Dream Catcher

Dean tossed and turned in his sleep. The images of their latest encounter with Eve's new hybrids were replaying over and over like a broken movie.

Bodies everywhere. Sam unconscious, bleeding. Dean, cornered and without a gun while a Jefferson Starship stalked towards him, a predatory smile on its face.

Dean was waiting for the part where Cas popped in out of nowhere and saved the brothers for the umpteenth time. It was coming soon.

The Jefferson Starship crouched. The long, dangerously sharp spike sticking out of its wrist dripped with blood, as well as its rows of vampire teeth.

Where was Cas? This was the part where he killed the Starship with a palm to the forehead. Dean started to breath heavily as he realized Cas was not coming, and he was on his own. He grabbed at the sheets with his fists as the scene unfolded.

Dean searched the room with his eyes for anything he could use as a weapon. Nothing was in sight. With the Starship getting closer, Dean knew he was toast. The Jefferson Starship lunged at Dean, knocking him to the ground. Its mouth was inches from Dean's neck.

"Cas!" Dean yelled from his sleep. He squeezed his eyes shut, unconsciously wishing with all his might that the angel would rescue him from the creatures in his nightmare. With a light rustle of wings, Cas appeared in the motel room, standing over Dean's fitful body.

The sharp teeth of the Jefferson Starship sunk into Dean's soft flesh. The spike was drilling a hole through Dean's cranium. He was fading. All he could think of was how he wished he could have saved Sammy. He wished he could look into Cas' piercing blue eyes one more time.

Cas gently brushed his fingers over Dean's brow, fingers lingering longer than necessary. The second their skin made contact Dean became still. He breathed a deep sigh, eyebrows turning up from the frown they were in.

A blinding light filled the room. The Starship was hurled off of Dean by an unseen force. A shadow of a man was walking towards Dean. The blurry image became clearer until Dean recognized Castiel, wearing his trench coat and loose tie. He bent over and brushed his thumb along Dean's cheekbone tenderly. Dean leaned into the touch, a smile spreading across his bleeding face.

"Cas." Dean sighed contentedly. Cas smiled down at Dean affectionately. He knew that Dean needed him. He also knew that Dean would never in a million years admit it. But he didn't have to. Cas would always be there to wipe away the frown.

With another soft rustle, Castiel left as quickly as he came, leaving the battered and bruised hunter with a warm smile on his face.