Author's Note: I wanted to write a story where Bella is already a vampire when she meets Edward for the first time. I'm not sure if Esme will be a character in this. I'm not even sure who Bella will choose in the end, but I'd happily listen to you make an argument for Carlisle or Edward... or another character, if you so choose.

Let the drama begin...

Bella could hardly believe that she had come back to this place. It was such a small town with an almost nonexistent population, surrounded by an immense green forest. It was nothing compared to the thriving city of Volterra and that's what made her so relieved. Bella had spent the last century living with the Volturi and was more than ready for a change. She didn't want to deal with their manipulative ways any longer nor their constant quest for dominance. She had grown tired of such a life. Only the company of a certain pale haired vampire had urged her to stay as long as she did, yet even he was a disappointment in the end.

She had left a short note without saying goodbye, knowing that it was time to move on. After boarding a plane to America, Bella had spent a few years roaming the country, until finally deciding to return to the place she had once called home.


A small smile tugged at her lips as she looked into the ominous gray sky. Sure enough, it started to rain. Bella lifted her arms as she closed her eyes, oddly content with feeling the tiny drops splashing on her skin. It didn't matter that the water would soak the fabric of her clothes. She was a vampire. The chill of the air had no effect on her.

Bella continued walking along an obscured path in the woods. She swept a wet tendril of hair from her eyes as she considered what she was about to do. It had been many years since she had seen Carlisle and Bella didn't know if she was welcomed in his presence.

Would he resent her for their separation?

She could still remember the hurt and betrayal in his eyes when she had told him that she wanted to remain with the Volturi. They had taken a trip to Italy together and it had been her first time meeting them. She couldn't help but be drawn to their presence. Even as a vampire, she had found them intriguing.


How would it feel to simply let loose, to give into her baser instincts and feed upon human prey? They were more than willing to show her and Bella had taken to their lifestyle with ease. Years of restraint had been undone with a single taste of human flesh. The feel of the blood sliding down her throat had been nearly indescribable, but even that memory made her feel a pang of guilt.

What would Carlisle say upon seeing the faded red in her eyes?

Although Bella had reverted back to animal blood, the slight tinge around her irises was indicative of her previous diet. It had been a difficult transition. Even now, Bella still felt the occasional desire to plunge her teeth into a human, but was able to refrain from such impulses. It was fortunate that the population of Forks was so small. At least there would be less temptation.

She stepped into a clearing where a single house resided. She had been with Carlisle when he had first purchased the property. There had been a small cabin at the time, but after demolition and extensive construction, it had become a spacious Victorian-style manor.

Bella climbed the few steps onto the porch, running her hands along the banister. Even after all these years, the house still looked the same. Bella didn't know whether to rejoice or feel dismayed. Although the house appeared to be the same, surely its owner wasn't nearly as unchangeable.

For a moment, panic welled inside her. What if Carlisle was no longer here? It was highly possible. They had left Forks several times in order to avoid rousing suspicion with the way their appearances remained the same, regardless of the passage of time. Carlisle could have found a new place to live by now.

Nevertheless, Bella knew she had to try. She had wanted to make amends for so long and so she squared her shoulders, preparing to knock, when an unexpected thought came to her mind.

What if he had taken a mate?

Her hand fell limply to her side.

The implications of that unfurled in her mind as she concentrated on the air around her, only now aware of the lingering scents. She had been so distracted with her looming encounter that she hadn't paid enough attention to her surroundings.

The first scent she recognized was Carlisle's, which implied that he had been here recently. He had a warm and spicy scent that was as sensual as it was soothing. Bella had always found comfort in his smell. Her nostrils twitched as she registered several other scents. From what she could discern, there were five other vampires who had been on this property.

Two of which were female.

A low growl rippled in her throat. Her eyes grew wide as she silenced it immediately, completely ashamed. Her response was grievously inappropriate. She had forfeited any right to Carlisle the moment she had decided to leave him. Bella knew this, yet the thought of him with someone else still hurt.

During the moment it took for her to process this, a group of vampires had emerged from the forest. They had paused upon seeing her, but a petite woman with spiky hair ran forth. With a squeal, she threw her arms around Bella, twirling her in a circle while smiling.

"Bella!" she gushed, "You're finally here!"

She continued humming with excitement until Bella escaped from her grasp. Her attention was riveted upon the rest of the group, all of whom had yet to move, but mainly upon her former lover.

"Carlisle," Bella whispered.

She watched as he flinched and she felt her resolve crumble. So it was hopeless after all. Although she had never expected his forgiveness, the stark reality was too much to bear. She stared at the man before her as she watched the emotions flicker across his face.

There were very few things left that could surprise Carlisle. He had lived too long and had experienced too much to be truly shocked anymore, yet the arrival of Bella had rendered him speechless. Even with Alice's forewarning, seeing her in front of him was another matter entirely. Carlisle felt a rush of emotions.





This was the woman that Carlisle had thought was his mate, until she had left him to stay with the Volturi. They had lived in his house and had even been together intimately. Quite frequently, as a matter of fact. Memories of her came rushing back and his groin began to stir in longing.

Before he could speak, Carlisle found himself slammed to the ground. Confusion set in as he lifted his head. Edward was crouched before him, snarling in rage. Emmett and Jasper ran forward to restrain him, but he shoved them away and sprinted towards Bella.

Carlisle watched in growing anger at the way Edward approached her. Having had a glimpse into his eyes, Carlisle knew that Edward's rational mind had slipped away. He was functioning on his baser instincts and it was this knowledge that prevented Carlisle from attacking, even as he felt his heart shatter all over again.

When Edward saw the memories inside of Carlisle's mind, something within him snapped. Before he realized what he was doing, he had thrown Carlisle to the ground and had raced towards Bella. Her scent beckoned to him like no other.

He clutched at her soggy clothes, kneeling at her feet like a starved man. Alice's visions hadn't done her justice. She was beauty incarnate.

His hands traveled the smooth expanse of her legs, kneading the flesh he ardently desired. Her body was petite yet perfectly formed. Her legs were strong and lean, swooping out at the curve of her hips, before giving way to a narrow waist. Edward nuzzled his cheek into the lush mounds of her breasts, feeling as though he had finally come home.

Her hand reached for his messy bronze hair and he leaned into her touch, sighing in contentment. Edward didn't register her intentions, until she had forcefully yanked him away.

"What are you doing?" she demanded.

Her sweet breath washed over his face and Edward trembled in delight. He was intoxicated by her mere presence, but something was different about his dear angel. Focusing, he realized what it was.


Edward couldn't read her mind.

Author's Note: Please review!