I own nothing...

I think this one didn't take as long because it is more of a filler chapter, but I hope you like it!

This is now complete AU. Everything else comes from my own mind. I am sorry if that disappoints anyone. I never read the Silver Chair or any of the later Narnia novels.


Caspian's eyes were red as he looked down at his sleeping son. His breathing was shallow. No matter what anyone said, it was his fault. He had been so stubborn in insisting that Rilian stay with him, but the truth was Caspian was lonely. All of his family was gone, and he couldn't bare to let anymore of his family go. Worst of all he failed Susan. He told her he would keep their son safe and he failed. Rilain started to stir.

"Papa?" Rilian croaked.

"I'm here, son," Caspian said taking Rilian's hand and kissing it.

"I hurt," Rilian said, "All over."

"I know...I know..." Caspian said, "I am so sorry."

"Don't be sad, Papa," Rilian said and Caspian smiled softly.

"I'll try," Caspian said, "Go back to sleep." Rilian nodded before nodding off to sleep. At least when he slept he didn't feel any pain. Getting up Caspian wiped tears away with the back of his hand. Another council meeting had been called to discuss the thing Caspian was dreading...his marriage.


"That must be the most well behaved baby in the world," David commented as he and Susan walked through the forest.

"I think he is just so mesmerized by Narnia to complain," Susan said and Cas was indeed looking around with wide eyes. It was a lot different then America, and this was where Little Caspian was born. "You were born here, this is your home." Susan voicing her thoughts to her son. She turned to David, "Where you born here?"

"No," David said, "My parents died when I was a baby. While reading a book at the boys home in New York suddenly I found myself in another place, here. A couple found me and took me in. After they died I joined the army. Aslan sent me to get you because I was born in your world, and here I am."

"I'm sorry," Susan said.

"It's fine," David said with a shrug, "I have been on my own for a long time. I'm used to it. I do miss my parents though, everyday."

"Well get unused to it," Susan said, "You are my friend, so you are not alone."

"Thanks," David said with a hint of a smile. "So are you really as good with a bow as they say?"

"Better," Susan said wishing she had her bow now, "I never miss."

"Never?" David said.

"Well maybe once or twice," Susan admitted thinking back to the Telmarine soldier both she and Caspian missed. "But I am the best archer in Narnia."

"I heard King Peter was the best with a sword," David said and Susan considered it.

"Edmund is very skilled and so is...and so is Caspian," Susan said her cheeks flushing at the thought of him.

"Are you nervous?" David asked.

"A little," Susan answered, "I never thought I would see him again, I never thought I would see either of them again. For the past year I have felt like part of me is missing. Perhaps after being reunited with Caspian and Rilian I will finally be whole again."

"You will," David said and Susan smiled at him. "We will need to set up camp soon."

"Okay, Cas seems to be getting hungry," Susan said looking at Cas who was finally fussing.

"Oh, right," David said embarrassed. "I'll go get wood for a fire while you...you know."

"Feed him?" Susan finished.

"Yes," David said and then asked, "Are you alright on your own?"

"You might be charged with protecting me, but you forget who I am," Susan replied, "I didn't sit by and watch my brothers in battle. I fought with them. I can take care of myself."

"Of course you can," David said with a smile and left. Once he was out of view Susan undid the buttons on her dress and started to feed her hungry baby.


"Here?" Caspian said, "You brought her here? Without my consent? We were just going to discuss who I might marry, not bring a potential bride here!"

"You seemed to find her pleasing," Drinian spoke up.

"Just because I found a woman to be attractive doesn't mean I want to marry her!" Caspian exclaimed.

"You have to marry someone, your majesty," Trumpkin said gently.

"Lilliandil would be an excellent choice," Another council member said, "Since you have refused all of the other woman, you have few options left."

"I need to check on Rilian," Caspian said and left.

Lilliandil was pretty. Very pretty. She seemed nice enough. Why did this have to happen? Why did Rilain get cursed? Why did Susan have to leave and take his other son away? None of them deserved this, especially Rilian. He was so good and so innocent. He was all Caspian had. He couldn't let anything happen to him. If marrying Lilliandil was the only way to save Rilain then so be it.

"Sorry Caspian couldn't be here to great you," Edmund said to Lilliandil as they walked around the grounds. "He is with Rilian. He hardly ever leaves his side."

"Poor boy," Lilliandil said, "I am so sorry."

"Thanks Lilliani...Lillianild...is it okay if I call you Lillian?" Edmund asked, "Your name is sort of a mouthful."

"Mouthful?" Lilliandil said not sure what he was saying.

"Hard to pronounce," Edmund clarified.

"Oh, well than, Lillian is fine," Lillian said.

"Again, I am sorry Caspian was not here." Edmund said apologizing for his friend.

"I understand," Lillian said, "I can't imagine what he must be going though, and that poor boy."

"It is hard to even wake up in the morning," Edmund said, "Because when you wake up that is one less day Rilain has to live. It makes you want to go back to bed and hope the night never ends. Which was the point. Darkness will take over all of Narnia." Lillian put her hand on Edmund's arm and he went on, "But the very worst thing is that Susan has no idea."

"I will do everything I can to help," Lillian said.

"Even marry someone who loves another?" Edmund asked gently.

"I will do what is needed to help an innocent child and stop Narnia from going into eternal darkness," Lillian answered.

"There now," They heard Caspian said, "Fresh air feels good, right?"

"Yes, papa," Rilian's small voice said. Edmund and Lillian turned to see Caspian walked towards them with Rilian in his arms.

"Lillandil," Caspian greeted.

"Your majesty," She said and curtseyed, "Young Prince."

"You remember the star Rilian?" Caspian said and Rilian nodded. The boy looked so weak. Lillian's heart broke. "Edmund, can you please take Rilian for a walk along the grounds while I talk to Lilliandil?" Edmund took Rilian from Caspian and walked away giving them privacy.

"Do you know why you are here?" Caspian asked.

"You need a wife to give you a son to save the young prince," Lilliandil answered. Neither of them noticed that Edmund was listening in from behind the bushes. Rilian had dozed off again.

"If we were to do this do you accept that Rilian is my heir and will be king after me, not any son's you might gift me with?" Caspian said with a blank expression. Edmund had never seen him like this. He sounded...he sounded like a Telmarine king and not a Narnia one.

"I do," Lillian said.

"It is done then." Caspian said and walked away. Lillian closed her eyes that were suddenly hot. Was this to be her life then? A crown in exchange for a husband who would never love her? Her father would be proud that she was Queen, and she would do her best to be a mother for Rilian, but what was she giving up? And what if she doesn't give him a son within a year? What will become of her then? She heard someone walking over and Edmund came into view holding a sleeping Rilian.

"It will be alright," Edmund assured her, "You will have a son and save Rilian." His eyes were kind, not hard like the King's. Lillian was glad to have a friend here.

Caspian stared out the window as the sun went down. One more day gone. One less day that Rilian had to live. Caspian used to love the sunset. He loved the colors and he remembered how he used to watch the sun set with Susan while she rested her hands on her growing stomach. Those had been some of the best moments of his life. The memories were so vivid it was as if he could see her walking towards the castle. Like now. Wait. This was different then his memories because Susan was carrying something. Someone. Caspian looked closer. That was no memory. She was here.

"Susan," Caspian said and then ran out of the room.


What did you think? A filler chapter I know, but everything needs to be set up for when Susan finally comes home! The brothers will finally meet!

I know I am probably irritating some readers, but Lilliandil's name is hard to write, and I still might be spelling it wrong so I shorted it. If it would make people feel better I can called her Lilli, or her real name whatever will please you most. I can change it.

Thank you to those who are still reading this, and reviews really help motivate me to update. It lets me know that people are still interested.