla jumped in place. 'I want to make you proud, very proud of you…'

Rodolphus chuckled.

'Good girl' he said. 'I'm sure we will be very proud of you if you keep up.'

'You gave us these' Bellatrix touched her drawing, 'But it's your birthday… so you should be the one getting gifts, not us.'

Aquilla smiled.

'I got you. I wanted you and I got you!'

'That's not a good gift' Bellatrix frowned. 'We'll be gone soon…'

Aquilla hung her head down and sobbed. She used her "safety cloth" to wipe tears off. Suddenly Bellatrix smiled.

'Lucius… could I use your wand? Just one little spell…' she begged.

Lucius hesitated.

'But… but I'll be in trouble if you use it for…'

'I won't… I promise… I… I just want to give a birthday gift to my little girl here…'

Lucius sighed.

'Bella, I know that the two of you at large is the gift of Aquilla's dreams, but…'

'I can't even cast a spell which would break us free!' Bellatrix screamed. And Lucius realized she was telling the truth. Although reluctantly, he handed her his wand. Bellatrix pointed it at the "safety cloth". Within a few seconds, it turned into a stuffed cat toy. It was still the same cloth, it only changed shape. Lucius hid his wand back in his cane.

'Happy birthday, Aquilla' Bellatrix whispered, once again hugging her daughter. Aquilla hugged her back.

'Thank you, Mommy' she said. 'Uncle, do you think it's right time?'

Lucius nodded with a smile. Aquilla slipped down and stood in front of both her parents. She hugged her new toy cat, cleared her throat and stood her straight. And she began the story.

'Once upon a time, there was a Mommy and a Daddy who served the Dark Lord…'

Big thanks to everyone who was reading this story. Big thanks to everyone who reviewed. Big thanks for being with me half a year.

I should now thank all the authors who inspired me. This story contains references to their works, you may look for them. In random order, thanks to David and Leigh Eddings; Jane Austen; Jacek Kaczmarski; Niccolo Machiavelli; God and inspired authors; Zdzisław Nowak; Mikhail Bulgakov.

I should also apologize to Joanne Kathleen Rowling for what I did with her characters…

I'm not leaving Aquilla forever; as I wrote before, I'll be writing a brand new story about her Hogwarts years. You may look forward to it! The title will be, most probably, „Reissue of her mother". It won't be very soon though, as I definitely want to finish my other stories before I start a new one.

If you want to know some random facts about the story, visit my page at deviantArt (see my profile for link).

And now, when the story is over, please review! Please point me any flaws you've seen, anything you particularly liked, and you can also suggest me what you want to see in the sequel. Leave a review!