Hey guys! So...this idea popped into my head randomly, and I kind of wanted to write this. And I didn't think I would have enough room to post the full summary, so here it is:

Tori moved to New York after graduation, leaving Andre behind in LA. But now that Andre is getting married, she knows that she must return to see her old love one last time before he is committed to someone else. But during the wedding ceremony, Andre says the wrong name at the altar, creating a mess that cannot easily be cleaned up. Meanwhile, Cat and Robbie catch wedding fever and begin a secret relationship. Beck seems to be affected by the wedding as well and wonders when Jade will be ready to get married.

Alright, I hope this sounds satisfying. I think it'll be a pretty fun fic to write, and I hope it's just as fun to read. The first chap is iffy, but I do believe it'll get better. Reviews are welcome, whether you like or not. (:

Andre S. Harris and Chelsea Elizabeth Sanders

request the pleasure of your company at their wedding

Saturday, the twelfth of July

at seven o'clock at Brookridge Chapel

1576 South 22nd Street

Los Angeles, California

Tori sighed as she read the creamy beige invitation that just arrived in her mailbox in New York. She lightly ran her finger over the little pink bow tied at the top of the paper and traced the shape of the rose that was drawn in the corner. It seemed as if the intricate golden writing on the invitation was screaming at her, asking her why she had made so many stupid decisions when she was younger. She honestly didn't know if she could figure out why she had made those decisions. She had thought about it so many times in the past five years, but she was still just as clueless as she was before.

As soon as Tori graduated from Hollywood Arts in Los Angeles, she packed up and got ready to leave for New York. She wanted to pursue her dream to become a singer, but she thought that it would be best to try out some Broadway productions before she even attempted to be signed with a record company.

A few months before graduating, Andre had asked Tori out on a date, and she accepted, although she knew that it would be pointless to begin a relationship with Andre. He was planning on staying in Los Angeles with his record company that had signed him, and she had already decided that she was off to New York. She had told Andre about her future plans, but he didn't seem too affected by them at all. He told her that he had been in love with her for too long to just let her slip away from him that easily.

A month before graduation, Andre wrote a song that he wanted Tori to duet with him at a local concert. She sang it, and everyone in the audience seemed to love it. Andre took that as a chance to beg her to stay with him in Los Angeles and record with him. They could be the perfect Hollywood couple, and he promised that he would give her everything that she ever wanted. Tori declined the offer, and things got rough between them after that. A week later, they broke up.

At the time, Tori could only think about her dreams and ambitions. She wanted New York, and Andre craved Los Angeles. She knew that a long distance relationship wouldn't work, and even if it did, she didn't want a relationship to get in the way of her pursuit of her dream career. Besides, when she thought about it enough, she didn't really think she had any feelings for Andre. He had been her best friend through her time at Hollywood Arts, and she felt like that was all it would ever be. She would still be his best friend, but the idea of remaining in a romantic relationship with him didn't seem like a good option.

After graduation, Cat moved off to Paris to become a fashion designer and try her luck at acting overseas. Robbie remained in Los Angeles and found a job working tech at a local theatre. Andre started on his first CD, which hit the stores about two months later. Beck and Jade moved to New York together, but they didn't really stay in contact with Tori. Tori had always heard that after high school graduation, one typically lost contact with all of the friends made in school, but she never really believed it until it actually happened. She was devastated about the break up of the group, but she knew that it had happened for a reason. She had to forget all about her friends and continue her dream of becoming an international superstar. She was going to start small and rise up as time passed.

When Tori finally got moved in to her tiny apartment in New York City and started out to go to her first audition, the pain of all of her losses suddenly hit her like a ton of bricks. She remembered it vividly. She was standing on the corner of her apartment building, waiting for the walk sign to signal her it was safe to cross, and a sharp pain shot through her chest and left her gasping for air. Everyone around her was watching her curiously, but no one seemed determined to assist her. Her fingers tightened around the script that she had picked up at the theatre, and she started to hyperventilate. She was having her first anxiety attack. She fell to her knees just as everyone started to cross the street, and she was surrounded by the crowd of busy people bustling about in big and grand New York City.

As she sat on the sidewalk and stared into the distance, she remembered everything that she had given up. She would probably never see Cat, Robbie, Beck, or Jade ever again. She would miss Cat's crazy bipolar attitude; Robbie's sweet and dorky humor; Beck's laidback, calm nature; and even Jade's horrible, bitter personality. But most of all, she would miss the perfection that she saw when she was around Andre. And no matter how much she tried to fight it, she couldn't deny it any longer. She was completely in love with Andre Harris. And she had left him so that she could waste her life away in New York City.

After her breakdown in the middle of the street, Tori decided that she was going to eliminate him from her life. She didn't want to ache anymore from the thought of him, and maybe if she could get rid of everything that reminded her of him, she wouldn't have to worry ever again. She threw away his CD, boxed up all of their pictures that they had taken together, deleted his number from her phone, and otherwise eliminated all the pain that she had felt since she had moved to New York.

She didn't feel anything for a really long time. And then, when she turned twenty-one, she got a birthday card in the mail from him. All of those feelings started rushing forward again, and she knew that she wouldn't be able to stay away much longer. She tried to scrap up enough money to go back to Los Angeles and see him, but she was almost broke. She had been incredibly unsuccessful on Broadway, only getting one small part that didn't pay much, and she worked nights at a fancy restaurant. She was barely able to pay for shelter, let alone a plane ticket to Los Angeles. She was stuck wallowing in her own misery until she could find something to do to make herself feel better.

Once, she tried to call Beck and Jade to see if they wanted to meet up and catch up, but when she dialed Beck's number, it said that it was no longer in use. She sunk into an even deeper depression after that.

To try one last time to heal her pain, she began dating again. Any guy that asked her, she would go out with them. And none of them ever summed up to the feelings that she felt for Andre. At age twenty-two, one guy actually asked her to marry him, but she declined. She felt like no other guy in the world would make her as happy as Andre had once made her.

And now, at age twenty-three, she stood in her tiny apartment holding an invitation that was asking her to come to the love of her life's wedding. At the bottom was a number to call to confirm her attendance, but she didn't know if she wanted to call it. She still didn't have any money to fly out to Los Angeles, and she didn't want to see Andre get married to some other girl, a girl that she didn't even know. Without much thought to the invitation, she threw it on the coffee table and left her apartment. She wasn't going to go to the wedding.

As she walked down the street to the restaurant that she worked at, she felt her cell phone buzz in her pocket. As she pulled it out and looked at the screen, she frowned at the unrecognized number flashing before her eyes. It had a Los Angeles area code, though, so she figured it might be someone she knew. She pressed the accept button and held it up to her ear as she pressed the button on the walk signal in front of her.


"Tori?" The voice was incredibly familiar to her, and she almost dropped her phone at the shock of hearing it again. It was like soft, smooth silk to her ears, and she lost her voice. It had been so long, and now her heart was beating a million miles an hour and her stomach had butterflies fluttering inside of it. She might be sick. "Tori, is that you?"

"Andre?" she said, her voice cracking under all of the pressure building up inside her chest. "This is Tori."

For what seemed like a long time, all she heard was his breathing on the other side of phone. And then his warm, soothing voice rang out again. "Tori, it's been forever. Why haven't you talked to me in so long?"

She could say she was busy, but that would be a lie. She could say that she had been on Broadway for so long and she had become so successful that she completely forgot about staying in touch, but that would be a lie too. She was not successful here in New York City, but if she would have stayed in Los Angeles with Andre, she could have been a star by now. She felt incredibly stupid.

"I didn't have your number. I don't have a computer in my apartment, and I don't have your address, so I couldn't e-mail or write to you," she said quietly as she began to walk across the street.

"Man, I was in New York just a couple of weeks ago with Chelsea," Andre said. "I thought about calling you, but I got busy, and then we had to go back to Los Angeles. Did you get the invitation?"

Tori hesitated. She didn't want to talk about the wedding with him. She didn't want to go and watch him marry a girl that she didn't know and probably wouldn't like. She wanted him to want her just like he did when they were in high school. She knew that they were meant to be together. She could feel it in her heart. But he was getting married, and she was still alone.

"Um…yeah," she finally replied. "I don't think I'll be able to come-"

"What?" Andre sounded kind of hurt and shocked. "Why not? You busy being a Broadway star?"

It hurt, but Andre didn't know the truth. Tori pretended like she hadn't just been completely insulted by accident and rushed on. "No, I'm free. I just don't think that I'll have the money to-"

"You won't have the money to come? Well, I'll pay for your plane ticket and your hotel room. No big deal."

Tori frowned. She had no idea that she had that much financial trouble until now. It was starting to sink in badly. "I can't let you do that, Andre."

"Tori, I can't get married if my best friend's not there."

The words stung her. After all this time, he still considered her his best friend. After every stupid thing that she had done, he still loved her as a best friend. She had to go see him now, even if he was getting married and it would feel like she was getting stabbed in the heart repeatedly. Just seeing him smile would make her happy for years to come.

"Fine, but I have to pay you back-"

"No, you don't. It's not a big deal. But I better see you there in a couple of months. I won't be happy if you're not there."

Tori could practically feel him smiling on the other line. For the first time in a long while, a real smile formed on her face. "I'll be there, Andre. I promise."

"Great!" Andre exclaimed. "So you, Cat, and Robbie are coming. I'll just have to call Beck and Jade and make sure that they're coming. It'll be like old times, Tor."

"Yeah, old times," she said. "Old times" was when Beck and Jade were dating, Cat and Robbie were the only single ones, and Tori and Andre were a happy musical couple. "Old times" was when Tori actually had potential and could steal the spotlight at any show. "Old times" was when she was happy.

"Hey, Tor?" Andre asked, which broke her from her miserable thoughts. "Do you think you could possibly sing at the wedding? I wanna surprise Chelsea, and you're the best singer I know."

Tori gulped and contemplated the idea. How terrible would that be? She was going to sing at the wedding of the man she loved. And he wasn't even marrying her. She would feel awful if she sang, but she would feel guilty if she turned him down.

"Sure, I can sing something," she said. She's outside of the restaurant now, and she doesn't want to hang up on Andre, but her shift starts in just two minutes and she needs to get ready. "I have to go. I'll see you in a couple of months."

"Alright. I can't wait," Andre said. "Bye, Tori."

Tori found herself smiling again. "Bye, Andre."

She hung up the phone reluctantly and walked into the restaurant, greeting all of her fellow employees as she tied her hair into a messy ponytail and straightened her clothes a little. Just two months, and she would be in LA again with all of her friends, most importantly Andre. She tried to fight back the smile that had been gracing her face for the past few minutes, but it just wouldn't leave. She couldn't wait to see everyone.