

"Before we embark on this journey across a vast expanse of a world, you should know what you're getting yourself into. Once you begin, there's no going back.

Shrinekept is a story game that is the biproduct of two extremes crossing over; Homestuck, the 4th MSPA creation of Andrew Hussie, and Touhou Project, the series being produced by Jun'ya Ota (Aka: ZUN). In this story game you shall discover many converging aspects and points, but we won't give those spoilers away. Shrinekept itself is an experience worth taking, or so we'd like to hope, and we don't wish to spoil the events that shall take place.

One final note, the property of Homestuck and Touhou Project does not belong to us; we, the fans, simply created this to assuage the dwelling fantasies of the people from both fan-bases that have coinciding ideas. So, do not mistake this for us claiming these works as our own – we aren't.

And on that note, shall we begin our game? Actually, here's a better question:

What will you do?"

A box pops up, with a command prompt waiting for an entry. Cracking your fingers, you enter the command:

" Shrinekept"