Ayame-chan: Hi!

Kisshu: Why am I here?

Ayame-chan: You're gonna be in my story!

Kisshu: This is going to suck!

Ayame-chan: Ichigo falls in love with you.

Kisshu: This is going to be awesome!

Ayame-chan: Hehehe!

Kisshu: Ayame-chan doesn't own Tokyo mew mew!

Ayame-chan: If I did, I'd would be making KisshuxIchigo episodes!

It was a beautiful spring day. The flowers bloomed, the sky blue as can be. It wasn't to cold, but it wasn't to hot it was perfect. That's exactly what a young red haired girl thought. The girl? Ichigo, the happy-go-lucky girl that was stubborn, kind, and caring. Ichigo was making her way to the park because her true love Aoyama told her to meet him under the biggest cherry tree there. Ichigo wondered why, was he going to tell her he loved her? That they would be boyfriend and girlfriend? 'I sure hope so!' Ichigo thought hopefully as she skipped happily. Yes, today couldn't be better! Little did she know that the stalker we all know and love, the same alien with dark forest green hair, a playful, mischievous smirk, and absolutely beautiful golden eyes was watching her. Kisshu was always there, just watching and waiting. He had a plan to make her his once and for all. 'Ichigo...I've had enough waiting. You will be mine.' With a snicker he teleported.

Ichigo had finally made it to the cherry tree, but Aoyama wasn't there. 'Where is Aoyama-kun? Maybe i'm early! That would be great! Then he would be really happy, and he might hug me or...' As Ichigo was in her own little world, a certain green haired alien had also made his way to the cherry tree. He had already been there, he had to make sure the tree-hugger didn't get in his way. What did he do? Not much. Just knocked him out than took him back to his ship, into a prison cell. He would have killed him, but what would Ichigo think? Hate. That's what. So, he settled for just keeping him locked away.

Ten minutes had past by and Ichigo started getting worried. 'Where is he? Did something happen? Aoyama-kun, where are you?' Ichigo thought scared. What had happen to her prince charming? Had he forgotten? Did something bad happen? Her head was starting to hurt from all the worry until there was a ripple in the air. She turned around only for soft lips to meet her forehead. She jumped back almost falling over if it wasn't for Kisshu catching her, she probably would have. "K-Kisshu! L-let go!" Ichigo yelled with a bright red blush on her cheeks. "Awww, but I wanted to play with you kitten." Said Kisshu with a playful smirk, his strong arms still around her. After struggling Ichigo was finally able to get out of his grip, although, she kinda felt sad to do so."Go away Kisshu! I don't have time for you annoying me today! Aoyama-kun told me to meet him here, so I would really like it if YOU weren't here!" Ichigo snapped with irritation in her voice. "Doesn't look like he's here now, does it?" Teased Kisshu. He already knew why, but it was fun messing with her. "H-he'll be here! Any minute now..." Ichigo wasn't so sure anymore. Wait, if something did happen why was she still here? She had to go look for him! "Kisshu, I have to go-" Kisshu cut her off with a wave of his hand. "Honey, since he isn't here how about I keep you company?" He didn't even wait for an answer. He grabbed her hand than teleported with a mischievous look in his eyes. Ichigo gasped as she closed her eyes tight.

"You can open your eyes now, kitten" Kisshu whispered in her ear. When Ichigo did open her eyes the first thing she notice was her hand still in Kisshu's. She felt like electricity shot through her, like she was hit by lightning. It was a weird feeling, she was paralyzed. "Koneko-chan?" Curiosity was in his voice mixed with amusement, Kisshu had notice the odd look on her face, wondering what she might be thinking about. "Huh? Nani?" Then Ichigo realized she was STILL holding his hand and quickly let go while her face turned a dark red. "Kisshu, where am I? Why did you kidnap me? Take me back NOW!" Ichigo was furious. Something bad might have happen to Aoyama, and she was here with a perverted alien when she should be out looking for him! "Me and you are going to have so much fun Koneko-chan!" Kisshu said happily, his face shined with pure happiness. He finally had a chance to win her heart! That made him happy beyond reason. He loved her more then anyone or anything, but with the tree-hugger in the way he didn't really have a chance. But now he was gone, now he could make her his!

Ichigo looked around, she was at a beach. Big crystal blue ocean, white soft sand, but when she turned around it looked like a jungle! She definitely wasn't in japan anymore. Fear was creeping it's way into her. 'Oh no...' Ichigo thought. Does this mean she's stuck here with Kisshu? Will she ever be able to go home? What did Kisshu mean by "fun"? 'Aoyama-kun help!'

Ayame-chan: I know it's short! But, the next chapter will be longer than this!

Kisshu: Forehead! I WANT LIPS!

Ayame-chan: You'll get your kiss! Just wait!

Kisshu: Fine...Why are you hiding behind me?

Ayame-chan: This is my first story...I'm scared of flames! HOLD ME! *jumps into Kisshu's arms*

Kisshu: *Sigh* Review, please! I want my kiss!