Ok, this is the last chapter! I'll miss writing this story. However, I do have a sequel in the works. I put in a lot of loose ends and clues in this fic that will be answered in the next one, but unfortunately, I'm going to be gone for quite some time after tomorrow and won't be able to write. But when I get back, I'll try my best to finish the sequel, so keep an eye out!

"You hungry?" he grunted as she lightly stroked his chest with her fingers.

"Oh my God, I thought you'd never ask," she moaned loudly.

He laughed and she stared up at him.

"I like your smile," she observed slowly as she touched the three small birthmarks under his eye, realizing that he didn't do it much, but when he did it was almost always around her. He continued to smile back at her, but didn't say anything. She rolled onto her back and looked at her watch on the nightstand. "11:30," she stated.

Ronon grunted in comprehension, then stood up and put on his clothes from the day before. She sat in bed with the sheet over her chest, tying her hair up. She reached into the drawer next to her bed and pulled out underwear and a bra and slipped them on. She stood up and Ronon came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her hips and kissing her shoulder as she looked into her closet. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt and figured that if anyone had a problem with her not wearing a uniform, they were just going to have to deal with it.

"Emma," Ronon started.

"Hm?" she responded as she slipped on a pair of shoes.

"Carter said you were having problems with your memory," he said cautiously.

"She's right," she nodded.

He nodded slowly, looking blindly over her shoulder.

She cocked her head, searching his face. "I remember last night if that's what you're wondering," she smiled.

He looked back at her, not entirely convinced.

"Ronon Dex, you are anything but forgettable," she reassured him, leaning against his shoulder and interweaving her fingers with his.

"That's uh...that's not exactly what I was worried about," he said with a smirk.

She looked curiously up at him.

"I just...didn't want our first ti-"

"I know," she interrupted, squeezing his hand in hers. "I remember last night," she repeated, "I remember saying yes to you..." she paused, "several times, actually," she qualified with a grin.

Ronon tried to hide his own smile of satisfaction.

"Thank you," she said quietly, "Thank you for caring about that."

Ronon nodded.

They walked hand in hand to the commissary together and when they arrived, weekend brunch was in full swing. As soon as they entered, the decibel level decreased and people stared at them. Some looked confused, others were smiling. The friendliest, most extroverted woman and the severest, most aloof man in the city were holding hands with one another. After getting their food, they sat down together at one of the only tables still unoccupied.

"Why were people staring?" she asked him, glancing over at the table to their left.

"Don't know," he answered briefly.

"Yes you do," she smirked.

He smirked back. "Maybe they're just glad to see you up and well," he shrugged.

She looked suspiciously at him and narrowed her eyes. "What happened while I was in the infirmary?" she asked him in a quiet and serious tone.

He paused and put down his fork, staring at his food. He looked up into her eyes and she tilted her head to the side. "I –I told you last night that I was scared," he started. She nodded. "I barely left your side while you were there," he answered, taking a deep breath, "I…slept in the chair next to your bed every night. The only reason I wasn't there when you woke up was because I was on my first mission since you were attacked," he explained.

"Why?" she asked softly, a tender burning sensation smoldering in her chest.

"Why?" he shook his head, "Because I had to—"

"No, why did you stay with me?" she interrupted.

He licked his lips. "I don't know," he said, staring into her glittering emerald eyes. He shifted his hands on top of the table. She felt the breath catch in her lungs. "Emma, I care a lot about you and I – I think that I – "

She nearly leaped over the table, leaning over it to kiss him, grabbing a fistful of his shirt as she did so. He was grinning widely when they pulled apart. "You like me," she teased quietly.

"Maybe," he shrugged.

The room's noise level dropped significantly once again. Emma sat back in her seat and noticed everyone was still staring. She bit her bottom lip and giggled quietly, looking down at her plate as her face turned red. She peeked back up at a smirking Ronon, who reached across the table with his fork and took link of sausage from her plate for himself. "Hey!" she laughed, stealing a piece of fruit from him in retaliation.

"Watch it Rogers," he jokingly warned, also laughing.

"I don't get it," Sheppard deliberated, sitting with Col. Carter.

"Don't get what?" she asked, sipping her coffee.

"Them," he said, gesturing with his chin to Ronon and Emma. They were both smiling, flirting, sometimes holding hands under the table.

Col. Carter smiled. "Opposites attract," she replied simply, "Beauty and the Beast. Something like that," she shrugged.

He nodded slowly, chewing.

Carter stared at them for a moment. "They're in love," she finally stated.

"What?" Sheppard spat out incredulously, returning his gaze to her, "How can you tell?" he challenged.

"With Emma…I can't explain it, I just know," she shook her head, "But as for Ronon," she looked at Sheppard, "have you ever seen him smile that much around anyone?" she asked, taking another sip of coffee.

Sheppard thought for a minute and finally surrendered. "No," he breathed, "I guess you're right."

For the last time, thank you EVERYONE who read and reviewed! Your reviews and following mean so much to me! :D Thanks!