"You sure about this, Kurt?" Rachel asked. They were sitting in her bedroom. Empty bottles of Coke littered the ground. "I mean, you don't have to prove anything to anyone, especially me. I know how hard it is to be gay in high school. My dads talk, after all."
"Rachel, please be quiet," Kurt said. "I'm nervous enough without you prattling on about how you know what I'm going through. I don't even know what I'm going through, Rach." His voice shook a little and he pulled his knees up to his chest. He was wearing his special blue silk pajamas, the ones he always saved for his sleepovers with Rachel. He didn't remember when they had become friends, much less best friends, but Kurt didn't mind it. He loved Rachel as if she were his own sister. But lately, he had been thinking that maybe his feelings weren't just limited to best friends.
Rachel frowned when she saw her friend's face scrunch up with worry. She reached across her bedspread and took his hand.
"Kurt, you know that no matter what happens and how you feel afterwards...I'm never going to stop loving you, in one way or another," she smiled. Kurt offered her a small smile in return.
"Thanks, Rachel. I love you, too." The two best friends smiled at each other for a second. "I guess I should ask you...are you sure about this? I mean, with all that stuff with Finn..."
"Finn's too busy being confused over Quinn. I'd much rather spend my time with someone I know cares about me enough to be honest with me, and who I know I can be honest with." Rachel smiled and put a hand on Kurt's cheek. Her thumb brushed over one of his high cheek bones and a rare, toothy smile broke out on his face. "I know I can trust you, Kurt. We're everything else to each other, so...why not this?"
For a long moment, neither of them spoke. They just stared at each other, the soft strains of "Wicked" playing from the other side of Rachel's room.
Because I knew you...I've been changed for good...
How true.
Kurt took a deep breath and leaned in close to Rachel, close enough that their noses brushed. Blue-green eyes stared into brown, both waiting for the other to move. The tension in the room was palpable. Kurt was the first one to move, closing the distance between them and pressing his lips to Rachel's.
The reaction was instantaneous. Hands grasped and lungs heaved and lips crashed. It was electric and much, much different than when Kurt had made himself kiss Brittany. This time, he actually cared about the person he was with and despite the fact that that person was very much a girl, he didn't feel some bizarre change. He didn't feel his desire to be with boys just disappear. It was Rachel. Only Rachel.
And as the pair of them pulled back from their kiss and laid down, arms wrapped around each other, Kurt Hummel knew it would always be only Rachel Berry.