Hello readers! Sorry I haven't updated anything in weeks, its just the past 3 episodes have been really depressing for me as a Fuinn shipper. RIB just really know how to drive me nuts. Oh well. Anywho, this is based on the song Anymore by Travis Tritt. I recommend listening to it if you've never heard it.

I don't own Glee.

I can't hide the way I feel about you anymore
I can't hold the hurt inside, keep the pain out of my eyes anymore
My tears no longer waiting...my resistance ain't that strong
My mind keeps recreating a life with you alone

Finn had always heard people talk of 'the curse' of the first love. He never really put much thought to it though. Was it really true that you would always have those feelings for your first true love? Not a chance.

After all, how would that be possible? Finn was perfectly happy with his girlfriend of five years. He and Rachel had been going strong since they graduated High School. They even went to college together in New York; Finn never thought he would make it to the Big Apple.

Yet, here he found himself living in an apartment in Lima, while Rachel was back in New York. She had made it to Broadway just like everyone had thought; she was the star in Wicked. Finn always knew she would make it and be a star. He never imagined that he would be stuck in Lima though while she was off fulfilling her dreams.

Finn wasn't really to mad at Rachel though, he was the one who had chosen to stay back in Lima to run Burt's old mechanical shop. But still, it did hurt a little to know that Rachel didn't even bother to ask if he wanted to come see her show.

Finn shook his head as he decided he needed to do something with his Saturday night. He pulled out his cell phone and made a call.


"Puck, what are you doing?" Finn asked his friend.

"Not shit man. What's up?"

"Do you want to head over to Twister's for some wings and beer?"

"Hell yeah man. Haven't seen you since you fixed up my truck a couple weeks ago. What happened to us bro?" Puck asked as Finn grabbed his keys.

"I don't know man, we just drifted apart. But look, I'll see you down there in a couple of minutes and we can catch up."

"Word, see you there."

"So dude," Puck began as he picked up a wing, "You heard from Rach lately?" He asked with a hint of concern.

"No," Finn sighed, "She won't freaking return my calls. She just gets so frustrating sometimes." He told his friend as he took a sip of his beer.

"Come on dude," Puck laughed, "You had to see that coming."

Finn laughed with him, "Fair enough."

"So who are you dating these days?" Finn asked Puck curiously.

"I'm flying solo my dude." Puck said with a grin, "I don't need a woman tying me down."

Finn laughed, "Still the same old Puck."

"Sort of." Puck told him seriously, "There is one girl that I would totally turn things around for." He said with a sigh.

Finn raised his eyebrow in anticipation, "Who?"

"Can't tell you, to personal." Puck simply told him as Finn laughed.

"Whoever she is, I bet she's a winner man."

Puck nervously laughed as he agreed, "You don't even know the half of it."

Finn and Puck turned their attention to the TV's as they watched Game 7 of the NBA Finals. This was definitely turning into a good summer Saturday night for Finn.

"Finn? Puck?" A voice called breaking the men from their trance.

Finn turned to see a blonde haired man standing with a smile on his face.

"Sam? What's up man?" Finn said as he stuck out his hand to his former classmate. Puck held out his hand as well as Sam pulled a chair up.

"How are you boys doing?" Sam asked as he ordered from the waiter.

"Pretty fuckin' good." Puck said with a smirk.

"Can't complain." Finn lied, well sort of, "How about you?"

"Well, pretty rough to be honest." Sam said with a sad laugh.

Puck slowly looked up from his wings, what the hell could be going so rough for Sam? He was a model for goodness sakes.

"Why's that?" Puck and Finn asked in unison.

"Quinn dumped me," Sam simply told them, "Again."

Finn shook his head as he realized what Sam had said. Quinn? There's a name he hadn't heard in a while. He had no idea that she was still dating Sam. Speaking of which, what exactly was Quinn doing these days?

"What happened there?" Puck curiously asked.

Sam sighed as he took a sip of the beer he had just received, "I'm not sure to be honest. We were going fine until I took her to New York to see a Broadway show. We saw that show with Rachel and ever since she just started distancing herself."

"Women, can't trust 'em." Puck said with a laugh as he shook his head.

Sam laughed in agreement as Finn continued to think of Quinn. Why would seeing Rachel in her show affect her? Yeah, they were never really friends, but why would that affect her relationship with Sam? I wonder if Quinn still looks the same?

"What was that Finn?" Sam asked curiously as he heard Finn mumble.

Finn suddenly snapped back into reality as he realized he said that last part out loud, "Nothing, nothing. Just thinking about, um, how I haven't seen most of the Glee club in a while."

Sam and Puck nodded in agreement, "Yeah it has been a while. I don't know what anyone's doing besides you two and Rachel." Puck told them.

"Well wait, what are you doing?" Sam asked Puck curiously.

Puck laughed as he finished his beer, "Ha, I'm a cop son."

"Damn, who would have guessed that you would be on the good side of the law?" Sam said with a chuckle.

"Hey, don't underestimate me." Puck said with a laugh, "I'm all about serving and protecting."

"I believe you man." Sam said with a laugh as he pulled out his phone, "How bout we call up some of the Glee clubbers and see if they want to meet up?"

"Yeah, I'll call Mike. Finn call Kurt, and Puck call Santana." Sam told them as he began dialing, "Tell them to forward the message and we can all meet at my place." He told them as he wrote down his address on a napkin for them to see.

"Hello my lovelies!" Kurt yelled as he walked into Sam's living room with Blaine by his side.

Finn looked up from his conversation with Artie and Brittany to see his stepbrother walking in with his boyfriend. Finn smiled and waved to Kurt and waved in return and looked back to Artie and Brittany.

"So you guys are still going strong I see?" Finn asked them as Brittany smiled widely.

"Well I don't know if I would say strong." Brittany told Finn, "Artie isn't very strong considering he's in a wheelchair." She whispered to him.

Finn laughed as he patted Artie on the shoulder, "You guys make me jealous, you know that?"

"How's that?" Artie curiously asked as he took a sip of his water.

Finn sighed as he ran his hand through his hair, "You guys are so happy together. I don't see Rachel enough these days to be happy relationship wise. I don't know what I would do with myself if it weren't for the sudden pick up in business down at the Auto shop."

Artie nodded in agreement as Santana popped up next to Finn, "I couldn't help but overhear about your problems Finnocence. But it sounds to me as if you're getting over Berry." She told him with a smirk.

"What makes you say that?" Finn asked her suspiciously.

"Come on Frankenteen, put two and two together here." Santana told him as if it should be obvious. When she realized that he hadn't quite put it together yet, she sighed, "Look, don't you think if you were still madly in love with the hobbit that you would be following her to New York and so on?"

Finn bit his lip in thought as he started to realize that maybe she was right. "Well, looks like my job is done here." Santana said with a smirk as she walked away. What the hell was that about?

Before Finn could think of it anymore, he heard the door open and looked to see who it was. As Finn saw the figure enter the room, his breath was taken away. The most beautiful blonde haired, hazel eyed girl he had ever seen in his life. Quinn Fabray.

Finn froze as he watched her slowly walk in and take in her surroundings. The more he thought about it, it was probably a little awkward for her to be back in Sam's house after their breakup. Maybe he should go talk to her?

"Hey Artie, I'll talk to you in a few." Finn told him as he turned and walked towards his ex-girlfriend.

As Finn was mere feet from her, Santana intercepted Quinn and started talking to her. Finn, trying to play it cool turned left at the last minute and tried to strike a conversation with Mercedes.

"So Mercedes, how's the fashion industry looking these days?" Finn managed to awkwardly ask.

Mercedes eyed Finn suspiciously, "Good." She simply told him as she watched him peak looks at Quinn, "This isn't about me is it Finn? I'm not dumb ya know."

"Alright, fine," Finn confessed as he pulled Mercedes over to the other side of the room, "Is it wrong of me to have feelings for, well, someone else when I'm still with Rachel?"

Mercedes scrunched her nose in thought, "Who?"

"Does that really matter?" Finn asked her suspiciously.

"More than you know boy."

"Fine," Finn sighed as he shoved his hands into his pockets, "Its Quinn."

Mercedes gasped a little to loud as Finn noticed people look over at them, including Quinn. "Keep it down Mercedes." Finn practically begged the former diva.

"You better not play her like you did last time." Was all Mercedes said before she turned and walked towards Kurt and Blaine to most likely forward the gossip she had just heard.

Finn sighed as he turned to look out the window overlooking the small town. As much as he hated to say it, Lima really wasn't as bad as he once thought it was.

"Hey." Finn jerked as he heard someone whisper beside him, he turned to see the one and only Quinn Fabray.

"Hi." Finn coolly told her as he pulled his hands out of his pockets.

Quinn bit her lip as she looked out the window, "It really is beautiful, isn't it?" She asked as they looked at the lights from the city.

Finn smiled to himself as he looked out, it was like she was in his head. She really did get him.

Just like you. He wanted to say, "Yeah. I never really realized how beautiful it is till now."

"So are you glad that you stayed?" She slowly asked him. She sounded almost hopeful.

Finn smiled to himself as he slowly turned to face Quinn, "You know what? I am. There's no other place I'd rather be."

Quinn smiled widely as Finn confessed to her, "Me too. Never thought I would say that." She said with a laugh as Finn joined in.

"They just look so happy together." Kurt said with a sigh to Blaine and Mercedes, "Finn hasn't smiled like that in a while."

"Well maybe we can do something about that?" Blaine suggested as Kurt smiled in return, "I'll take that as a yes."

And I'm tired of pretending that I don't love you anymore

Alright, so originally this was just going to be a really long one shot. But it turns out it's going to be about a five chapter long story. Review please!