Author's Notes: Yes, I am going to be doing more stories with these four. This one has been on my mind for quite a while, so I decided to write it to get it out of my mind. This one might but shorter than the first one, but that all depends on how this goes.
Scooter Pooter
It was a semi-quiet Friday afternoon in Station Square. In a familiar two floored apartment complex, two hedgehogs were enjoying the simple things in life. Shadow was reading his books (as usual) and Sonic was sweeping out the kitchen...while listening to his favorite tunes. Silver was no where to be seen; he had left earlier to spend a little money to reward himself for his recent accomplishment. Scourge was out in the backyard sunbathing, which was a first for him. He's been quiet for a while now, but Shadow was just counting down the days where he'll be the nuisance he usually was. However, there was one member who was missing. Orok, a little dragon Sonic had adopted, had to be given to a special breeding program after Silver found out that the little guy was a rare breed of dragon that was close to being extinct. So now Orok was living in a large enclosure playing with his own kind.
Sonic hummed along to the song while sweeping dust and debris from food into a pile near the door. He was getting into the song so much that he began to use his broom as a guitar and play with it.
"I see it! I see it now, and it's all within my reeeeeach!" Sonic sang, swinging the broom and knocking over a jar filled with pasta. Sonic heard the jar break and turned off his iPod and looked down at the mess he made.
"What'd you break?" Shadow called, not looking up from his book.
"Ehh...let's just say we're gonna need some more pasta..." Sonic said nervously while stroking his quills. Shadow rolled his eyes before Sonic started to clean up the mess he made, which included broken glass and broken pieces of noodles. Shadow sighed slightly before going back to reading his book. Sonic decided to leave his iPod turned off to prevent anymore accidents, so he swept in silence. Besides, the sooner he got his chores done, the sooner he could play his game before Silver got to it.
It was silent for a while until both the blue and ebony hedgehog heard the gate in the backyard open and closed, signaling that Silver was back. They heard Scourge say something, and Silver said something back, and then their voices rose a bit, and then there was some shuffling before Silver yelled "HEY! GET BACK HERE! YOU NEED THIS!" There was a 3 second pause before Silver groaned and opened the back door, carrying a light blue and gold bike helmet.
"SOOONIIIC! SHAAAADOOOOW!" he cried, stomping into the living room.
"What happened now?" Shadow asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"I had went down to the toy store and bought me a new scooter," the silvery one explained. "And I wanted to ride it when I got back, but Scourge wanted to ride it. I decided to be nice and said he could, but he needed this helmet to protect himself but he wouldn't listen to me! So he took my scooter and started to ride it around the pool!"
At that same moment, Scourge whizzed by the glass door on the scooter, wearing nothing but his blue swim trunks while shouting "WOOOOOOOT!" Silver looked at the scene with worry, while Shadow had a brow raised and Sonic just shook his head.
"We gotta stop him!" Silver exclaimed. "He could get hurt!"
"And that's a bad thing?" Sonic asked, making Shadow smirk.
"Besides," Shadow added. "With a swelled head as big as his, he'll be just fine." Once again, Scourge passed by the door on the scooter, shouting "YEEEEAAAHH, THIS IS AWWWWSOOOOOME!" Shadow watched the green one ride the scooter around the pool at an alarming fast speed for a moment before he sighed again and facepalmed.
"We better get him off of that thing," he said. "I just realized what kind of danger he's putting himself in."
"You think?" Silver growled. Shadow gave Silver a look before Sonic shrugged a bit and walked over to the door.
"I'll get him off," he assured, seeing Scourge coming towards the door on the scooter from the left side. Sonic smirked to himself as he opened the door, ready to grab one of the scooter's handles and make Scourge have an accident for his own entertainment. However...
"Blue, wait! Don't open the-!"
Glass shattered as the scooter rammed the door at full force. Sonic was knocked back, but was able to stay on his feet while Scourge was knocked off of the scooter and fell on the cement covered ground. Silver and Shadow gasped before they rushed into the backyard to see if Scourge was hurt. Said green hedgehog was writhing with pain while holding the back of his head, groaning all of the while. Shadow and Silver took each of his arms and got him to his feet before they carried him into the apartment.
"Sonic, get some ice," Shadow demanded. Sonic nodded firmly before rushing into the kitchen, getting an icepack from the freezer and went back into the living room where Shadow and Silver put Scourge on the couch gently, trying to make sure not to cause him any more pain (even though they hated his guts, they could never find it in their hearts to ignore an injured soul. That might be a different story for Shadow, however...).
"Is he okay?" Sonic asked quickly.
"I don't know..." Silver replied softly.
"Scourge," Shadow said, while putting the icepack on Scourge's head. "Are you alright? Are you hurt? Did you break anything?"
"Besides our door...?" Sonic mumbled.
"Hnnnn..." Scourge shook his head furiously before blinking a few times. His head was spinning and hurting a bit, but it was fading rather quickly. He blinked a few times before opening his eyes completely. He looked up at Shadow, and then Silver, and then at Sonic before he started to look around the room, appearing as if he was lost.
" I...?" he suddenly asked, mostly to himself. The other 3 perked up, and Shadow started to shake Scourge by his shoulder again.
"Scourge," the ebony one said again. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah but...who's Scourge?" the green one replied.
"Oh no..." Sonic groaned, before he knelt down in front of Scourge. "Hey, buddy, do you remember who we are, or who you are?" Scourge stared at Sonic for a moment before he shook his head slowly.
"I don't remember anything, or anyone," Scourge replied innocently.
"Crap," Sonic groaned. " looks like our buddy Scourge here has amnesia..."
End Notes: I'm sorry if the ending is crappy again...