"They're not coming, Don. Who's the most experienced one looking for you? Colby? He's just a kid. A kid who thinks he knows what he's doing."

Don knew Swarrid was just trying to mess with him, but it was working. Don had seen Swarrid's other victims. They'd suffered for three days. But Swarrid had screwed up. They had to have been able to trace that phone call. Colby would find him. He wasn't just some kid like Swarrid kept insisting. He was an Army Ranger and one of the toughest men Don knew.

"How can you trust Colby? He already betrayed you once. How do you know he won't do it again? And that new girl, Suzie, how do you know you can trust her? She just got out of Iraq! Who knows who she could be working for?"

Don wished he could plug his ears. It wasn't true. Colby hadn't betrayed him. He'd acted like he had for his country. Don had seen him with that needle in his chest. There was no way Colby had been working for the Chinese. And Suzie? This guy knew nothing about her. Don had made sure to do a very in depth background check on all the people that were suggested for the job. And it had taken him a long time to do it. He couldn't just pick anyone to fill in David's spot. Suzie could probably give Colby a run for his money when it came to being patriotic.

The next thing Don felt was pain. Air hissed out between his teeth. He tried to see what Swarrid was doing but the restraints kept him from doing that. When the pain stopped he heard Swarrid walk away. He relaxed for a little bit. Then he heard a whine of a power tool. Something was shoved into his mouth. He couldn't help the yell that came up as what he was sure was an electric sander was pressed to his abdomen.

Everything blurred, sounds morphed, and suddenly time skipped. The chair had been pivoted some so Don was sitting in a more upright position.

"Do you know what it's like to drown, Don?"

A rag had been drawn tightly over his mouth and was being held there by a strap that went around his head. Don knew where this was going. A hose was lifted to the rag and turned on. Don struggled for air. He started to wonder if this was how Swarrid was going to kill him. But when Don thought he was finally going to drown Swarrid would turn the hose off and pull the rag away. When Don regained a normal breathing pace he'd do it again. Don wasn't sure how many times he'd done it.

Don thought about what would happen to the people back at home if he died here. He knew Alan probably wouldn't be able to take it. He hoped Robin would be strong. Charlie… Charlie would probably blame himself once he learned the whole story.


Don heard Charlie's voice. It sounded good. It was good to hear him alive and well. He suddenly felt something on his shoulder. It brought pain. It felt like thousands of needles pricking into his skin.

"Don." The voice was more forceful. There was a more powerful prick of the needles.

Don's hand shot out to where he felt someone touching him and his eyes jerked open. He was breathing heavily and he could feel sweat covering his body. His eyes went from the wrist he had a hold of up to Charlie's concerned eyes. Don instantly let go. "Sorry." He muttered and sat up.

Charlie sat down on the couch beside his brother. "You alright, man?"

"Ya, bud. Just haven't been getting much sleep lately." Don replied as he wiped the sweat off his face.

"I can see that." Charlie replied.

Don sighed. He could hear the questioning undertone in Charlie's voice. He looked around the living room of the Craftsman house. "Where'd everyone go?"

"It's one in the morning, Don." Charlie said lightly, amused at his brother's confusion.

"Oh." Don ran a hand through his hair. He and Robin had been over here for dinner with Charlie, Amita, and Alan. After dinner they'd decided to watch a movie. Apparently the movie hadn't been too interesting.

"Where's Robin?" Don asked.

"Upstairs. She didn't want to wake you up. She said the same thing you did about not getting much sleep lately." Charlie said.

Don glanced down at his watch blearily. "Wait… why are you up this late?"

A grimace crossed Charlie's face. "Couldn't sleep." He brought a hand up to his chest and started rubbing the spot gently.

"It's still bothering you?"

"Not as bad."

Don sighed and started spinning the wedding band on his finger. They were all still messed up. It was hard to believe that the incident had taken place almost three months ago. It still seemed like yesterday that he'd gotten off of his crutches the day before the wedding. And Charlie had stood at his side as best man. Don still remembered how much energy it had taken out of Charlie just to stand up there. Luckily they'd had the wedding outside of the place the two brothers had grown up. Charlie had stumbled into the house and crashed on the couch.

In the silence they heard a door open upstairs, some footsteps, and then a door close. A smile crossed Don's face. He slapped an encouraging hand against the mathematician's back. "Go check on your wifey."

Charlie sighed and headed up the steps.

Don settled back into the couch with a smile on his face. Maybe things would go back to normal after all.

He was just about to drift off when he heard a bustle of commotion from upstairs. "Don! Don!" Charlie yelled in panic.

Don practically sprinted towards the steps and nearly ran head on into Charlie. "What's wrong?"

"Amita's going into labor!"

The whole house exploded into motion as those words echoed through the halls.

"What? I thought she wasn't due for at least another month?"

"Me too! Help me get her downstairs!" Charlie ran back up the stairs. Don chased after him.

"Hey, I think Don was freaking out more than I was." Charlie said defensively.

"Hey!" Don replied. "I was not freaking out."

Robin smiled and put her hand in his. "Yes you were, hun." Don looked defeated.

Amita was cradling the newborn baby boy in her arms. Charlie had already held him for some time. "Why don't we give Uncle Donny a try?" Amita asked.

Alan laughed at the shocked look on Don's face.

"M-me?" Don stuttered. He'd been an FBI agent for countless years and he couldn't remember ever being as freaked out as he was now. How could he hold such a fragile and innocent thing in his hands? The very same hands that have killed and caused so many criminals to be sentenced to death. The exact opposite of this new life.

"Is Mr. FBI agent scared?" Robin teased.

Charlie took the small babe from Amita and gently held him out for Don. Don could literally hold the child with just his two hands. "Samuel Hewitt Eppes." He whispered. He looked up at Charlie and Amita and then back at the baby. "I think he looks like his dad."

"I think it might be the hair." Robin agreed.

It was true. The little amount of hair the child had was black and definitely curly. His eyes were a dark brown and he had a cute little button nose.

That's when it hit Don. Life would never go back to normal. But life was definitely going to get better.

~The End~