well i have decided to write another story because i need a break from the other ones, that and there arnt many mermaid fanfics so here you go. and this will be the ruff's POV.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the powerpuff girls or the rowdyruff boys along with mermaids. i do however own this plot

"Come on bro," I whined "let's go to the beach." Hey my name is boomer, I have two big brothers. Brick and Butch. Brick is about 6'4 or 6'5; he has blood red eyes and fiery red hair that's about knee length. He always wears a red baseball cap; normally it's backwards, though. Then there is Butch who is 6'5 and has forest green eyes and dark raven hair that completes his gothic look. All though he really isn't he's more of the bad ass type, you know like rebels. Anyways he's always got this one piece of hair hanging over his left eye. Then there is me the youngest of all of us. I have golden blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. Nothing really all that special about me, other than all the girls seem to love my hair. Guess it's just because of the style, which happens to be a wing haircut. I also happen to be the shortest at 6'3 and less muscular but I am really fast. I hate to admit it but I also happen to be the "sweetest" out my brothers and me.

"Do we have to Boomer," Brick begged "especially since it's like three in the morning?"

"Come on Brick," Butch teased "don't be such a wuss." Butch took off his shirt showing his perfectly chiseled abs. Brick snorted then followed Butch into the water.

I couldn't help but snicker a little, and then I took off my shirt running into the water.

"Ok so maybe this was a good idea." Brick admitted

"See," Butch smiled "you just need to learn how to relax and have fun."

"Plus someone had to get that stick out of his ass." I commented. I could hear Butch laughing and Brick growling in the back ground. I smiled then I started to float on to the water, also known as dead man's float. I drifted off into my own world almost falling asleep in the cool water.

When I had opened my eyes I noticed I was pretty far from land. Not that big a deal since I was a good swimmer but I felt something move under me. At first I just thought it was seaweed but then something touched my leg and I could tell it was far from underwater grass. My instincts kicked in and I swam as fast I could to the shore not sure of what I should do. To any person they would have swum for their lives thinking it was a shark, which that's what I was thinking it was. Unfortunately it was, and it bit into my leg bringing me under. I didn't have a clue on what was going on, I just knew I was being shaken from side to side and most likely losing a lot of blood.

I tried hitting it with my fists and kicking it with free my leg, I managed to hit its gill making it release me. I made a silent prayer and swam to the surface for air. I finally reached the top of the water and took in a big gasp of air. But the next thing I knew I saw was a fin coming straight for me, and fast.

"Butch," I screamed "Brick, help." I was almost in tears knowing this is my last moment of life but it just stopped. It froze then rose to the surface and I could see the cold hard black eyes of the massive creature and I swear it glared at me then turned around and swam off. I didn't know what to do next other than swim to the beach. I turned around in the water only to come face to face with three girls. They smiled at me then the one on the far right swam under the water. The one girl had red hair and pink eyes, the second one had cream green hair and neon green eyes, then the one whom had disappeared had silver hair and baby blue eyes.

I could feel a tingling sensation on my leg that had been bit. I looked down and there was a bright blue glow coming from my leg. I could also see the blue haired girl better. She was creating the glow not only that but below her torso she had a magnificent blue tail with silver scales and ribbon like strands floating away from the fins. My eyes popped, could she really be a mermaid I thought?

The glowing stopped and she returned to the surface, she grabbed my hand and put it around her neck. She brought me to the beach with the other two. One on my side and the other on the blue haired girl's side.

I crawled up to the beach, tired as hell. "Boomer," I looked over and my brothers where running towards me "where the hell were you?" Brick snapped

I was about to answer when a sweet smooth feminine voice answered for me "He was with us." My brothers looked into the water as well as I did. There where the three girls that helped me, I figured they had gone away, but I guess I wrong.

"And who are you?" Butch asked, lust filling his eyes

"I am Blossom," the red head answered "and this is Buttercup and Bubbles." She pointed to the girl with green hair then to the girl with silver hair that helped me.

"Really," Brick glanced at me "How come he was with you?"

"Because," Buttercup started floating on her back revealing a long green tail that got lighter in color has it went along so the fin part was white. She also had two white long white strands coming from the base of her tail. This is also when I realized they weren't wearing any shirts or anything to cover their breasts.

"Because what?" Butch was practically drooling

"Because your crab brain of a brother was almost killed by a shark, one we have been trying to hunt down for years on end because he has been killing our people." The redhead spat her beautiful blazing a brilliant pink

"Well thanks for your help." Brick said as he raised me to my feet and began to walk away

"Oh no you're not." Blossom froze us to our spot, literally. We were covered in ice "you will help us learn the human ways so we can capture the shark."

Brick growled "fine, what do we have to do?"

well i hope you enjoyed the first chapter, and plz do me a favor and review, and i am open to insults and flames mainly because i take those has compliments and friendly advise on how to get better :)