Chapter 4

The girl who ate lies

Looking back, everything happened so fast. I lost the feeling of love, the feeling of trust and every ounce of confidence in me. I thought it couldn't get worse that maybe everything would work out in the end, but the voice in my head had a different plan for me. What happened next is what finally broke me and what put me in this hell…

Normal P.O.V

Lightning struck outside as Sakura stood looking through the windows of her house watching as her parents moved around laughing and smiling at each other. Looking at the girl you could tell she wasn't herself, her eyes twitched with every minute that passed another strike of lighting sounded and her eyes glowed a brighter red. Stepping up to the door she turned to door knob and went inside.

"Sakura dear where have you been its late and you're soaked" her mother said walking up to her. Sakura just stared at the ground and giggled to herself. Her parents both looked at each other and then back at her.

"Is everything alright honey?" her mother asked

"You both are such loving parents, to care for such a naive child." she whispered her father stood up from his chair and stood next to her mother.

"Who are you and what have you done with our daughter?!" the mother yelled

She laughed again and looked up staring at the woman, glowing red eyes peered into deep green

"Sorry but your daughter is asleep and I would really hate for her to be awake for this." she said as her mother just looked confused

"Be awake for wh…" she started but stopped half way. She found herself frozen her father looked at her shocked

"Honey what's wrong?!" he asked and then looked at the pink haired girl in front of him. She was staring into his wife's eyes with a sinister smile on her face. Looking back at his wife he saw tears run down her face.

"STOP IT SAKURA!" he yelled grabbing her and looking into her red eyes. He to froze, then both him and his wife's expressions went blank.

"Now then you're going to do what I tell you to do understand?" she asked they both nodded slowly she then walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a pencil and a paper handing it to them.

"Write exactly what I say." Her father took the paper and pencil

"Sakura, I hope you can forgive your mother and me but we cannot hold this in any longer. We never wanted you to become a ninja we wanted you to stay our sweet little girl. We were afraid every time you went on a mission because we knew deep down that you weren't strong enough to survive in the ninja world, we hope you can forgive us one day but we cannot continue to live in constant fear that you will not come home to us please forgive us, Love Mom and Dad."

As he was writing he began to shed tears, when he finished he set the note on the kitchen table and looked at her. She smirked and reached into her pouch pulling out a kunai and holding out in front of her.

"Now slit your throats." She ordered handing the kunai to them her father grabbed it and raised it to his throat shoving it deep into his skin blood started to pour out and his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he collapsed to the ground.

"Pick it up." she commanded her mother, she pulled the kunai out of his throat and pointed it at her own. Her hands began to shake violently.

"Struggling will only make it worse." she said getting closer to the older woman her hand didn't move and tears began to stream down her face.

"DO IT!" she shouted not being able to hold on anymore she shoved the kunai into her neck. She pulled it out and violently shoved it back in repeatedly. After making a gurgling noise she fell to the ground lifeless. The pink haired girl sighed and walked over their bodies and into her room climbing into the bed and pulled the covers over her she then began to laugh.

"She won't be able to hang onto her sanity after this. Then I'll make this body mine." she then continued to howl with laughter as the rain got harder outside and lighting struck.

The next day

Sakura's P.O.V

Opening my eyes I was blinded by the sun that shined in. I looked around and noticed I was in my room 'I don't even remember coming home last night all I remember is Naruto and everyone else leaving to bring Sasuke back' I thought to myself I was still in the clothes from yesterday.

'Junsei do you know how I got home?' I asked there was no response I shrugged it off and walked towards my door sticking out my head to listen for my parents, I heard nothing.

"Mom, Dad?" I called out there was no response

"Maybe they went out shopping" I said out loud there was an awful smell downstairs it was a copper type smell. Stepping out of my room I started walking down the stairs trying to find the source of the smell.

Halfway down the stairs I started seeing a pool of red liquid. When I got to the last step I stopped…

















Normal P.O.V

Sakura screamed at the top of her lungs there laying in front of her lying lifeless on the floor were her parents. She started to tremble and she fell to her knees. The door to her front door slammed open and there stood Ino.

"Sakura I heard you scream what's…" she stopped and covered her mouth trying to not throw up she then started to back away and ran off leaving Sakura there trembling on her knees.

"There on the table what's that?" Sakura heard Junsei whisper in her head she slowly raised herself off the ground and carefully went over her parents bodies to the table were a piece of paper sat she picked it up and began to read.

"So this is what your parents thought of you…"




"Poor Sakura…"




"First the boy you loved leaves you because you weren't strong enough to stop him."




"Your friend Naruto and the other's don't allow you to go with them on the mission because they don't want you to get in the way."




"Then your parents kill themselves because they thought you were too weak."




"And finally your supposed "best friend" Ino leaves you in your time of need."




"What will you do…?"

That was the last thing Sakura heard before she blacked out.

Sakura's P.O.V

It felt as if I was drowning, slowly sinking deeper into the abyss. I couldn't see anything but darkness, then images of my friends appeared before me. I reached out a hand to them and I tried to scream for help but they couldn't hear me. Sasuke and Naruto gave me a disappointed look and turned to walk away soon everyone else followed. I was screaming at the top of my lungs for them not to leave me but they continued to walk away until they were out of sight.

When everyone had disappeared another image appeared, it was my parents. My father was holding onto my mother and he shook his head in disappointment.

"If only she was stronger." I heard him whisper. It felt as if he had just stabbed me in the heart. I started yelling at him asking why he would say that, but again nothing came out of my mouth.

"She was never cut out to be a ninja." My mother cried to him he just shook his head then pulled out a kunai and began cutting his throat, he fell to the ground lifeless. I screamed for them to stop but nothing came out of my mouth. My mother grabbed the kunai out of his throat and pointed it at her neck she stopped and looked to me.

"Why didn't you save us Sakura?" she asked with tears streaming down her face.

"If only you were stronger you could have prevented this." she then began shoving the kunai into her neck repeatedly. I screamed at the top at my lungs I was no longer in the water but behind a glass. Over and over again she shoved the kunai into her neck as I banged on the glass trying to break through tears rolling down my cheeks. Her body fell lifeless next to my father's. I slid down on my knees screaming out in agony.




"Do you want to be stronger?" I turned around and saw a woman standing there she had long black hair with cat like ears and tails swinging back and forth behind her. I jumped up

"YES I DON'T CARE WHAT THE COST IS I'LL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES SO JUST MAKE IT STOP, MAKE THE PAIN GO AWAY!" I shouted running up to her. Next to her two of me's appeared one with maroon hair that I had seen before in the alley and another one that I had never seen with black hair both of their eyes were a deep red. The one with black hair had bags underneath her eyes. They both held out their hands to me.

"In order to give you what you want I need something from you Sakura." When she talked again I thought that her voice sounded familiar then it hit me I've heard this voice before in my head.

"Junsei?" I asked and she smiled down at me nodding in approval

"Yes Sakura it's me Junsei I had to disguise myself as you so you wouldn't get scared."

"Are you a Tailed-Beast?" I asked, her eye twitched for a second and both of the me's looked at each other and up at her the maroon haired one snickered and the black haired one frowned.

"Yes that's exactly what I Am." she tried to smile at me at this point I didn't care I only had one thing on my mind at this time.

"You have twelve tails does that mean you have more power than the nine-tails?"

"Oh yes more powerful than that pitiful Kyūbi, unlike him though I just want to help you." she assured me.

"Take whatever you need I don't care I just want to be powerful enough to not let anyone hurt me ever again"

She smirked at me then looked at the two girls next to her "Ikari, Kyōki you know what to do."

They nodded then turned back at me each grabbing my hand. The black haired one whose name was Ikari looked down at my arm and began carving into it with her nails she wrote the word 'Gekido' I winced in pain and my knees began to get weak. The maroon haired one whose name was Kyōki was muttering something to herself and with a wicked smile on her face she began writing the word 'Orokana' she laughed to herself and added a smiley face at the bottom.

"Kyōki you idiot you were only supposed to put your mark!" the black haired one yelled

"NANI?! I DID PUT MY MARK! SEE OROKANA! Wait where did this little face come from?" she then looked closer at my arm. Ikari just shook her head.

"That's enough you two. Now it's my turn." Junsei then shoved her hand into my chest I gasped for air. With a pull she ripped my heart straight out of me, I fell to my knees clutching my chest. Expecting to see blood I looked down to find that there was none and that the place where she pulled out my heart was fine. I looked up at her as she held my heart in her hand.

"What did you do?!" I yelled she just smirked

"You said you'd do anything to gain the power that you seek so I was just taking the payment for that power." She placed one of her long fingernails on my heart and wrote on it. I cringed in pain

"STOP IT HURTS!" I yelled but she didn't stop she turned it towards me to show what she had done the kanji for fox and that it was imprinted on it.

I gave her a confused look " You're so naive Sakura, tricking you was just too easy I tell you a few lies and you eat them right up believing every word." she gave me a twisted smile and the two other girls let go of me.

"I...I... don't understand?"

"She tricked you B...A...K...A!" Ikari said crossing her arms

"Hehehehehehehe tricked! You were tricked hehehehehehehe she got you good!" Kyōki laughed pointing a finger at me.

"Yes everything I've ever told you is a lie I'm not a tailed- beast you fool I'm a Ninko a very old one at that my whole plan was to get you to give over your body to me and now that I have this." she said holding my heart up to my face.

"You gave it right to me and with it YOU also belong to me now Sakura." she finished

So many emotions flooded through me all at once. Hate, betrayal, sadness, anger, and the last one was me just feeling stupid. I couldn't even think anymore I just stared blankly at the ground.

"…" I whispered out. She chuckled darkly

"Oh no no no that would just be too good for you. No I have a better idea" as she said this I felt something rise up behind me. I turned around to find a mirror the same exact one that I first saw her in. There was a push at my back and I was thrown into it I turned around and started banging on the glass.

"I'm giving you a front row seat so you can watch as I destroy everything that you held dear, those relationships you've made, that life you've lived will all be gone and the only thing you'll be able to do is watch." I banged hard on the glass yelling for her to let me out but my voice was mute. She and the other two girls began to walk away but then she stopped and turned her head to me.

"Though I have taken a liking to that Sasuke-kun of yours maybe I'll make him mine to."

"NOOO!" I yelled still banging on the glass she just laughed and kept walking.

"Bye Bye" the maroon one waived and then it was dark.

Normal P.O.V

'Sakura' opened her eyes to find she was in a hospital bed. Next to her she saw Naruto bandaged up in another bed he was staring out the window. There was a man with long white hair at the end of his bed.

"I'll go with you to train pervy sage" Naruto told him the man he nodded. Looking over he saw his pink haired teammate awake

"Sakura-chan are you ok. Granny Tsunade told me what happened... With your parents I'm so sorry I should have been here to protect you..." Sakura just stared at him with a blank expression

"I...I couldn't bring Sasuke-teme back...he went to Orochimaru….I wasn't strong enough to bring him back...I wasn't strong enough to protect you… I'm sorry I can't ask you to forgive me...but please just know that I'll keep my promise to you Sakura-chan I'll bring him back.. Believe it!" he said with tears pouring out of his eyes.

Sakura just stared at him pulling the covers off she started walking out of the door before turning the corner she stopped and turned back to him.

"There's no need to try and bring him back...because when I find him I'll make sure to bring him back piece by piece." she said giving a twisted grin. He tried to get up but his wounds began to ache.

"Sakura wait!" he shouted

"Naruto don't... your friend is going through a lot, She just needs time to heal." Jiraiya told him Naruto leaned back, deep down he felt that something was not right but soon shook it off.




As the girl walked through the hallways of the hospital a man stepped in front of her she smiled up at him.

"It's time for our plan to start Danzo let's go." with that they both walked out of the hospital and disappeared in a puff of smoke.

End of chapter 4

Ok so just to clear some things up that you all might be confused about.

Ninko-is a type of Kitsune spirt in Japanese folklore it is an invisible fox spirit who is only perceived by human beings when it possesses them.

Junsei- Means pure or genuine. *It's also not her name she just uses it to trick Sakura her real name will play a big part in the plot.*

Ikari- Mean's anger

Kyōki- Mean's Insanity *they're the different version of sakura that came out of the mirror with Junsei at the end of chapter one. In a later chapter you'll find out what they are.*

Gekido- the Japanese word for wrath

Orokana- means mindless