Narcissa was reading aloud to Draco when suddenly an owl came. Narcissa put the book down and took the letter.

'What's it about?' Lucius asked, quite carelessly.

'My sister' Narcissa explained shortly. 'She… she's just given birth.'


'I mean my other sister.'

Lucius fell silent for a while.

'Oh' he said, quite shocked. 'So… so she was pregnant when…'

'Yes. And she cannot take care of her baby in… in that place, and we are closest family. We… and Andromeda.'

'What are you trying to tell me?' Lucius pretended he didn't understand.

'Let's take her!'


'The baby. It's a girl, a healthy girl, as they wrote here… which seems so unbelievable considering that place… if we don't take her… then Andromeda will for sure… and her mudblood husband…'

'I understand you, Cissy, but…'

'I've always wanted to have a daughter.'

Lucius sighed.

'You know I can't resist these eyes' he said. 'Just one condition: we won't pretend to be her natural parents. So she will address us as "auntie" and "uncle", and she will keep the Lestrange family name. If she has any name Bella had given her, she will keep it too… right?'


'So I'll do my best to get the baby.'

'We must win with Andromeda. I bet she'd want the baby too…'

Lucius knew it. But he could raise a second pure-blood child. All he had to do was to convince whoever was in charge that they would be better foster parents for little miss Lestrange than the mudbloods.

Review please if you liked it or you want to point me any mistakes.