Well hello all of you people who I don't really know, but like to think that I do know since you read my stories. This is my first attempt at a Bleach story even if it is a crossover and let me tell you that I am extremely excited for this story. Now I know there are a lot of stories out there that are similar to this one, but I will try to make it different and I will finish it before the end of summer. Today is now my 18th birthday! May 29th.

This is just a preview chapter so don't expect updates for this story until I finish my Naruto story Rise from the Eternal Ashes. Now this story starts a little while before the events of Ichigo gaining his Soul Reaper powers.

The basis of this fic is that Naruto was the very first Vasto Lorde Hollow for when he died the Kyubi transferred its power into Naruto, but Naruto's will won over the Kyubi allowing him to keep his memories and retain his humanity. He is over 6000 years old when the story takes place and is often referred to as a god by other hollows. Around 4000 years ago he sealed himself up to await a day when he would be needed and with each passing day his power increased. His release will start this story.

Don't own Naruto or Bleach...this applies to all chapters.

The Forsaken Fox

How long had it been since he sealed himself up into this freaking crystal? What was the point of doing this again…oh yeah he was contacted by Kami to help save the world in the future. Man how many times had he done that.

He did it once in the human world when Madara Uchiha thought he could control the world. Then he saved both dimensions when the Hollows and the Shinigami had there war close to three thousand years ago.

Man that was such a pointless war as it didn't matter who killed who since they would just be reborn in either Soul Society, Heuco Mundo, or the Human World. Is he the only one who saw that neither side could ever win a war like that? If one side won then they would still lose as both sides needed to be balanced for everything to continue existing.

Once he showed up though everything changed as he was the very first Vasto Lorde and by far the most powerful. He quickly disposed of the hollows in command of Heuco Mundo and stopped sending attacks into Soul Society. As the new ruler he didn't allow any hollows to devour human souls as long as they were under his control.

Thousands challenged him for control, but they all died quickly. None could stand against his power and none dared by the end of his rule. He disposed of any Vasto Lorde that might be able to unite a powerful force of hollow that could threaten Soul Society.

Thus when he disappeared on the day that he received his message from Kami and sealed himself by removing his mask, thus making him the first and last hollow to ever completley remove his mask. The hollows of Heuco Mundo became mindless beasts that could never stand against a united Soul Society so the realms were safe for some 4000 years.

Sure some hollows gained the power of Vasto Lorde while he was sealed but none were nearly strong enough to unite all of Heuco Mundo like he did. That Barragan who now held the throne of Las Noches, his old palace, was close but wasn't strong enough to beat Naruto not in 10,000 years.

Naruto was nearing the end of his containment when he finally felt the presence that Kami warned him about 4000 years ago. It was a Shinigami and an extremely powerful one at that. Quickly this Shinigami gathered Vasto Lorde hollow from across Heuco Mundo and started to create an army.

With that many on the Shinigami's side Naruto knew he couldn't take them all out then face the leader. Alone one on one Naruto wouldn't have any real problems, but he couldn't fight that many high level hollows too. So he started planning on how he would contact Soul Society.

He thought that he might just go there and do a few harmless pranks to get them to realize that he wasn't so bad, but that probably wouldn't work at all. Then he could go to the Human World and find a Shinigami and talk to him man to man. Once again that probably wouldn't work, but hell he didn't have anything better so the second he broke out of this damn crystal he would go to the Human World to find help, and maybe do a little sightseeing as he hadn't seen the place in over 4000 years.

Well anyway he was now ready to smash his way out of the crystal that held him. The crystal was made so that it could only hold so much spiritual power and then it would shatter. Over the past 4000 years his Reiryoku had grown greatly through constant meditation so now all he had to do was channel enough Reiatsu and the crystal would shatter.

From outside the crystal hollows started to gather as they watched the massive crystal begin to crack and leak Reiatsu. Pretty soon hundred of hollows had gathered just watching as the cracks began to spread across the crystal and in a massive amount of azure light the crystal blew up releasing all of the Reiatsu inside in one massive wave that sent the weaker hollows running.

Aizen Sosuke was not a man who was easily surprised. He knew all that there was about the world and how it ran, but when he felt a massive Reiatsu come from the depths of Heuco Mundo he was for the first time in his life surprised at such power. For it equaled his at his maximum output.

Quickly he and his Vasto Lorde allies left the palace of Las Noches and arrived not even ten minutes after the explosion of Reiatsu. All that remained was a massive crater littered with the shards of a massive crystal that once stood there.

Hearing a gasp come from behind him he looked at a shocked Barragan. "Barragan please tell me why you seem to be surprised at this?" asked Aizen in his soft voice that held hints of madness underneath.

"Aizen-Sama records in Los Noches show that the very first Vasto Lorde that use to rule over Heuco Mundo used that crystal as a crypt. His power was said to have been unreachable for any hollow or Shinigami and was said to have been the god of all three worlds. Not even the Shinigami would dare defy his power and left him here to rule. That was over 4000 years ago before I was even a hollow." Said Barragan in a whisper.

"So a powerful Vasto Lorde has been released? I could use his power in the upcoming war with Soul Society…If this Vasto Lorde is still in Heuco Mundo I want him found and brought to me." Ordered Aizen as he went back to Las Noches to see these records that Barragan said were there.

Naruto quickly exited the portal that he had created to the Human World and man was he surprised. Apparently humans were much smarter than he thought they would ever be as massive buildings stood and thousands of people walked the streets.

'It seems like the world has been in relative peace since I left 4000 years ago. Well this place seems a little too crowded for my liking…lets look for a place where I might be able to have some fun with some Soul Reapers.' Thought Naruto as he looked for the place that had the highest concentration of Reiatsu.

He found it quickly and used Sonido to appear above the town/city. It was bigger than his old village when he was alive but much smaller than the city he had seen earlier. 'Well might as well go see the sights while I wait for some poor Shinigami to sense me.' Thought Naruto as he flew down to the town and stood on top of one the buildings.

"Dang look at all the freaking people living here! It looks like technology has improved since I was alive too, look at those things on the streets!" exclaimed Naruto as he continued to move from building to building, he was well aware of the fact that he was being followed by three powerful Shinigami.

He quickly reached a large park and found a clearing that would shield them from any prying eyes. "So what do three Shinigami want with me?" asked Naruto with his back turned.

The three Shinigami jumped into the clearing with their swords drawn and at the ready. "What are you doing here hollow?" demanded a man with the beard.

Naruto turned and looked at the two men and one female, and the three quickly gasped in surprise as this hollow didn't have any mask on his face. He had a Zanpakuto attached to his back, but still had the eyes of a hollow. "I am no longer a hollow Shinigami and I came here for one reason." Said Naruto serious voice he could muster.

The Shinigami in the bowl hat quickly reassessed this hollow and was quite intrigued by what he saw. Never had he felt a presence like this…it was hollow yet it was definitely different than any hollow he had encountered before. "Then what are you doing here in the Human World?" it took a lot of his self control from saying hollow causing both his comrades to look him in the eyes.

"I CAME HERE TO THIS CITY FOR ONE THING!" declared the hollow in a booming voice. "THAT THING IS…RAMEN!" laughed Naruto at the end as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. His proclamation quickly caused the three Shinigami to facefault in shock.

"WHAT YOU CAME HERE JUST TO EAT RAMEN!" screamed the purple haired female Shinigami.

"Well you see it has been so long since I've had the food of the gods and I just can't wait any longer…do you have any idea where I might just find some?" asked Naruto.

"How long has it been since you've had some ramen…Mr whatever your name is?" asked the man in the hat.

"Oh sorry my name is Naruto Uzumaki and I think that it has been some 4000 thousand years since I've had a bowl of hot ramen." Said Naruto to the shock of the three Shinigami.

"Did you just say that you were 4000 years old!" yelled the man with a beard.

"Well no I'm actually around 6000 years old…it has just been 4000 years since I have come to the human world. So do you have know anywhere I can eat, I'd be glad to tell you my story over a bowl of ramen, as long as you don't try to kill me…whatever your names are." Proposed Naruto.

'I don't sense any lies coming from this hollow…if he even is a hollow. Ehh why not we could learn some things from him.' Though Urahara. 'I like this guy!' thought Isshin. 'It looks like I'm about to be outvoted anyway.' Thought Yoruichi ( not sure if this is how you spell it).

"Sorry Naruto…my name is Kisuke Urahara, this is Isshin Kurosaki, and this is Yoruichi Shinoin. Now if you would follow us we will take you to my place where you can eat and tell us your fascinating story. I must say you are probably one of the most fascinating people I have ever seen." Said Urahara.

Urahara was right as Naruto was wearing a white cloak with Azure trimmings on the edge. He had blonde spiky hair hung in front of his eyes a bit. His eyes were the eyes of a hollow, but one could easily read the emotion in them. No he definitely wasn't something you saw every day.

They quickly reached Urahara's shop and were sitting down listening to Naruto as he told his story of when he was alive all the way up to the present, while he was slurping down noodles. The three elder Shinigami were for a loss of words at the moment.

They were here talking to the first ever Vasto Lorde and the being that ended the great Shinigami Hollow Wars 5000 years ago. Yet he didn't play the part and acted and looked like any normal teenager, and that is when they got the idea.

"So what do the three of you think?" asked Naruto as he finished his 50th bowl of Ramen.

"Well we would gladly help you, but you see we need you to do a favor for us." Said Urahara.

"What is this favor that you want done?" asked Naruto who was very curious to this favor.

"We want you to go back to school." Stated Isshin as he read Urahara's mind.

"What!" shouted a surprised Naruto.

"Yep, but while in school you can learn about the world and we want you to help Isshin's kid. His Reiatsu has been growing quickly and we fear that more hollows might come after him.

"Well I guess those are some good reasons. What the heck I will do it, I haven't talked to people my age in so long." Said Naruto to the confusion of the three Shinigami.

"You're older than all of us so how does that work?" asked Yoruichi.

"Well you see you all are…really old looking!" shouted Naruto to the anger of Yoruichi and the amusement of Urahara and Isshin.

Sensing Yoruichi's anger Urahara quickly changed topics. "So if you aren't a hollow anymore…what are you?" asked Urahara.

"Well I guess you could call me a 'Forsaken' as this is what Kami called me when we talked." Said Naruto.

"I guess that is a pretty good name." said Urahara.

"So how will I be able to go to this school in the first place?" asked Naruto.

"Well I will make you a Gigai and then I will buy you an apartment to stay in. Just be sure to study the books we get you and you should be fine." Said Urahara as he walked into a room in the back.

"Okay…where are these books at?" asked Naruto.

"Right here!" said Urahara as he brought a huge pile of books into the room.

"Oh okay…at least that shouldn't take too long to read since I can use my clones to read them." Said Naruto.

"Umm clones?" questioned Yoruichi.

"Yep I can use my Reiatsu to make clones that transfer any knowledge they learn back to me." Said Naruto as he made thirty clones in that room and commanded them to start reading the books in the back room.

"Wow that is handy." Said Urahara.

"Got that straight…so where would this apartment be?" asked Naruto.

"Oh don't worry I will take you there later. Why don't you just go out in town and wait for me to make you a gigai. It shouldn't take more than an hour." Said Urahara as he went further into the shop.

"Well I really have nothing better to do at the moment, and since no one can see me it would be pointless to out to town. So do the two of you want to spar a bit?" asked Naruto.

"You have yourself a challenge Uzumaki!" shouted Isshin as he jumped to his feet while pulling Yoruichi to her feet at the same time.

"Good let's just keep it at Shikai then since we don't want anyone getting hurt too badly." Said Naruto.

"So you know Shikai then?" asked Yoruichi.

"Yeah I had like 4000 years to meet and get to know my Zanpakuto. Learned all stages of both the hollow and Shinigami releases and I even found a way to mix both together for an ultimate release. But I only will ever use that in a dire circumstance." Said Naruto to the shock of both ex-captains.

Two hours later after an intense spar between the First Vasto Lorde and Shinigami Two Ex-Captains we find the two captains covered by numerous cuts from the Blonde. "Well I guess the two of you have an idea at the level I'm at huh?" asked Naruto as the two captains nodded their heads.

"Yeah I guess you weren't kidding when you said that you fought five Vasto Lorde and still won." Said Isshin.

"I don't ever lie, Believe it!" yelled Naruto.

"How can you already be back to normal like that?" asked Yoruichi.

"Well I've always had impressive stamina and advanced healing, even when I was alive. When I became a Vasto Lorde those features just multiplied in effectiveness." Said Naruto.

"Well Naruto I'm pleased to tell you that I finished your gigai while you were fighting. That Shikai of yours is quite dangerous and destructive." Said Urahara as he led Naruto down the halls of his store.

"Well you should see the Bankai then. It is about ten times as effective as my Shikai, but I never will use it during a spar." Said Naruto to which Urahara just nodded his head.

"Well I will give you your keys to the apartment and the address, from now on your name is Naruto Uzumaki from a mountain town from northern Japan and school student. Don't worry about any of the things that you need in your apartment, I have food and money already prepared for you. You can go get clothing on your own time." Said Urahara as he showed him his body. Everything was the same as when he was alive including the blue eyes and the whisker marks on seeya another time or if I need anything, and if you need anything don't hesitate to ask. I am no longer just a hollow being with no heart." Laughed Naruto as he exited the shop with his keys and his address for his new house.

2 hours later at 5 p.m. somewhere in Karakura Town.

"Dang I don't know any of these street names…why didn't I just ask for directions!" cried Naruto as he walked down the street looking at any street sign he could. "Dang you Urahara you knew that this would happen!"

"Umm…do you need help looking for something?" asked a voice that obviously belonged to a girl.

Naruto wheeled around to find two girls standing behind him in matching school uniforms with short skirts. One had ginger colored hair and wide but doppy smile on her face, and dare he say it…massive breasts. The other had short black spiky hair, a trim body that screamed that she knew how to fight, and was looking at him with a eyebrow in the air as if she was confused about his antics. In Naruto's opinion she looked pretty cute with the expression on her face.

"Oh that would be awesome if you knew where this address leads to." Said Naruto as he handed them a piece of paper with the address on it and flashed them a bright smile. They both looked at him and then the paper, quickly finding that it was right next door to Orihime's.

'Hmm he seems nice enough with the smile and all. He is tall has wide shoulders and it looks like he has trained at least once in his life. I guess it wouldn't be too bad to help this guy out.' Thought Tatsuki.

"Well I guess your in luck since we were heading to Orihime's apartment which happens to be right by yours." Said the girl with black hair.

"Really? That is great at least now I know at least one of my neighbors. It is nice to meet you Orihime and you are?" questioned Naruto as he held his hands out and shook both Orihime's hand and Tatsuki's.

"Tatsuki…so what is your name?" questioned the girl known as Tatsuki.

"Oh sorry my name is Naruto Uzumaki. Sorry, but do you think I could stay with the two of you until we get there?" asked Naruto.

"That would be great! Maybe since you live by me you can eat dinner with us tonight! I know that you would love my cooking!" said an excited Orihime, while Tatsuki rolled her eyes.

"Yeah no problem I wouldn't feel right about just leaving you to wonder the streets of Karakura." Said Tatsuki as the group walked down the street with Naruto close behind looking at all the marvels of the modern world.

"Why do you keep on looking at everything as if it was the first time you've seen it before?" questioned Tatsuki as she was on alert to everything the blond did since she barely knew him.

"What, oh sorry I grew up in a village in Southern Japan. I have never been in a town like this before." Said Naruto to their surprise.

"Wow so like this is the first time you've ever been to a place like this. Why did you come here then?" questioned Orihime.

"Well my guardian where I used to live died recently and I decided to come here so that I could achieve a better life. I am planning on attending Karakura High School tomorrow after I get situated tonight." Said Naruto to their surprise.

"Well I'm sure you would also have trouble finding the school tomorrow. So Orihime and me can walk with you to school." Offered Tatsuki.

"That would be great. I didn't think I would find any friendly people here yet I found the two of you…or should I say you found me." Said Naruto as he adopted a thinking pose making Orihime giggle a bit and Tatsuki to smile.

"So Naruto do you have any hobbies?" asked Tatsuki as she wanted to get to know the guy better.

"Yes, I do I guess…I like to training, reading, and practicing my swordsmenship. I dislike people who believe themselves to be better than anyone else, and if someone has a stick shoved up their rear end." Said Naruto.

"Oh you practice martial arts too, like Tatsuki! Maybe the two of you should spar sometime since Tatsuki is like one of the best in the state at Martial Arts." Suggested Orihime.

"Hmm…I would enjoy that a bit. How about it Tatsuki just name the time and place and I will show up, but of course it would only be a friendly spar. I don't want to end up with a black eye or anything." Said Naruto.

"Fine Naruto maybe after school tomorrow we meet at the Dojo I go to and we can spar. Maybe you can join the men's team if you are good enough." Said Tatsuki.

"Hehe you will just have to find out for yourselves if I'm good enough Tatsuki." Replied Naruto.

"Yeah I guess…so what is up with the lines on your cheeks?" asked Tatsuki.

"Oh my whisker marks…I've had them since I was born. I guess they are a birthmark, and most people say I look like a fox because of them." Said Naruto as he grinned a bit to show his foxy smile.

"Oh you do look like a fox! Maybe you a fox demon was sealed inside of you when you were a child and those are the exact reasons why you had to be raised by a guardian and those whisker marks are the influence of the fox." Suggested Orihime in an excited voice.

Naruto stopped in place for a second, but quickly realized that what she said was just a joke or at least he thought that it was. Tatsuki saw him for a second freeze up and his eyes widen in surprise, but she just brushed it aside as he was probably just surprised by what Orihime came up with on the spot.

'Wow that was probably the most accurate guess about me from anyone I've ever known in my 6000 year old life.' Thought Naruto as he joined the conversation again and just told him everything he could about himself and listened to what they had to say about themselves.

Dinner at Orihime's was nice and Naruto loved her cooking. It was some of the best food he had eaten, but not as good as Ramen. Tatsuki could help herself from having her jaw hit the floor as Naruto ate Orihime's cooking and even had seconds.

Pretty soon dinner ended and Naruto bid the two girls good night as he walked towards his apartment. Inside he found his dream come true as hundreds of cups of instant Ramen filled every cupboard. "Remind me to thank Urahara when I see him again." He said to himself as he undressed and jumped into bed and quickly fell asleep.

"So Tatsuki what did you think of Naruto?" asked Orihime as the two sat on one of the couches.

"He seems like a really nice guy and reminds me of Ichigo and the way he talks about friendship. I guess I could grow to really like him." Said Tatsuki to the surprise of Orihime.

"Really? I thought it would take more than that just to accept a guy for you. I mean you barely tolerate Keigo so I didn't think you would allow another guy to join our group." Said Orihime.

"I barely tolerate Keigo because he is an obnoxious pervert, but Naruto seems like really nice guy who likes to do Martial Arts. So it is a little different with Naruto." Responded Tatsuki.

"You know what I think Tatsuki…I think that you have a crush on Naruto!" squelled Orihime.

"WHAT!" came the shout of Tatsuki followed by a giggling coming from Orihime.

That morning at 7 30 Naruto was quickly going around getting everything ready for his first day of school. His clones dispelled last night after quickly reading the books two times each and now he was pretty confident on how he would do in the studies at the school. He had just gotten dressed in his school clothes and was eating a cup of ramen when his door was knocked on.

He makes his way to the door with his backpack on and him eating the cup of Ramen. Opening the door he is greeted by both Tatsuki and Orihime who are both giggling at the fact that he has a bunch of noodles hanging from his mouth. "Hey! I guess it is time for my first day at school then?" asked Naruto after he swallowed the noodles.

"Yeah it takes a little while to walk to the school. We'll introduce you to our friends when it's time for lunch." Said Tatsuki.

"Great I hope everyone is as nice as you two." Said Naruto as he followed them down the road.

"All our friends are friendly, but there are some jerks at our school who just like to make fun of others for being different." Said Tatsuki.

"Well that can't be too bad." Said Naruto.

It took around fifteen minutes for them to reach the school and they were forced to split apart as Naruto had to go get his schedule from the office. It didn't take long and soon Naruto found himself outside of his home room. Knocking on the door he was soon faced with a female teacher who smiled brightly at him.

Ushering him in the teacher told him to introduce himself to the class. Before he started though he noticed both Tatsuki and Orihime in the class with him and flashed smile at the two females. "Hello my is Naruto Uzumaki! I like Ramen, training, reading, and kendo. I dislike people who think they are better than everyone else and people who try and hurt my friends. My dreams for the future are to hmm…Holy Crap man you have orange hair!" shouted Naruto at the end as he pointed at Ichigo who now was looking furious. "Then again I shouldn't be surprised since I had used to have friends who naturally had pink, blue, and silver hair so orange is kind of refreshing." Laughed Naruto at the end which caused Ichigo to calm down a bit.

Both Tatsuki and Orihime were both trying not to laugh at this as Tatsuki was the one who told Naruto to do it if he got placed in there homeroom. The teacher told him to take a seat at one of the two empty seats in the room. One was by Ichigo and the other was by Tatsuki, and since he knew Tatsuki he sat next to her and flashed a smile at her causing her to blush a bit.

Naruto quickly became bored from the lecture and looked around the room and noticed a few people who stood out above the rest. They were the tall Spanish looking guy who he heard was name Sado, then there was the guy with glasses and seemed to act too much like Sasuke for his liking. These two seemed to stick out in his senses like Ichigo, Orihime, and Tatsuki did.

Soon enough the lunch bell rang and Naruto was quickly dragged from his seat by both Tatsuki and Orihime and led to the roof of the building. "Not that I don't mind two beautiful women dragging me to the roof, but why are we going to the roof in the first place?" asked Naruto causing both women to blush a bit.

"Shut up Naruto…our group of friends and us always eat at the top of the roof. They should already be up there." Said Tatsuki as she dragged Naruto up the stairs with a blush still on her cheeks at Naruto calling her beautiful.

"Hey guys we thought we might just invite the new guy Naruto up here to eat lunch with us today." Said Tatsuki as she kicked open the door. There sat Chad, Ichigo, Keigo, and Muzuiro all watching Naruto who grinned at them.

"Ehh nice to meet all of you." Said Naruto while scratching the back of his head.

"Nice to meet you Naruto." Came the deep voice of Chad.

"Nice to meet you too…Sado I think. Right Tatsuki?" asked Naruto as he turned to Tatsuki who nodded her head.

"So Tatsuki and Orihime brought you up together did they? Is there something you're not telling us Mr. Whiskers?" asked/shouted Keigo as he began to examine Naruto. But was suddenly kicked in the face by a mad Tatsuki.

"Stop being a pervert Keigo!" shouted Tatsuki.

"Ahh Keigo why do you always have to do that…well it's nice to meet you Naruto, my name is Muzuiro." Said Muzuiro as he shook the blonds hand.

"I'm guessing that you're Strawberry then?" asked Naruto with a smile. Causing Ichigo to scowl before smirking.

"I guess that makes you correct…Fishcake." Said Ichigo causing Naruto to grin back.

"We're going to get along just fine Guardian." Laughed Naruto as he shook Ichigo's hand.

"I hope so Maelstrom." Ichigo responded as he shook Naruto's hand back.

For the rest of lunch the group just talked and ate there lunches getting to know Naruto better and for the first time in awhile Naruto actually felt accepted by others. 'Hopefully when that Shinigami makes his move all of them won't be caught in the crossfire. I swear that I will protect all of my new friends with my life.' Thought Naruto as he looked at each of the people eating lunch.

"Tatsuki here even challenged Naruto to a spar after school today; you should all come and watch." Said Orihime, bringing Naruto out of his mind.

"It's just a friendly spar Orihime. I doubt everyone here wants to see some fight." Said Naruto, but when he saw the shocked faces on each of the guys he was confused. "What do I have something on my teeth?"

"Umm…no but Tatsuki rarely ever challenges anyone to a fight. It is usually just the other way around." Said Ichigo.

"Hey! Just because I normally don't go around challenging people to fights, doesn't mean that I don't challenge people at all?" shouted Tatsuki.

"Well the last time you challenged someone it was Ichigo, Tatsuki." Stated Orihime.

"So?" asked Tatsuki as she glared at everyone gathered around her besides Naruto, who watched all of this with interest.

"Ehh…nothing at all Tatsuki, just try not to kill our new friend." Said Muzuiro.

With that final piece of advice lunch ended and the rest of the day went without a single hitch until after school when both Naruto and Tatsuki were both in sparring gear and were ready for their spar. Off to the side stood all of Naruto's new friends and most of the Karate club.

"Begin!" shouted a person who was watching the match. Both combatants smirked at each other before running right at the other.

Naruto had judged her strength before the fight began and was just around her level in everything so this fight would be a battle of skill…not strength. Tatsuki launched a series of punches and kicks that were aimed at throwing Naruto off guard.

But being 6000 years old had its advantages as Naruto dodged instead of blocking the attacks so that he wouldn't be put off balance. Finally seeing an opening Naruto struck out with his fist and hit Tatsuki in the shoulder as she pulled back to avoid a more damaging area.

Pushed off the attack Tatsuki could see that she was outmatched by the blonde. He easily kept her on the defensive and didn't waste a single movement when he attacked or defended. Every time he spotted an opening he lashed out and hit a cluster of nerves that made whatever the appendage that was hit feel much heavier.

Yet throughout the fight the blond didn't look like he was even pushing himself to his limit. It infuriated her that there was such a gap in there skill. Finally Naruto got in close and landed several hits to her arms and legs, causing her to freeze up and fall to the ground.

However, before she hit the ground she was wrapped by two large arms and picked up. She looked up to see Naruto smiling at her. "You did really good Tatsuki, but you have room for improvement. Don't take it as a bad thing though for there is always room for improvement." Said Naruto as he carried her in a bridal position to his new friends.

"Wow you beat Tatsuki without even taking a single hit!" shouted Keigo.

"Well where I lived I was forced to learn how to fight at a young age otherwise it meant death." Said Naruto grimly while the others looked at him with shock. Tatsuki could feel his body shake the second he said this and promised herself that she would figure out what he meant by that statement.

"What was that style of fighting you used there Naruto?" asked Ichigo who looked interested with the way the blond beat his old rival.

"Oh that was a style that I learned from a friend of mine awhile back ago. She called it the Juuken and it hit the nerve clusters on the body causing them to freeze up and slow movements. I modified it a bit to add more flexibility to the style since I like to flow like the air." Said Naruto.

"Hey Naruto…why did you take it easy on me?" asked Tatsuki tiredly.

"Sorry Tatsuki it wasn't to hurt your pride or anything, but I wanted to know which one of us was more skilled not who was stronger. I know this one style where I can smash the bones in the body." Said Naruto as Tatsuki smiled and murmured a tired okay.

"Well does anyone know where Tatsuki lives, I should probably take her home. Since I am the one who put her into this position." Said Naruto honestly.

"No don't worry about it Naruto I'm feeling better now." Said Tatsuki as she got out of Naruto's arms and began walking to collect her things.

"No you aren't Tatsuki. In know what that style does and you are in no condition to defend yourself so I am going to walk you home despite what you say." Said Naruto as he smiled at her.

"Well I can see that you have everything under control Naruto. Make sure she get's home…she is one of my oldest friends so if you hurt her I will beat you senseless." Warned Ichigo.

"Don't worry I would never hurt a friend of mine Ichigo. Tatsuki will reach her house without a single problem." Answered Naruto truthfully to which Ichigo smiled and nodded.

"Well we need to go study for a test tomorrow, but afterwards we are going to the mall you should come with us." Suggested Ichigo as Chad nodded and the group of males all left heading for Ichigo's home.

"I might do that Ichigo. Tatsuki you ready to leave yet?" asked Naruto as Tatsuki came out of the changing room ready to leave.

"Yes I am Naruto…I don't know why you have to escort me home." She responded.

"Because I have seen horrible things in this world and have promised to protect every one of my friends." Said Naruto as he walked out of the door with Tatsuki leaning against him for support.

The walk to Tatsuki's was spent in mostly silence, with a few words spoken here and there but it was a comfortable silence. Nearing her house Tatsuki decided to question Naruto on something that nagged her since they left the dojo.

"Naruto…what were you talking about when you said that you've seen horrible things before?" asked Tatsuki softly. She felt his body tighten in response and knew whatever it was hurt him deeply.

"Tatsuki I trust you a lot and you are a great friend, but I don't feel like talking about it. Maybe someday I will talk to you about, but until then I want you to forget that you ever heard something." Said Naruto sadly.

"I'm sorry if it hurt you Naruto…I promise not to bring it up again." She replied.

It took less than a minute to reach Tatsuki's and he quickly said good bye to her and was utterly surprised when she turned around and kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks for walking me home Naruto." She whispered as she walked in her room leaving Naruto gaping like a fish.

Well there you go the very first chapter of my Naruto and Bleach crossover! I actually wrote all of this in one night and utterly enjoyed every second of it. I hope you all give me positive reviews for this story and on a more personal note this chapter was released on my BIRTHDAY!