Hey there, my fellow readers! I'm back!

Well, here's the surprise I've been promising you - your favourite wolf-chipmunk Phelan returns in this sequel to The Darkness Comes! I couldn't have done this without the help of Victory and Perry, two great writers whom I want to give a shout out to for helping co-write this chapter (and the rest that is to come). You could say it's become like a group project to us! ;)

Oh yes, be sure to expect to see plenty of OCs in this story. And that means I'll be giving out more thanks to the writers and their OCs who have voluntereed to be a part of this great adventure.

Now without further ado, just sit back and enjoy the ride! :D

Chapter 1: Shady Deals

A pale and waning moon shone its sombre light across the trees, casting eerie shadows that spread across the earth like phantoms frozen in their tracks. The cold night wind whipped against the wolf-like chipmunk's fur, fuelling him with strength as he ran on all fours through the forest grounds.

He had never felt this alive in such a long time, not since he found out where his true heritage lay, and how he had used it to defeat his sworn enemy. Of course, he couldn't have done it without the help of his new-found friends and family. To picture each and every of their faces resonating clearly in the chipmunk's mind was the key to drive himself further, even when all hope was lost. And now, he promised that each step he took would bring him closer to seeing them again once more.

The night drew him closer like a magnet, and he could feel his primal instincts, now as free as a young wolf, transforming him into the creature locked deep inside his soul.

Both wolf and chipmunk blood pumped throughout his veins, sending the thrill of adrenaline rushing through his trench coat as it sailed out behind him like a black cloak. He could see a faint beam of light up ahead, suggesting a way out of this labyrinth of nature as well as another mark towards the end of his journey.

But as he felt the call of the wild coursing through him, he was also aware that his other enhanced senses – more of a wolf's gift than a chipmunk's – had picked up the trail unlike anything he had encountered before. He paused in his stride. Standing all alone in the clearing, he sniffed the air cautiously, shutting off everything else that distracted him.

There was something else being carried on the wind tonight. He bared his tiny fangs along with his rodent-sized teeth, growling as he recognized that scent.

It was the stench of darkness, and the unforgiving suspicion that followed in its wake.

There were no tracks, no footprints – nothing to indicate any signs of other creatures apart from him who have stepped foot into the clearing. But the only scent he had picked up seemed to have a movement of its own, beckoning him deeper and deeper into the heart of the forest.

And as long as he hadn't lost sight of the light, the wolf-like chipmunk saw no harm to follow the strange scent. Perhaps lady luck was shining down in his favour tonight – at last, he would be able to find the strange trail he had been following for over a month.

The scent grew stronger with every step he took, delving deeper into unknown territory. When at last he paused to catch his breath, he found himself standing in the middle of a wide clearing; the trees seemed to have parted towards the heart of the forest – leaving the wolf-like chipmunk filled with a growing dread of being exposed to the elements.

The sudden rustling of leaves brought his ears to full attention. As he whipped around at the direction of the noise, he could have sworn he saw a pair of eyes staring back at him from above. He cast his gaze towards the tallest tree.

There was somebody lurking in the branches, but his figure was shrouded by the waning light cast by a now cloud-obscured moon.

It was either do or die for the wolf-like chipmunk. And right now, he chose to do it.

"I've been watching your every move, so you can't hide from me!" he called out. "Come on down and face me!"

The stranger hopped down, making no sound as his feet graced the tips of the earth beneath. As they stared each other down, the wolf-like chipmunk studied his opponent. They were both almost equal in size and height; both were dressed in black and were one with the darkness. Except that the stranger had a balaclava over his head which concealed every facial part except for his eyes. They were burning green with envy, like venomous, ghostly embers in the dark.

The wolf-like chipmunk bit back a gnawing sense of fear. Had he met his match in the form of his own likeliness?

The stranger laid a hand to his scabbard, but instead of drawing his weapon, he tapped his fingers on the edge. "Perhaps you have, but you're not wise enough," he challenged.

Neither of them made the first move, each one daring the other in a battle of wits to step forward recklessly in his own advantage. Finally, it was the stranger who arched his back, giving him the impression of stepping out first. The wolf-like chipmunk wasted no time in making a lunge for him, an orb of darkness flaring in each paw. If it was a fight the stranger wanted, then he would give him a fight no one would forget!

But as he headed straight for a front attack, everything started to happen in slow motion as he saw his opponent make his move. With a quick twist of his waist, the stranger grabbed the end of his scabbard and drew his weapon in a blinding flash, an arc of light glinting dangerously as it headed straight for his chest.

He drew me into making the first move! The drawing of his sword is his attack! If he goes into his full momentum, I'll be sliced chipmunk when this is over!

The wolf-like chipmunk put his paws together, combining both orbs into a sword-like shape fashioned from dark matter. He brought it down just in time as his opponent finished drawing his own sword, a katana forged from actual metal as it clashed with the ringing of blade against blade. Both of them struck and parried each other with deadly ferocity, sparks of fire lighting the nearby forest in split-second intervals until their blades were forced into a sabre lock; neither one willing to back down.

Seeing his chance, the wolf-like chipmunk leaned deeper into the attack and brought his elbow crashing into his opponent's chest, which crushed the breath out of him. A wave of the wolf-like chipmunk's paws and a blast of shadows sent the stranger crashing into a nearby tree; his katana wrenched from his grasp and clattered a few steps away from him.

He dropped into an attacking crouch, ready to spring at his attacker. But the strange hooded warrior, rather than choosing to attack yet again, instead stood shakily to his feet, picked up his sword, sheathed it back into his scabbard, faced his opponent, and bowed – the battle was declared over.

Disappointed, the wolf-like chipmunk lowered his fists.

The stranger held out a brown and furry paw.

"Hey there!" came his oddly cheerful voice. "You fight great for a newcomer, well done! It's been a pleasure to cross blades with you."

"And I'm ready to go all round two if you want me to," the wolf-like chipmunk growled, not taking his eyes off his opponent nor his paw. This could have been nothing more than a ruse; a chance to lure him back into battle.

"I know when I'm beaten," admitted the stranger, pulling off his balaclava. As he exposed his face for the first time, two chipmunks stared back awkwardly at each other. A closer glance revealed a tuft of dark-brown fur that crowned the warrior's head, while his eyes were still green, but just a shade lighter than the feral chipmunk. "I've fought a few good warriors in my life, but never one as valiant and versatile as you."

The wolf-like chipmunk's tail wagged with modest delight. Perhaps this stranger didn't seem so bad after all.

"Well, that first attack where you drew your sword, now that's pretty impressive. I have to admit I can't draw as quickly as you can," he said, trying to even out the odds.

"The way of the ninja is meant to be swift and silent. I see you've got your own tricks of the dark, but a real master should be able to use the powers of the darkness all around him – like this!"

Whipping around to face the tree, the strange chipmunk reached into the shadows and cast his paw in a wide radius. Three blurry shapes whizzed and whirred through the empty air, like throwing stars, and in the blink of a second, they went right through the tree, causing a great amount of groaning as the heavy branch came crashing down, splintering every smaller limb beneath it as it slammed to the forest floor.

A sliver of moonlight illuminated the spot from where the tree once stood. The stranger stopped dead, his mouth hanging agape as he saw the wolf-like chipmunk clearly bathed in the now shimmering clearing.

"Wait a minute! No... no way! It can't be – are you?"

As he heard his name being whispered and carried away into the faint corners of the wind, Phelan Seville nodded. It was only a matter of time before he'd be noticed by anyone who was aware of his long disappearance from the modern world.

"Yes, I am," said Phelan. "And it's been a pleasure to meet you."

Unlike any other fan he'd met before, this one practically grabbed Phelan's paw and shook it with such ferocity that his whole arm could've been yanked out. The wolf-like chipmunk's free hand was raised slightly, as he nearly mistook the brash move for an attack.

"Holy maple syrup, I can't believe it's really you! You're like, the greatest warrior of the dark who's ever lived! Meeting you face to face has been an incredibly wonderful honour!" he jabbered on and on, never letting go.

"Thanks, but I think you should slow down a little," Phelan smiled as he patted the stranger's shoulder. When at last he let go, Phelan heaved a mental sigh of relief. "You're not from around town, are you? If you don't mind me asking, how is it you know who I am?"

"Who hasn't heard of the former vessel of the dark? We all know of your battles against the Darkness, and you totally rock! You could say that you've been an inspiration to all of us!"

As the stranger paused to let his idol take it all in, Phelan noticed how interesting his choice of clothes was for a simple forest outing. The black trench coat and pants suddenly didn't seem to be just a mere coincidence.

"So what brings you out to this part of the woods in the middle of the night?" Before Phelan could even answer, his words were cut short by the stranger's outstretched paw. "No, wait a minute – let me try to guess."

He studied Phelan up and down, inspecting him as though he were for sale.

"You look the part of the renegade hero, so that means you're on some huge quest that could possibly determine the fate of the entire world, am I right?" His voice was frisky and know-it-all. When Phelan didn't answer, the stranger saw it in no harm to continue. "So, what be your journey, young squire?"

Phelan might not have understood where the strange chipmunk's we came from, but perhaps somebody ought to know.

"Well, it's meant to be a secret, but if you should know, I'm not convinced that the Darkness is really gone for good. So, I have to seek out and destroy what remains of the Darkness," Phelan said solemnly.

"Sounds interesting. But in which order?"

"I'm sorry?"

The stranger tipped his head to one side. "I mean, do you need to seek out the Darkness first, or do you need to destroy what's left of the Darkness first?"

"Is there even a difference?" Phelan's mind was baffled, certain that the stranger's words were lost to him.

A streak of brown and black whooshed past the corner of his eyes, causing Phelan to stumble as the sudden flash of movement caught him off balance. He turned around to see the stranger standing behind him, looking as though he hadn't budged an inch since the start of their conversation.

"Of course there is!" he exclaimed, eyes widening with excitement. "If you went on to destroy the Darkness first, I'd say you're in for some serious trouble, because nobody knows where to start. But if you wish to seek out something, even if it's the Darkness, then you're in a good position – considering everybody needs to make their own discoveries, you know."

"And what is it you're looking for?" asked Phelan.

The stranger paused, scratching his ears thoughtfully. "To find out what I really am. To be accepted. To have a family I can call my own."

He did look a little downtrodden as he brought up the subject, and Phelan couldn't help but feel a familiar ache of sadness in his chest; it seemed as though it were yesterday that Phelan had muttered those very words.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck," Phelan said earnestly. "And take my advice – if you keep wandering for a few months or so, I'm sure that you'll find yourself a place to call home in no time."

"Thanks, although I will point out that it's easy for you to say." There was no sign of sarcasm in the stranger's voice, yet he rattled on with his ever-inquiring knowledge. "Pop-singing sensation by day, wandering crime-fighter by night. But most of all, brother and member of the famous singing Chipmunks."

"You still haven't told me where you got your sources from," Phelan calmly folded his arms. "You're not one of the paparazzi, are you? Otherwise I'll have to take you down again."

This sent the stranger into a fit of laughter, but he collected his senses as he extended a paw once more. "I'm sorry, but where are my manners? And by the way, the name's Rhodas."

A warm grin swept across Phelan. He might have seen that Rhodas was complicated, but he was definitely not much of a strange, shadowy enemy once he revealed himself. As they both shook paws, the chipmunks could feel a kindred alliance already growing between them.

"So if you're not a paparazzi, then what are you, Rhodas?"

"Oh, I'm many things," said Rhodas, his gaze lost in a mist of thoughts. "But tonight, I'm just a free spirit, a wanderer like yourself. And now that we've met, I get to be a messenger. "

Phelan furrowed his brows. "Really? Who sent you?"

"The Arch could use an extra paw in their midst. We have the finest warriors and elemental wielders, but your talents are a rare gift the universe is just dying to possess. So I've come to ask you if you'd like to join our nightly cause."

The Arch? Why was that name close to ringing a bell? And to Phelan, it felt like some ominous doorway, creeping behind every corner and bound to be the death of him.

"Haven't you wanted to find a place to use your powers for the greater good of all?" asked Rhodas, breaking Phelan's thoughts.

"I believe I'm doing that right now," said Phelan, sounding pleased with his answer, although his newfound friend looked far from impressed.

"I'm telling you, Phelan, you're missing out on something great," said Rhodas, his green eyes boring into Phelan's. It was like staring back at a watchful cat, trying hard not to blink. "Come on, what do you say?"

What if he knows about my dream-walking abilities? I've never told that to anyone, except for my family, but they're good at keeping secrets. And since when have my powers of the dark done anything on a huge scale apart from mass destruction?

"Look, I really appreciate your offer, Rhodas, but this is happening way too sudden for me. Can I think about it?" I'll probably never see him again, thought Phelan, but this might be the best way, rather than to turn him down abruptly and upfront.

"I understand," said Rhodas, not in the least bit disappointed. Instead, he bowed in respect and dusted his trench coat.

"But a word to the wise, Phelan. The Arch knows a diamond in the rough when they see one, and they will not hesitate to claim their prize. If I were you, I'd take up their offer immediately before it slips away from your paws. But hey, if you need me, I've got your back!"

Phelan nodded. "Take care, Rhodas."

The humble wolf-like chipmunk watched as his inferior shadow turned and disappeared into the darkness; the only sign of him remaining was the glint of his blade which gradually grew smaller and smaller until it was out of sight.

And the forest was as silent as the night once more.

As Phelan left the clearing, there was this strange sensation creeping deep into his soul, making his fur stand on ends. Whether it was fear or anxiety, Phelan could not tell. The meeting with Rhodas suddenly did not feel like a momentous choice of fate, and perhaps the winds of fortune were now blowing harshly in his way.

He made a dash for it as the last stretch of trees finally thinned out into a wide opening where the city's blaring lights were a few miles away, appearing as dim, fallen stars in the distance.

Just hold on a bit longer, you guys. I'm coming home, and I'll be back before you know it.

To Be Continued...

Well, I hope that was a good start for a beginning. And while I'm at it, thank you to xX-bladed-acoustix'sXx for volunteering Rhodas to be a member of the Arch.

So, who is this Rhodas and the Arch he speaks of? Will Phelan become a part of it? Can he make it back home to his family in time?

Until the next chapter, see you soon and please don't forget to review! :)

~ Wind