Author's Note: Hey guys! It's my birthday, so I decided to write a fanfic for my favorite favorite pairing! Anyways, I really enjoyed this...Hope you to do!
P.S. By the way, my name in this is Amy soooo...Don't be alarmed..:)OH! And my friend, Amy will have a star beside the name so you wont get confused.
"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Skipper...Happy birthday to you!" Marlene and the penguins cheered as the song ended.
Skipper scowled, but couldn't hide the twinge of a smile at his beak. Especially not from Marlene. "So, Mr. Skipper, How old are you?" Skipper looked surprised at the question, but answered with the same old answer, "Well, that's classified, Marlene."
Marlene rolled her eyes and smiled, "Even from me?" Skipper smirked, "Yes, even from you." Although a smile formed on his beak from how cute and naïve she was being.
"Skipper, we'll be right back, we've got a huge surprise for you!" Kowalski waddled off along with Private and Rico.
Skipper looked at Marlene, "Why do you want to know how old I am anyway Marlene?" Marlene blushed, not wanting to tell him the real reason why. "You do know my birthday's tomorrow right?" Marlene softly, nodded. "It's just easier for us to celebrate it now than tomorrow."
Marlene laughed at his smirk, "Come on, Skipper, You know..." As she trailed off, she got closer to Skipper and was a few inches away, "...You can tell me anything..." Skipper watched her with nervous eyes.
"Marlene, what are you doing?" Marlene flirtingly smiled at Skipper, "I'm giving you your birthday present..." Marlene leaned in. Skipper leaned back, afraid of what she would do, but before Marlene could do anything, Julien walked between the two.
Skipper surprised himself by being angry at the lemur for ruining the moment, "RINGTAIL!" Julien looked at him with the usual stupid look on his face, "What is to be wrong with you, bossy penguin?" Marlene frowned at the lemur. Also upset with the fact that he ruined Skipper's birthday surprise.
"It's Skipper's birthday today! Isn't that great?" Her words came out in rushed excitement. Julien rolled his eyes, "HUH! His birthday is not being more import-i-ant than mine! Plus, this flightless penguin should not be having you here...You are to be mine! Not his!" This reddened Marlene's cheeks, this time, in fury.
"WHAT did you say?"
[Somewhere in North Carolina]
"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Amy...Happy birthday to you!"
there was clapping and yells of joy as the song ended.
A girl smiled as she thanked everyone. "Thanks guys!" She was about 5'5'', with dirty blond hair that passed her shoulders. Her eyes were a beautiful dark brown, that could sometimes be mistaken for hazel in the sunlight.
She was a young teenager, but didn't quite look like one. Well, at least, she looked older than what she was.
She was an average size, with a slight hourglass figure, or, so she was told. What appeared to be her mom, stepped forward to hug her.
"Happy birthday, Amy! Happy birthday!" Amy hugged her mom back, fiercely. "Thanks, mom." The two almost looked like twins. Amy was just a little taller than her mother, but looked almost exactly alike if you looked at them from behind.
"Now, blow out your candles!" Amy looked down at her wonderful cake with excitement. It was big and had the pictures of the Penguins of the Madagascar. That was her most favorite show in the world! She loved the penguins and Marlene, but mostly Skipper and Marlene.
I guess that's kind of why she got obsessed with Skilene. Because she loves both characters. Amy closed her eyes, thought of her wish, then blew out all fourteen candles.
"What'dya wish for? What'dya wish for you?" Her friend asked her questions immediately. "Amy*, Amy* calm down! And I can't tell you my wish! If I did, it wouldn't come true!" Her friend, Amy*, rolled her eyes, "Oh, come on, you can tell me! Tell me, tell me, tell me!"
Amy* was also 5'5'', only with much straighter hair than Amy's and it was longer too. It was a pretty dark brown color. Her hazel eyes sparkled with excitement of learning Amy's secret wish.
Amy shushed her friend as she jumped up and won, "OK, Ok...Listen, I wished that..."She trailed off, whispering into Amy's* ear. When she finished and leaned away, Amy* looked at her and rolled her eyes, "Wow Amy...Really?"
Amy looked at her seriously, "Yes! Really! I know I'm obsessed...Sorry..." Amy* sighed, "Amy, why are you sorry?" Amy looked at her, "I don't know...I say that a lot don't I?" Amy* nodded, Yeah...Alot." Amy* looked suddenly at her brother, who had decided to walk over to the two Amy's.
"Hello, Ms. Greene." He greeted her formally. Amy smiled at him, "Zack, why so formal?" Amy walked to him and gave him a hug. When she let go, Amy* rolled her eyes, (Yes, she does that ALOT) at the two and said, "I'll leave you two alone for a moment." Winking at Amy, she left.
"So, Zack, are you having a good time?" He looked at her with a smile, "Yes and are you?" Amy looked at the teenager. He had bright blue eyes, with dark brown hair. He was, of course, taller than Amy, but only by a few inches.
"Yeah, I'm having a really awesome time...But, you know, I really can't wait to see the movie!" Zack nodded, "Yeah, it looks like it will be a good movie. At least from the trailers I've seen." Amy nodded too, in agreement. "Exactly!...I'm still can't believe I'm fourteen. Well, at least I will be tomorrow."
Zack laughed as he said, "Now, you are, once again, only two years younger than me. Aw, the seniority.." He trailed off, and they laughed together.
[When Amy goes back home]
"Today rocked! Best birthday party ever!" Of course, she was talking to herself, as Amy usually does. (Yes, I know I'm a weirdo).
She sighed as she flung herself on top of the bed in her room. "If only my wish would come true." She pulled the covers over her and closed her eyes.
As she peacefully fell into sleep, she had a strange dream. Colorful lights surrounded her. Slowly, they began to sparkle and it faded into black before Amy could see anything else.
[The next morning]
Amy opened her eyes, groggily. She was so tired, she didn't notice the change in appearance of her room.
Amy suddenly heard a familiar voice. It was Skipper's, from the Penguins of Madagascar. "Huh...Must've left the T.V. on." However, when Amy went to turn her t.v. Off...It wasn't her eyes, Amy realized...Neither was her room.
In fact, she was in a crate. "Well...That explains why I can't move much. Guess I'm just dreaming. Amy pinched herself hard, trying to wake herself up.
Nothing happened. "What?" Again, she pinched her arm. "Really?" She pinched her arm three more times, before just giving up.
"OK, OK...Just relax...You're just in a CRATE...and you're not waking up...It's's all OK..." Amy shivered as a cold breeze seeped through the cracks of the wooden crate.
It was so dark, Amy couldn't tell who was touching her when a paw touched her shoulders. "AH! Who's there? A-Anyone? Please...Get me out of here!" As she screamed and shook the crate, it toppled over.
When it roughly landed on the floor, Amy heard a voice, "Ow." Th-that voice...It was familiar too...Almost...too..familiar...It sounded"Um, Skipper? You think you can open this crate? And...get". ...Marlene...that's who it was..But...How?
"Sure thing, Marlene. Besides, we need to find out if this spy is friendly or not." Skipper replied, putting an emphasis on the word 'spy'.
"Rico! Crowbar!" Amy could hear him coughing up the item Skipper asked for and felt the crate shake as he tried to open it. Amy gave the front wall a hard shove and tumbled out of the crate.
Marlene smiled down at her, while the penguins just stared suspiciously, well, at least Skipper was. Amy nearly squealed. But, she wasn't quite sure if it was out of joy or fear.
She remained on the ground, until Skipper came over to her. "Well, hello there. Name's Skipper." He leant a flipper out to her. Amy took it nervously. As she felt his flipper wrap around her hand she realized...It wasn't a hand...It was a paw.
Author's Note: Sooo, there's the first chapter! Yes, that's me. I know...But hey my birthday wish is coming true! Then again, what was my b-day wish? You'll just have to find out. Review please!
P.S. I actually uploaded this story on my birthday, May 28!