I awoke and found myself lying in Jarzebek's bed. I looked around the room and found that I was alone. It's like he's a lion and he's dragged a prized kill back to his den, I thought glumly. I stretched my limbs and felt my face. It didn't hurt so maybe my new "teacher" had used a healing curse on me. I looked down at my wrist and my heart sank. I had been magically shut down with another silver bracelet. Great, I guess Jarzebek wasn't taking any chances.

I sat up and started exploring the bedroom. It was every bit as lavish as I remembered it being. There were three doors. I opened the first and peered in. It was a huge room filled with men's clothing. Many of the pieces looked ornate and strange, almost as if they were costumes. The man sure was a clothes horse, I thought. I opened the second and found that it was filled with a few pieces of women's. I had the sneaking suspicion they would all fit me perfectly.

I selected a purple dress and held it up to me. Not bad, if I could dress it up with some jewelry. I put the dress back and made my way to a third door. This one led to a lavish bathroom. There was a huge soaking tub but no shower. Dozens of candles blazed throughout the bathroom, giving it a romantic look. No thanks, buddy.

I explored a bit more but quickly became bored so I took a seat in a chair by the fireplace. I considered taking a nap but I didn't want to be lying in the bed with Jarzebek came back. The minutes passed and I became restless and starting pacing the room. My thoughts drifted to Al. Had he really just handed me over to Jarzebek? The whole mess was probably because I had been summoned into reality without my "babysitter". I wouldn't have even been summoned if Jarzebek hadn't given Nick my demon name.

After what felt like hours, Jarzebek finally popped into my room. His hands were filled with shopping bags and he was grinning. "Oh good, you're awake," he said when he saw me.

I glared at him. "Listen up, Jar Jar Binks," I said, pointing an accusatory finger at him. "You can't just keep me locked up in here. I'm a demon too, I have rights." I wasn't really sure if that last part was true but it sounded good.

Jarzebek frowned at me. "No need to be rude, I was just done picking a few things up for you. By the way, don't refer to me as that piece of shit George Lucas probably dreamed up while smoking crack. You can call me Zeek."

"Okay, Zee-ck," I said, hitting the K hard. "What are you planning? I don't want to stay here and I certainly don't want to be in your bedroom."

Jarzebek, or rather Zeek, raised an eyebrow at me. "I'm sorry you feel that way but you really aren't in a position to be making demands," he said. He put the bags down and walked to the fireplace. He started arranging wood and lit a fire. "I've gone through a lot of trouble to see that you are comfortable," he said. "Did you see the bathroom?" I pressed my lips together and nodded. "It's a bathroom with almost no pipes. I'll need to use a curse to replace the water and clean it."

"Sounds like you need a maid," I muttered.

Zeek nodded. "I'll let Robert in for that. I'm not really keen on letting a familiar into my bedroom but it will have to do. I can't let you move about rooms freely yet. You are too much of a liability."

"So I'm stuck in here?" I whined. "You have to let me out. I can't stay locked up here forever."

Zeek gave me a sly smile that made my gut clench. "Well, I'll let you out once you've proven to me that you can be a good girl."

"What about Al, can I talk to Al?"

Zeek turned back to the fire and I couldn't see his expression. "I'm sure you can talk to Al again some day but I wouldn't dwell on it too much." The fire was going strong now and Zeek stood up and made his way over to the bags. His face lit up when he took out a gold gown. "I think you would look absolutely beautiful in this," he said, holding it up for me to see. The gown was gorgeous. Anyone would look good in it.

"Well, it doesn't seem like I'll have any place to wear it to anytime soon," I mumbled.

Zeek grinned and I felt a wave of everafter wash over me. I looked at the empty hanger in his hand and then down at myself. I was decked out to the nines and fought the urge to check myself out in the mirror. I felt my hair and found that the usually frizz had been straightened and my hair now fell in soft waves around my shoulders.

Zeek snapped his fingers and piano music began to play. He brought his feet together and stood straight with his hand offered out to me. I didn't take it. His eyebrow twitched and I felt my hand rise to accept his. He pulled me in close and began to move me around the room. I resisted at first but I kept tripping and finally relented and let him lead me in a waltz. I kept my gaze fixed at whatever object was in front of me but finally looked up at him after a couple of minutes. The demon was smiling down at me, seemingly captivated. I looked away quickly.

The song ended and I tried to move away but another waltz began. Without breaking stride, Zeek continued to dance with me. "Where are you going to sleep?" I asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

"Why, next to you, of course," he said.

"Oh no your not," I shot back at him. "Aren't you scared I'll kill you in the middle of the night?"

"Hmmmm," he said smoothly. "Perhaps I'll have to tie you up then." I looked back up to see if he was serious. There was a hint of laughter in his eyes. "I won't seduce you, if that is what you are worried about," he said. "At least, not yet."

I kicked him squarely in the shin. "Ow," he said and dropped back. He rubbed his shin and scowled at me.

"Absolutely not. No way. No how. Not on your life buddy. Eh eh. Dream on," I paused having run out of ways express my feelings on the subject.

The song ended and Zeek changed me into a more casual outfit that seemed a bit more revealing than I would have liked but I didn't argue with him. He brought dinner into the room and we ate together at a small table that was probably meant for afternoon tea. Throughout dinner Zeek talked about his family and his job. He was a noble in demon society and didn't really have to work but it gave him something to do. I didn't talk much but I asked him if that is why Dali had opened Daliance's.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, Dali is my father."

That caught me off guard. I didn't really imagine demon's having family. I wondered if Al had any remaining relatives. I didn't think so. He seemed too lonely and bitter.

"What does Dali think about you kidnapping me?" I asked.

Zeek laughed and put down his fork. "What does he think? He helped give me the idea."

I frowned. That was one less demon who I could count on. What was wrong with these people? Wasn't there someone who had a moral objection to keeping a woman locked up in a man's bedroom?

After dinner, Zeek made a big deal out of stretching and yawning. "Boy, am I tired." His eyes were gleaming and I shot him a dirty look.

"You better have been joking about sleeping in the same bed as me," I warned.

Zeek sat at the table, eyeing me and drumming his fingers across the wood surface. Suddenly, he leapt up and grabbed me. He mumbled some Latin and rope appeared, binding my wrists and ankles.

"Hey," I exclaimed.

Zeek lifted me up bridal style and starting carrying me towards the bed. I panicked and bit down into his bicep. He winced but kept walking. When we got to the bed, he laid me down and I tried to wiggle out of the bed with my best "Trout out of water" impersonation. The demon crawled into the bed with me and pulled me against him so that my back was flush with his chest. He whispered a few more words of Latin and I felt my clothes change into something silken and loose fitting. My heart was racing. Zeek was far stronger than me and the silver bracelet made it impossible for me to even put up a protection circle. If he tried anything, I would pretty much be a sitting duck.

I stopped wiggling and sat very still, waiting to see what the demon would do. He shifted slightly, still holding me firmly against him, but that was all. We lay there for a few minutes and then the situation started to seem absurd to me and I laughed out loud.

"Really? Are you cuddling with me?"

Zeek chuckled. "I guess you could call it that."

"Why don't you just sleep in another room? You must have a dozen or so?" I asked.

I couldn't see Zeek's expression but I think I felt him smile. "I don't want to," he said.

"I see," I said. "Are you one of those people who always got everything they wanted as a kid?"

"I don't think you could say that about a single demon," he said. "We all want to see the sun."

I fell silent after the last statement and waited. Zeek's arms were warm and aside from the awkwardness of the ropes, I was fairly comfortable. My thoughts drifted back to Al and I wondered how I would see him again. Eventually, my worries subsided some and I was able to sleep.

Luffy fan: I have a pretty good idea how I want the rest of this story to go. I am pretty sure that I will finally get to a lemon in two chapters.