So this is pretty much a novalization of Ruby and Emerald with my own twist! Note this is strictly based on the games! It has nothing to do with the anime or manga!
I was inspired to write this fic from xXsapphireheartXx's story "Heroes of Hoenn" and Liz Hollow's story "Speechless". Great stories you need to check them out!
I'm only going to say this once! I do not own Pokemon.
I can't believe my mom is actually letting me ride in the back of the moving truck with all our stuff. It's annoying sitting back here, the only sounds I can here are the things in the boxes as they bump around, such boring sounds. I'm only sitting back here so that I wouldn't have to hear my mom hush the driver every time he's about to talk about something that caught his eye like a pretty scenery or something. She only does it to prevent him from being "rude" in front of her blind child. But I rather he talk about whatever he sees, it lets me paint a picture, though my mom never allows it no matter how many times I try to tell her.
I miss Goldenrod all ready and I've yet to arrive in my new town, Littleroot. Goldenrod always has new sounds, people, and trainers coming to challenge the gym, and those things always keep me entertain despite the fact that I was just limited to a few areas. I doubt a small town will be able to distract me for long. There better be cable there or I'll go insane! We're only moving to Littleroot because my mom thinks that Petalburg City, where my father's gym is, is too dangerous for me. It's not that even big of a city from what I heard!
This is so unfair! Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I'm helpless! I may not be able to see but I can still get around on my own. My other senses are overly developed and I can just sense where things are, whither they are alive or not. That's why I don't have a seeing eye Growlithe or one of those sticks to help me because I don't want or need them, though I would love to have a Pokemon. But Pokemon are too dangerous for "weak" little me. If I weren't blind would I be going on a journey right now?
Hm, the truck is slowing down, we must almost be there. Need to get out of the way of the package that's going to fall soon. Being in the back doesn't make for the most comfortable stops. Just as I expected the box does fall and spills all its contents, clothes. How did I convince my mom to let me ride back here?
The door opens and the cry of a Vigoroth fills my ears, one of the few Hoenn Pokemon I know, only because my father has one. The wild monkey Pokemon carefully maneuvers around me to get the box. Vigoroth scoops up the clothes and drops them into the box before leaving with it and a few others.
"May honey, are you alright?" my mom asks as she comes to fetch me and I just nod yes. She begins to point out the houses and lab in town. I nod to everything, faking interest. I want to go see the moving Pokemon but she won't let me. I'm not going to be allowed into the house until they're gone, so dumb.
"Lets go see our new neighbors, your father's friend." Wordlessly I let her drag me next door. Dad's friend, if I remember correctly he's a Pokemon professor, Birch I think that's his name. Maybe he can teach me about the Hoenn Pokemon. None of the Johto television ever talked about any of them unless there's was a strange outbreak of them.
It's not that long of a walk over from our house to his. I thought there would be more space between buildings in a country town guess not. The person to answer the door isn't a man but a woman, his wife most likely. All I know for sure is she's wearing too much perfume and it's irritating my nose. Immediately my mom introduces us and places far too much emphasis on the fact that I'm blind. The woman's voice is now full of sympathy. I don't want your sympathy! I'm just as capable as you are! Why can't anyone see that?
"Oh, I have a son around your age. I think he's up in his room. Would you like to meet him?" That settles it she is, indeed, his wife. My mom becomes uncomfortable at the fact that I'll be left alone with a stranger but I want to meet him and I don't want her with me!
"Yes please," I answer politely much to my mom's displeasure. My mom's grip on my hand tightens but I don't care. I want a friend!
"Then lets go-" my mom is only able to say before a younger voice overpowers hers.
"I'll take her to Brendan's room!" The voice sounds like it belongs to a young, cheerful boy. They have two sons? That's nice. A sound of a door closing soon follows his voice. He must have just come from a bedroom or possibly the bathroom. He scampers over to me and grabs my free hand; his hand is so small and wet. He did just come from the bathroom at least he knows to wash his hands. He starts to pull me away when my mom starts to object.
"I'll be alright," I say to comfort my mom and let my little guide lead me away. I'm glad he's the one taking me. I need a break from my overprotective mom.
"What's your name?" I ask once we are upstairs and away from the older women. I reach into my pocket and pull out the pair of sunglasses my father gave me. My dad realized that I'm uncomfortable with people staring at my useless eyes so he gave me these glasses with lens so dark that no one will be able to see my eyes. I slip them on so I don't have to worry about Brendan being startle by my eyes.
"I'm Kevin. Do you have any Pokemon?" He gets straight to the point, my kind of kid. I reluctantly shake my head no. I should have one considering my dad's a gym leader and that I'm sixteen but no! "Neither do I because my mom says I'm to young. It's no fair! How come Brendan gets one but not me?" Brendan has one? Maybe he'll show it to me! I wonder what kind it is?
"Do you want to be a Pokemon professor like your dad?" I ask just to have a conversation.
"No way! I'm going to become a Pokemon Master like Red!" Amazing even all the way over here Red's tales are known. But why am I surprise? His tales are incredible. A mute boy defeats the evil Team Rocket that had been terrorizing Kanto for years and becomes the champion; that's what bed time stories are made of. If I was mute could I go on a journey or at least own a Pokemon?
"We're here," Kevin says suddenly and opens the door. "Huh? It looks like he's not here."
"That's okay, I'll wait." The little boy shuffles around and sighs. He doesn't want to wait with me. I don't blame him. "You can leave if you want."
"Thanks!" He shouts as he runs down the hall. He never bugged me about my blindness, either he doesn't know or doesn't care. I like that. He's a good boy.
Brendan's room is pretty empty and clean. The shows on T.V. always made it seem like boys' rooms were always messy but that's T.V. There's something on the floor in the middle of the room. What is it? My curiosity is getting the better of me. Nearly diving for the item my hands wrap around it. It's a ball with a button on it, there's no way, a Poke ball! What Pokemon is inside? I need to know!
"Hey!" an older boy shouts, it has to be Brendan. I nearly jump but I manage to pull the ball back in its spot nicely before getting up.
"I'm sorry. I was just curious." Saying nothing he walks past me to pick up the ball. I hear him roll it around in his hands, inspecting it maybe? I wouldn't do anything to it! It must be very important to him (it is a Pokemon after all), I need to be more thoughtful of other peoples' feelings.
"Who are you?" His voice breaks my train of thought. There's a clicking sound so he must have attached it to his belt or something.
"I'm May." Didn't anyone tell him that I'm in his room?
"M-May?" He stumbles back a bit. I can hear the sound of a jingling jacket's zipper; he must be fiddling with his jacket than. He takes a few steps towards the door. Why? "You're May?" I nod yes. He scratches his head (probably the back) and his hand bumps into something soft, a hat maybe. "I see..." he whispers.
"What's wrong?" I finally ask and he stops fidgeting.
"N-nothing, I just thought you would be a boy."
"May is a girl name," I point out. Is it because I'm a girl that's making him nervous?
"I wouldn't know! I'm not from Johto." Being from Johto has nothing to do with my name. He adjusts his backpack and takes another step closer to the door.
"Do you have any-" I shake my head no because I already know what he is going to ask. "I-I would like to catch you one but I gotta help my dad right now. Bye!" And like that he's gone. Did I do something wrong?
Well Brendan's gone and I don't really have any reason to hang around here any more. I wonder if I can finally see my new house now. There's only one way to find out. Quietly I walk down the stairs and I can hear the older women chatting. My mom is talking about how difficult it is to have a blind daughter. I'm sorry for being a burden but you're the one that makes me one!
They're so engross in their conversation that they haven't noticed me, I want to keep it that way. I pick up a small ball at the base of the stairs and toss it into the kitchen. Just as I was hoping the women get up to investigate and I'm able to slip away unnoticed. I just want a few more minutes to myself as a prideful and capable girl before I have to go back being "helpless".
Did I just hear a cry for help? Naw, there's no way I did. What could be dangerous in this small town? Well I guess wild Pokemon are always a threat everywhere. But I had to be hearing things, or not. I should get help but I have this feeling that I should be the one to come to whosoever aid. I can always get help if it's too much for me.
Going towards the cry I end up on the outskirts of town, it has to be a wild Pokemon problem. I pass by a little girl, who begs me to rescue whoever it is; I can't let her down. Rushing to the clearing I discover a man running away from some kind of Pokemon. "Please! You there help me out!" the man cries once he spots me. I want too but how? "In my bag there are three Poke balls, use any of them!"
A Pokemon? I get to use a Pokemon! How cool! It's a good thing I came! Without wasting any time I rummage through his bag for the desired item. Finally my hand wraps around one and I toss it into the air. What kind is it? Can't it hurry up and come out!
"Tor!" the mysterious Pokemon shouts once it's out. It sounds cute; will it be able to battle?
"Torchic the chick Pokemon. Good choice!" Good choice? Did I get lucky? I motion for the Torchic to come over to me so I can get a good look at it. I have no idea what type it is or what moves it knows. I pat it down and I notice that it has really soft feathers so it's a bird (that's why it's the chick Pokemon) but it has no wings but it does have sharp talons, which means it must know scratch! But first I should get the other Pokemon's attention. Torchic doesn't seem to be the type that knows Leer by maybe Growl.
"Torchic use Growl!" I order and the little Pokemon does as told. The wild Pokemon stops chasing the man to howl. If I remember correctly howl raises attack so he's trying to negate growl, smart Pokemon. The wild one growls but not in the attack form. "Torchic use growl again and then follow it up with scratch."
The growl encompasses the whole area followed by the cry of pain as my Pokemon shows the other whose boss. The wild one retaliates with a tackle but the cute, soft one stays strong. Another scratch and this battle is won. I pick up the victor and spin him around. He's so warm he's gotta be a fire type. He cheers happily and kicks his feet around. He's so cute! I squeeze him and he cheers even more. I think I'm in love!
"You two make a great team," the man says. That's right, this Pokemon is not mine. Well, it was fun while it lasted. I put him down and he goes silent. Time to put on my indifferent face on but it's hard, I really like Torchic.
"You did a great job. It seems like you know a lot about Pokemon."
"I watch a lot of programs about Pokemon and my dad taught me a lot too," I answer a bit quietly. Must not let him catch on that I'm sad, he shouldn't feel guilty for taking his Pokemon back. Besides I should be happy that I was finally able to battle with a Pokemon and not to mention we won!
"Can I ask for your name?"
"I'm May."
"May? Now it makes sense. You're your father's daughter, alright." He knows dad? "I'm professor Birch. Lets go to my lab so we can talk." He must be wearing a lab coat that explains that weird flapping sound I heard when he was running. So this is the professor, not really what I was expecting but this guy is even better than what I had imagined.
He tries to return Torchic but the little bird runs away. The chick runs to my leg and rubs against it. It's so cute! He starts to chirp at me so I pick him up and he snuggles comfortably in my arms. The professor mumbles, "That isn't the right Pokemon". His voice would have gone unheard by everyone else but not me because of my super hearing. What's he talking about? Torchic is perfect! Maybe he meant the wild one?
We walk back into town almost silently. Torch is chirping like crazy especially when I scratch the little fluff of feathers on the top of his head. The town isn't filled with my mom's desperate cries for me so she hasn't notice that I'm not at the Birchs' place? She must be really hitting it off with Mrs. Birch, that's good for her. As we pass by my house I can sense that the moving truck is gone, I can go home now.
We soon make it to his lab where his assistants immediately ambush us. Apparently he didn't tell anyone that he was going out to do field work or the fact that he was taking the prized three Pokemon with him. They've been running around panicking thinking that the Pokemon were stolen.
His lab is huge and filled with all kind of strange noises. I want to go exploring or at least on a tour. With a tour I'll be able to learn what machine is making what noise. Unfortunately, the chick, in my arms, doesn't share my excitement and instead is almost afraid. I squeeze to comfort him and this helps.
At the very back of the lab is our destination, professor Birch's office. It feels like it's small and full of clutter, just like how I imagine a professor's office would be. Closing the door the sounds of the machines are muffled and they no longer bother Torchic. It sounds like he dropped several books onto the floor so that he can sit down on a swivel chair. He sets his bag down and rubs his shoulders. Torchic jumps out of my arms to go over to the bag and peck at it.
"Your father told me you don't have any Pokemon," he finally speaks when he done with rubbing his legs. How many times am I going to be reminded of that fact today? I nod yes so we can move on. "Would you like to have Torchic?"
WHAT? There's no way I heard him right! He's going to give me Torchic? At the sound of that the Pokemon, we are talking about, stops attacking the bag to come stand by my left side. "As thanks for saving me. And besides he's already attached to you."
"C-can I really keep him?" I ask with hope creeping into my voice. The sound of his hair and neck rubbing against his collar is my answer, a nod of yes!
Just as I did after the battle I pick up my very first Pokemon and spin him around. He kicks widely as we both cheer happily. This is the best day ever! I don't think I'll ever be able to repay this so very kind and generous professor. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" I nearly yell. I don't think I'll be able to contain my excitement for a very long while. I can't wait to get home so we can explore together...Oh wait, there's no way mom's going to let me keep him. I'll just have to hide him, good thing he's so small.
"You know from what I saw earlier you have a knack for battling." Really? This guy just keeps making me happier and happier. "Lately my son has gotten a bit to cocky for his own good." It sure didn't seem like that way when I met him. "So how about battling him and giving him a good challenge? He'll be on Route 103."
Leave town all by myself with Torchic to go battle a trainer? Like an actual journey? Heck yeah! I nod my head vigorously that my neck hurts a little and together with my new fire bird partner we rush out of the lab to start our journey!
Making it half away through town I finally realize that I'm getting way ahead of myself. There's no way my parents will allow me to go. They want to keep me caged in the house, where it's "safe". I really want to go on one...
You know what! I'm still going to battle Brendan and if I win than I'm going to go on my journey without my parents knowing! I know exactly how I'll get my parents' consent for the journey, though I won't attain it for a while. I'll defeat the Hoenn champion (whoever it is) and prove to them and the whole world that I can do anything a seeing person can do!
Just you wait Brendan! I'm coming for you!
Ug, I really don't like this chapter. But I haven't really gotten into the mind sent of May yet so that's kind of giving me trouble. Not to mention I've never written a story about a blind character and doing it from her point of view just adds to the difficulty! But give me time I'll be sure to get used to it and write better chapters!
Oh and a bit of a warning I wasn't supposed to start this fic until after I finished Taking Responsibility (but I couldn't help myself) so this fic will take second place to that story but do not worry that story will be ending soon.
Anyway, please tell me what you think. Good? Bad? Please don't be to harsh on me!