Youko paced in his office. Millions of thoughts filled his head. Nothing was certain. He had no idea what to do about what he just learned. The only thing he knew was that he should be in his room with Jun. That was the only place he wanted to be right now.

"Damn." He cursed. "I'll just have to settle this one problem at a time: first, Renji and Lady Kikyo, then that traitor Yomi. It's about time I put Yomi in his place… In the meantime, I need to resist Jun. Or I may never be able to gave my own part of the demon world."

You heard the door creak open. You rolled over on to your side and tried to muffle your crying. After Youko left, you felt so alone you couldn't hold back your tears. You felt Youko climb into bed next to you.

"Jun?" You heard him called.

You didn't move. He scooted close to you and hung over you so that you were pinned between his arms.

"Are you crying?" He asked.

"I can't stop." You cried looking into his eyes. "I'm so scared. If my parents hid this from me, what else am I capable of? All the emotions of every one at the party rushed into my head, I couldn't control or block. I don't want to feel that way again."

Tears starting rolling down your cheeks again. It was overwhelming, even scary, to be stampeded by emotions. Then there was the possibility of it getting worse or you could have other problems with it. But another question was also begging for attention: Why did Lady Kikyo and Renji do this to you? Youko could tell your mind was racing with questions and fear. Forgetting everything he just told himself, a new thought entered his head, a new dream. You don't know how it happened, but soon Youko had placed his mouth on top of yours. Slowly, you pulled him deeper into the kiss. You rolled onto your back and pulled him on top of you. Your legs spread open and Youko placed himself between them. You felt his sex hard and throbbing through your silk nightgown and his pants. Your body tingled with arousal. Youko began to places kisses down your neck. Occasionally, he would nip at the tender skin. Your face grew flushed and a moan of pleasure escaped your lips. Your fingers mingled with his hair. Trying to get closer to him, your body pushed against him. His hands ran along the sides of your body. Then his hand moved to the inside of your thigh. Gently, he rubbed your thigh in circle motions with his thumb. He moved up and fumbled with the buttons. The buttons refused to open. He cursed and ripped your gown open. His mouth encircled your nipple. Teasing you, his tongue wrapped around your nipple. As he sucked gently on it, his other hand ran up your side to your revealed your other breast. His thumb played with your nipple. He rubbed it and lightly pinched it until it came to a point. Waves of pleasure rushed over your body. You moaned loudly. You had to get closer to his body. You wanted to feel his skin against yours. You felt Youko's body thrust upward against the delicate area between your thighs. The sensation rippled through your body.

"Jun." He moaned as your body involuntary rubbed against his manhood as you struggled to get his shirt off.

Every time he shifted his body, it put pressure the delicate area. You wanted to feel him inside you. The idea sent shivers down you spine. Your arms wrapped about his shoulders. His muscles tense as he held himself above you.

"Oh, Youko." You moaned.

His head rose from your breast to kiss your lips. You tried to keep him close, but he pulled away.

"I don't think we should do this." Youko panted. "Your probably still a little drunk."

"I want you, Youko." You whispered into his ear and lightly bit it. "I've never been so sure of anything in my life."

Youko fought to restrain himself, as he pulled away. While it was true he wanted nothing more than to make you moan with pleasure as he made love to you all night, he also wanted you to be sober when he did it. Furthermore, he didn't want to have problems with Lady Kikyo and Renji be to on his mind.

"Jun." Youko sighed. "This is the hardest thing I have ever had to say in my life, but… We can't do this. I want you to be completely aware of what is happening when I make love to you. Then you will feel everything I do to you."

Youko rolled off of you and under the covers. A dark red blush covered your face, as you lay there frozen. It felt so good already. What else could he do? You took a look at him. He was lying on his back with his eyes closed. You scooted closer to him and rested your head on his chest. At that moment, you couldn't see it, but a small smile spread across Youko's lips.

Knock, Knock, Knock! The loud sound jerked you out of your slumber. Your pillow slid out from underneath you. Sitting up, you opened your eyes, only to squeeze them shut. The morning light was no brighter than usual, but today it made your eyes hurt like you were looking right at the sun. Suddenly, you felt like your head was going to explode. You collapsed onto your back again.

"Suffering for her fun last night?" You heard Kuronue's voice ask Youko.

"First one is always the worst." Youko chuckled. "But I'm sure you didn't come here to observe Jun's First Hangover."

"Yes." Kuronue paused. "Let's head over to your study and discuss it. This is not the place."

If you weren't plagued with the worst headache you ever experienced, you would have wondered what Kuronue needed to talk about with Youko that he couldn't say in front of you. However, you didn't give the topic a second thought as pulled the covers over your head in search of relief.

"Youko." Kuronue looked at Youko. "Whatever happened last night with Jun is serious. You need to tell me what happened. Otherwise I can't help you solve this."

"It was all a trap." Youko confessed. "The ball was just pretense to get Jun alone with Renji and Yomi. While I was out talking to Lady Kikyo, Yomi was giving Jun drinks. These drinks worked as a catalyst to speed up the moon's effects of Jun's powers. Renji took Jun aside to talk to her. He told her all about her parents and her talent. When the moonlight touched her, it reacted with her blood and the catalyst to let her powers lose. Much like a river would rush and flood the shore once a dam is broken. She couldn't control what she was doing. We're lucky she handled herself as well as she did. After her spirit energy was completely spent, she passed out."

Kuronue nodded as he processed the information. "But the sky was cloudy. How did the moon shine through the clouds?"

"Lady Kikyo's a wind demon." Youko reminded him. "It wouldn't be too much of a task to blow the clouds away long enough for the moonlight to hit Jun. That is what brings Lady Kikyo into the trap. I have a feeling she orchestrated the whole thing."

Kuronue sighed.

"There is one more thing." Youko added, softly. "Renji was Jun's fiancé. Apparently, he wants her back and is prepared to pay any price to get her."

"Then we have to give her to him." Kuronue said. "If we don't, Lady Kikyo will discover she's been used and will sabotage any of our attempts to rise in power. Also, this Renji will also fight us. He obviously has money. Who knows how strong his influence in society is."

"I don't think I can give her up so easily." Youko sighed.

"You have to." Kuronue headed toward the door. "If you don't we can say good-bye to achieving our dream… I'm warning you. Stay away from Jun." With that, he left Youko alone with his thoughts.

Shortly after, Youko left the room to find you.

"If there's a prize for rotten judgment," You sang, "I guess I've already won that."

You sighed and looked out the window. 'Renji obviously isn't into me.' You thought. 'He only has eyes for Lady Kikyo. So that's not a problem. He is no longer my fiancé anyway. He gave that up years ago. I just need to worry about my powers getting out of hand and Yomi. Both seem manageable.' Then another thought hit you like a bullet. 'Youko and I almost… last night… Does that mean he doesn't have feelings for Lady Kikyo? Or am I really just his play thing?'

"I'm just as bad as Renji." You ruffled your hair. "In love with someone, yet I have no idea how they truly feel about me. Author of the moment, do I end up happy?"

The door slowly creaked open to reveal Youko. He came in and closed the door. You looked at him from a chair you placed near the window. In swift steady steps, he walked over to you.

"Jun." He said. " We are going to see Lady Kikyo today." You nodded slowly. "When we get there, I must ask you to be absolutely quiet, show no expression, and go along with whatever I say." Then Youko took your hand in his, "Renji wants to reclaim you as his fiancé."

You ripped your hand away. "I am not going to trade one life of servitude for another." You stood up. "At least, I can work toward my freedom here."

"You have to do this." Youko said calmly.

"I don't have to do anything!" You crossed your arms.

"Damn it, Jun!" Youko cursed. "Don't you understand what will happen if you continue down this path?"

"What?" You questioned. "I ruin your stupid dream of power and fame? I ruin my dream of happiness if I listen to you."

You glared at Youko. He looked down for a moment. When he raised his head again, his face was expressionless and cold.

"You have no choice in the matter." He said sternly. "We leave now."

This time, you and Youko walked to Lady Kikyo's castle. Since you didn't want to go and were mad at Youko for making you go, you wouldn't allow him to pick you up and run. It made the trip longer, but you didn't care. It just meant it would take you longer to throw your life away. The only bad part was the uncanny silence. As the large iron gate came into sight, the reality of the situation hit you. In a few minutes, you would belong to Renji. You would never see Youko again. After last night, he was throwing you to the wolves. Renji hadn't made you come to accept his offer. You felt like a cold lead ball rested in your stomach.

A servant you didn't meet last night welcomed Youko and you at the door. Within a few moments, the servant led you to a door and left. Youko knocked softly before opening the door. The inside of the room was highly decorated and heavily stocked with books. It was probably the library. Lady Kikyo sat on a large chair behind a desk. Renji wasn't too far away. Serenely, he sat with a book in his hands. Lady Kikyo saw Youko and she flew from her chair to greet him.

"I wasn't expecting to see you so soon." She hugged Youko.

"That is good," Youko began, ignoring her gesture. "Because I came to talk to Renji about Jun."

Renji got up from his chair and walked over. You stood far from the others, sulking.

"You are giving her up?" Lady Kikyo smiled eagerly. "I'm so happy you're accepting his offer so soon!"

"I said I was here to discuss the matter with Renji, not you Kikyo." Youko glared. Any other demon would have shrunk away, however, she kept her ground.

"This is my home." She huffed. "I refuse to leave."

"Very well." Youko shrugged. "Renji, I have soiled Jun. You cannot have her."

Lady Kikyo's jaw almost dropped to the floor and Youko straightforwardness left you blushing like a tomato. Renji gave Youko a questioning look. It was no secret that Youko had played around. Yet, professing it in such a manner and then using it as a reason to keep Jun with him?

"When it started," Youko explained. "I thought she was a cat demon. Only recently at the ball did I find out she was a part wolf demon."

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean." Renji replied slowly.

"Wolves mate for life." Youko stated. "Jun choose me for her mate when she went into heat a few months back. She will never be with another. Even if she married you, when mating season came, she would seek me out. Therefore, I am taking responsibility for the situation. I will marry Jun."

At this point, even you were confused. Part of you wanted to scream at Youko. After what he had done, you wouldn't want to marry him. The other part of you was ecstatic about not having to marry Renji.

"As a ruler," Youko began, "You understand, right milady? It would only bring Renji shame to have a wife who would refuse bear his children. A wife that would be out searching for lover every night."

"Of course." Lady Kikyo's mouth twisted as she clenched her teeth. "Perfectly understandable."

"Good." You nodded. "Now, if you don't have any questions, my fiancé and I will take our leave." Renji was silent.

Youko took your hand and began to walk out of the room. Before he left he turned around.

"Oh," Youko paused as if the thought just hit him. "If you set up my fellow thieves against me again, you will suffer the same fate as the traitor."

The color washed from Lady Kikyo's face as the door closed behind Youko.