The car ride was silent as Bruce drove Dick to the Therapist's office. Dick was staring out the window. It seemed like that was all Dick ever did anymore.

It was the second time Bruce had tried taking Dick to a therapist. When Dick had first come to the mansion, Bruce tried to have Dick go, but he refused and he put up a long fight. This time, Dick hadn't even argued; he just kept staring out one of the large windows in the room. Bruce wasn't very worried about Dick the first time Dick was going to see a therapist.

Now he was worried.

"Hey Batman, can we talk about Robin?" Flash asked as they walked further away from the teenage heroes.

"What is it?"

Flash looked over towards the teenagers hanging out in the base, and then to the small boy just standing against the wall, staring off into space.

"Do you know if Bruce Wayne has been talking to his son lately? Because I think Dick hasn't been himself lately."

Flash and Batman knew each other's secret identities, but they still talked in third person in front of the young justice team.

"Yes, I know Bruce talks to his son very often with his son, but lately Richard has not been talking back. He just stares out windows or off into space." Batman kept up his stoic appearance, but Flash could tell how worried he was about his son.

Flash leaned in towards the Bat's ear "Maybe Bruce should take Dick to see a therapist."

Batman sighed quietly. He was hoping that wouldn't be the answer, but it looked like that was the only option left.

Bruce made a few last attempts to get Dick to talk before he had to talk with the therapist.

"So Dick, are you glad you get to miss school today?"

Dick barely even shrugged his shoulders.

"I was thinking we could go out afterward and get some ice cream or go see a movie."

Dick didn't even acknowledge the statement.

Bruce sighed inwardly as he barked in the parking lot. They walked in and Dick instantly sat in the chair that had the best view of the window. Bruce went up to the receptionist's desk.

"Hi, we have an appointment with doctor Thorne."

The receptionist nodded as Doctor Thorne walked into the room.

"Good afternoon Mr. Wayne. What seems to be wrong with Dick?"

Dick didn't even notice Doctor Thorne had come into the room.

"He hasn't been talking to me or any of his friends, he hasn't been eating as much, and all he does is stare at windows or out into space."

"Did he do anything like this when his parents first died?"

Bruce shook his head. "I haven't even heard him say a word in about a month."

"Has Robin been under any pressure lately?"

"He was a few months ago, but we sorted it out."

The doctor wrote a few notes down on his clipboard before walking over to Dick.

Bruce sat down as he saw Dick walking back into one of the therapy rooms.

"So Dick, have you and Bruce been getting along lately?"

Dick gave a tiny nod as he continued to stare into the distance.

"Has school been okay?"

Dick merely shrugged his shoulders.

Doctor Thorne dropped the serious and formal approached and tried a different approach.

"Dick? I know that you have a lot of stress and a lot of activities and work, but if anything is wrong, you can just ell me. You know I can help."

Dick sighed as the doctor finally broke Dick's barrier.

Bruce stood as Dick walked out to the car. The doctor walked over to Bruce, holding a small bottle.

"Dick is depressed, but I know why. He feels alone."

"Really? He's usually so popular. He has so many friends and they say they've been worried about him."

"Well it looks like they haven't been trying to talk to him. He's the only person on the Drum line that isn't a Sophomore Junior or Senior, on the young justice team, Kaldur, Conner, and M'gann tend to stay with each other, and Wally has started to ignore Dick and talk with Artemis."

Doctor Thorne gave Bruce the small bottle. "These should help him to get over his lonely feelings. Try getting the team to work together more, and just make sure he is feeling accepted. If he starts feeling worse or he doesn't feel better once his medication runs out, call me."

"Thank you doctor." Bruce walked out to the car. Dick was still just staring out the window.

"So what do you want to do now? Do you wanna go home or go do something?"

Dick just shrugged.

"Dick? Why didn't you just tell me you felt alone?"

"Didn't know how. Thought it would be weird to tell you." Dick had no rage in his words like he usually did when they talked about things like this.

"Dick, just remember that you can tell me anything. I'll always listen."

Dick looked over and the corners of his lips curled up toward a smile. "Okay."

Worst Ending I've Ever Done. If anyone has a better ending, please tell me.

This was for Smileyface1627. I hope you Liked it Smiley!

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