Painful Memories

A man clad in black, and a boy with teal blue hair stood in the ruin of the old Phantomhive manor. The boy looked sadly at the ruin. There was nothing left. A glint caught the attention of the young boy and he stooped down to pick up a glittering blue ring. Emotions swirled in his mind and he pass out at the over load. The man clad in black carried the small boy of about ten back a little ways away from his home. The man frowned at the ruin. The house he could tell was once beautiful. He could see the once tanned walls through the char of the burnt wood above it. The man shook his head. He would have to do something about this manor the boy in his arms awoke. The man set the boy down on the soft grass and took of the outer coat of his suit, draping it gently over the young one's shoulders. He rolled up the sleeves to his shirt and, with inhuman like speed, fixed up the manor the boy called home.

Four hours later the young one opened his eyes in a flutter of lashes and look around. Terror gripped at him for he didn't know where he was. He sat up and, in a frenzy of covers, hoped out of the bed he was placed so snugly in. After his senses started to return to him, he looked on in disbelief. He was in his parents' bedroom: in the manor. The Manor that burned down on his birthday, the same day he lost his parents in that vicious murder. He choked back a sob, but froze in absolute terror when he heard footsteps coming nearer to the room. His first though was to run and hid but his legs were frozen to the ground. The door opened slowly with a creek and in walked the man in black. The child cocked his head to the side and then gave an almost nonexistent smile. He knew this man.

"You… You're the one that saved me from those horrible people. Weren't you?"

The man gave a slight nod.

"You're a demon aren't you?"

"Indeed, I am."

"Did you bring me here?"

The newly proclaimed demon in black smiled at the child and, instead of answering, stated.

"My-My… You surely do have a lot of questions, don't you?"

The child frowned.

"So what…"

The man gave a chuckle.

"I am sorry… Yes I am the one that brought you here. Does this displease you?"

"N-No… I just wasn't expecting to be in my parent's bedroom, and I certainly didn't expect to awake in the manor."

"By all due respect… This is no longer you're your parents manor. It is yours."

"What do you mean?"

"The original manor was nothing but char, this is a replica."

The child thought about this.

"Oh yea, I remember that we had a fire. How could I ever forget such a thing? Tell me…?

The young one looked up into the eyes of the demon in black, abruptly.

"Why did you save me?"

"Does my young lord not remember?"

At the confused look the child gave him the demon sighed.

"You and I formed a contract. I am to be your servant in any way necessary, until the day in which you complete your revenge, at that moment I shall claim my reward."

"…and what exactly might that be?"

Again the demon sighed.

"I shall eat your soul," the demon said as a devious smirk appeared on his lips and his eyes flared to an unnatural red glow.

"Eat my soul…," the child said, "…fine your welcomed to it. It is not as if I need if anyway.

The demon cocked his head to the side and smiled.

"Yes I believe you stated that already, Young Master."

"What did you call me?"

"Young Master. Does that displease you?"

"No, but why did you call me that."

"It is quite simple. It is because you are the youngest master I have ever had."

The child made no comment; instead he turned to review the exterior of the room. It was just as he remembered it, before the fire. Tears came to his eyes but he refused to spill any. He would honor his parents by not crying over them. He knew they wouldn't want him too.

"I want this room sealed off, demon. No one, not even me, is allowed to enter this room. No matter what you say, this is still my parent's room and I will not take it from them; even if they are not here to use this room."

The demon bowed.

"Yes, my lord."

Ciel looked at his demon.

"What shall I call you them, demon?"

"You are my master. Give me a name," the demon stated as if it was obvious.

The boy started to think and he looked at his servant.

"You will be a Butler of this estate. Your name for now until our contract ends will be Sebastian Michaelis. Is that clear?"

"Yes, my lord."


The child, who is now earl of the Phantomhive estate, turned indignantly to the window.

"Sebastian, what day is this?"

"It is January 14, master."

The child couldn't believe his ears. Only a month had passed,he finally out of that hell. The month that felt like eternity. He turned to look at his demon, which stood there like a statue awaiting orders, before he took one last longing glance at his parent's room. He turned to the door and strode past his demon.

"Come Sebastian."

The demon followed obediently. Once they were out the demon produced a key to the room and locked the door. The child paused and looked questionably at the demon. The newly named, Sebastian, shrug and stated…

"You have order no one in this room, including you. Neither you nor anyone else will be able to get into this room."

Satisfied with that answer, the child turned on his heels and strode down the hall toward the steps.

"I'm hungry."

"I shall prepare a meal."

The child nodded.

"Young Master, I suggest we hire a staff."

"Yes, we need too."

"We also need to notify someone that you are alright."

"Call my aunt Angelina; she no doubtable will be worried sick."

"Yes, my lord, I shall do so right away."

The butler made his way to the kitchen and picked up the phone. The dialed the number of his master's aunt and waited for it to ring. The line connected and a female voice stated…


"Is this Angelina Durless?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"My name is Sebastian Michaelis. I am calling on the behalf of Earl Ciel Phantomhive. The young lord requests me to…"

"Is this some kind of sick joke? My nephew disappeared last month."

"Yes, I am aware how long my lord has been gone and I assure you that this is not a sick joke. My young master has requested me to contact you under the impression that you would be worried sick. You can come to the Phantomhive manor he will be waiting there."

There was no reply on the other end of the line, only a dial tone. Sebastian gave a knowing smile and hung up the phone. He then began to prepare lunch for his young master.

After lunch Sebastian called his masters attention.

"My lord, your aunt will be arriving shortly. I suggest we cover your eye."


"Has the master not looked at the bind of our contract?"

"Bind? Ah, I remember now; the seal that you put into my eye. The one that made me pass out… No I haven't taken the liberty of looking at it."

"Then allow me, Master."

Sebastian walked to the hall and picked up the tiny mirror that rested on the wall. He walked back to his master and put it up in front of him. Ciel gasped in shock. There was a circle with a star in the middle of it. The mark turned his once ocean blue eye; purple.

I suggest bandages my lord.

Ciel nodded his consent, still in awe at the appearance of his eye.

Sebastian brought out a roll of white bandage tape and held it up to his master.

"We have to get an eye patch from the shop in town later. Your aunt should be knocking any time soon, master, so this should be sufficient until then."

"How do you know…?"

"It is my job to know who comes and who goes, my lord. Hopefully later you will remember the terms of our contract so that it clears up your confusion. Now…"

With that Sebastian wrapped the white bandage tape around his master cursed eye. Only seconds after that there is a knock at the door. Sebastian turns on his heel and walked to the door, pulling open the door.

Angelina Durless looked at Sebastian in awe. Sebastian stepped aside and allowed her entry. Angelina looked around in utter shock as she scanned the walls of the estate. She concluded that everything looked the same as it did before the fire. She was so engrossed in the replica of the house that she failed to notice Ciel walk timidly into the room. When her senses final alerted her to another's presence, Angelina world around to face Ciel and her heart skipped a beat. Her nephew was alive and well enough considering the bandage covering his right eye.

"Oh, Ciel… My darling Ciel," Angelina chocked out as silent tears ran down her cheeks.

Ciel said nothing. He just stared at her, unsmiling and sullen. She paid no heed to that and ran the short distance to him and engulfed him in a suffocating hug.

"My dear nephew, thank god you are alright."

Sebastian suppressed a snort and let the lovely reunion conclude.

"What happened to you? Where were you this month?"

Ciel made no move to reply. Sebastian offered a reply.

"Madam, if I may?"


"My young lord has been through a lot. He has forbid me to tell anyone of the ordeal he has been through but I can say that he had a traumatizing experience. If you will give him time to get re-used to his life, or his new life I should say, he may get back to normal."

Angelina took that as an expectable answer and released her nephew.

Thus began the new life of Ciel Phantomhive.

To be continued

If I have missed anything in indication to the anime, or manga, please let me know because I want this story to stay as close to fact as possible. I'm sorry that this chapter is so boring. Introductions usually are. It will get better, I promise, in the next chapter. Hope you enjoyed it, and please feel free to criticize and make grammar errors and all that chizz. Oh and May 1st has no indication what so ever. If you know the length of time in which Ciel was with his captors that would help tremendously, I couldn't find it anywhere. I look forward to your reviews on this before the next chapter so that I may make the necessary changes. I hope you enjoyed it. Any one who is waiting for the second chapter of 'Pleasure' it will be up as soon as I work out the kinks... Oh and I have edited the story and added the month and i have tried to change all the grammar errors but I know they're probably still out there. Humans make mistakes and i am only human after all... Until the next chapter
