Hello, everyone who decided to click on the next chapter.
Although you may be disappointed that this is an Author's Note, it is a very important Author's Note.
You see, I've been getting a lot of 'story alerts' for this story. Now, that isn't a bad thing at all. Or rather, it wouldn't be a bad thing at all, if I were going to keep going with this story. But that's the problem.
Everyone, this story is a one-shot. It is not going to continue. I'm really sorry, but this story is not going to have any more chapters at all.
I wrote this fanfic for a friend's birthday and it was only supposed to be a one-shot. No matter how many people 'story alert' this story, I'm not going to continue it.
So please, if you 'story alerted' this fic, please unsubscribe from it. I don't want to go to my legacy story stats and see that this story is subscribed to anymore. It makes me sad that I cannot continue it, even if people want me to. I just can't. It's done. It is finished and I'm not going to continue it.
Have a nice day! And thank you to all who have already reviewed this story! It makes me so happy when I know what people actually think about my work. Toodles! :)