Scrambling, the Doctor launched himself onto the spot where Ianto had disappeared, but found nothing to indicate he had ever been there. Devastation rang through the Doctor's hearts as he remembered watching Rose being ripped away from him and cursing himself for placing another loved one in harm's way. The only thing that allowed some hope was the confident tone of Ianto's voice and the possibility that he actually was coming back.
In his panic stricken mind, the Doctor thought back to his investigation of the other resorts. The one complaint that kept coming from each owner and manager was that Illien was hiding something concerning his father, Ellian. Whenever it was mentioned, the Doctor noticed Illien become slightly more defensive and evasive with his language. The Doctor knew he had to meet Ellian and find out what secret Illien was keeping.
With fierce determination, the Doctor stormed into the resort and shouted angrily, "Illien! What are you hiding?"
Soon, a shocked looking Illien came running into the main lobby followed by a slower moving Nurick. Illien replied with distress, "What's happened?"
The Doctor motioned toward the beach, yelling, "It's taken Ianto. Now you are going to stop lying to me and explain what is going on!"
Illien went pale as he continued, "Your lover's been taken? Doctor, that's horrible, but I assure you that I have nothing to do with it."
Without even blinking at Illien's assumption that Ianto was the Doctor's lover, the Doctor pressed on, "I want to meet your father!"
Illien's eyes went wide with panic, "That's not possible. He doesn't see guests."
"I am the Last Son of Gallifrey, the Omega Timelord and I am no guest. Take me to your father, now!"
Nurick, then out of breath, had finally caught up to his lover and clasped his hand gently, whispering, "Just show him. It doesn't matter anymore."
Illien nodded sadly and turned, leading the Doctor to a secluded corridor and then up a flight of stairs. After walking through an impressively large set of double doors, the Doctor was confronted with a sickly old man in a large bed. The nurse tending to him began to protest but Illien silenced her and began speaking, "Father, this is the Doctor. He's helping us with some problems in the resort."
Ellian nodded, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Doctor. I hope you've found our accommodations comfortable?"
The Doctor scoffed, "Excuse me if I don't return the pleasantries but I demand to know now what is going on here and what you know about that beach."
The old man scowled in response, "Listen here, I will not be spoken to so abruptly."
"I will speak anyway I choose!"
The old man huffed and propped himself up in bed, "My father built this hotel and I made it great. You have no business charging into my private quarters demanding anything."
The Doctor stomped over to the bedside continuing to raise his voice, "Five people are missing, taken through the sand. You will tell me why and then you will tell me how to retrieve them. Be warned that if my partner is not returned to me immediately, you will experience a hell the likes you cannot even fathom!"
"Illien! Call the authorities and have this man removed from the premises. I will not tolerate threats from a common physician."
"Continue as you are and will find just how uncommon I am," the Doctor growled as he leaned in closer. "Now tell me what I need to know before I truly lose my temper."
"Doctor, that's enough," A voice called out from the doorway. Ianto stood at the front of the room looking exhausted, completely soaked from head to toe.
Ianto could hardly believe his eyes. The answer to the riddle was staring him in the face and no one else had seen the pattern. There it was: a supposedly extinct beetle with notorious burrowing skills that was wiped out when resorts had blocked its path to the ocean. Every year, the beetles would journey to the sea to mate and lay their eggs. From his previous readings of the geological surveys, he remembered seeing a lava tube located underneath Illien's resort. The beetles must have gone underground and began using the lava tube to transport them to the ocean and directly back to the uninhabited inner rain forest.
Referring back to an ancient folk tale about a pair of young lovers being tragically devoured by beetles, Ianto remembered that the three hotel guests were newlywed women. The only piece that did not seem to fit was the police officer that was taken. How did he fit into the puzzle? If he was prepped for impregnation surely it would have been front page news?
Taking out the two small vials, Ianto turned to Nurick and asked, "How many physicians are there on the island that distribute these?"
Nurick replied proudly, "One and you just met him. Dr. Rashed, he's nearly impossible to get an appointment with. You're very lucky to have those."
Ianto looked through the file on the young officer named Mowez. The file included a picture of his next of kin, including his husband. Turning to Nurick, Ianto asked, "Have you ever seen this man?"
Nurick nodded, "Yes, he's a tech at my doctor's office."
Ianto shook his head solemnly before adding, "We need to return to the resort. When we get there, promise me you'll stay away from the beach."
Nurick chuckled, "No problem."
Once they were back at the hotel, still eerily vacant, Ianto quickly left Nurick and bolted to the Tardis wondering if she would let him in without the Doctor. Waiting for him in the glittering green sand, she opened her door happily and hummed warmly in greeting. When he reached the lab the ship had created for him on his first day, Ianto took out his sample of the sand and the two vials Dr. Rashed gave him. Just as he suspected, the sand reacted wildly to the green substance, emitting strong energy patterns. Upon application of the red one, the sand returned to normal. Ianto placed the vials back in his jacket and readied himself to test his theory.
Standing at the edge of the beach where sand met thickets of grass, Ianto waited. While watching the sun set over the sea, Ianto took out the green vial and allowed his mind to wander with the possibilities. The briefest image of him carrying the Doctor's child was almost tempting enough to make him turn around and abandon his plan; however, he also thought back to the image of young Mowez and his husband, ultimately knowing he had to prevent that tragedy from ever occurring again. With one last determined sigh, Ianto drank the liquid surprised at its sweet taste.
As he sank into the sand, Ianto could barely make out the Doctor's panicked expression. Partly to reassure the Timelord but also to convince himself, Ianto called out, "Trust me, Doctor!"
Once he felt himself fall through a mucus membrane and hit the bottom of the lava tube, Ianto downed the red vial just as the large beetles began to swarm his body. Within seconds, the creatures stopped their actions and ignored him completely, continuing their journey to the ocean. Looking around, Ianto tried to get his bearings but was disoriented by the constant flow of the pink insects. They were probably 10 centimeters long and equipped with large horns they used to shovel debris out of their way. The lava tube had been expanded upon and supported with a thick gelatinous substance that seemed to have a life of its own.
What Ianto had predicted was true: the perceptive beetles could sense a creature at its highest level of sexual potency and opened the membrane in order to bring it closer. When the poor soul descended into the tube, the over enthusiastic creatures burrowed in and devoured it from the inside out. Ianto's suspicions were confirmed by the discarded bones and clothing littering the tunnel. The horrific sight prevented him from enjoying the amazing scene of nature he was experiencing. The incredible fortitude and adaptability allowed those small animals to rally from near extinction to a once again vibrant species.
Although it was difficult to walk through, Ianto made his way down the lava tube, following the beetles. Eventually he lost his shoes, socks, and jacket but still made it to the end where beetles were squeezing through a panel of membrane leading to the sea. The original tunnel had actually ended about where he fell through but the insects had burrowed it another 50 meters to the water. Once he reached the end, Ianto stretched his hand out and slowly ran it along the iridescent barrier before pushing it through to feel the cool water outside. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Ianto launched his entire body through the viscous wall and swam for the surface.
Luckily the ocean was calm, making his swim easy and the moons shone brightly, allowing him to see. Once on shore, he wearily walked up the beach to the resort, a little disappointed the Doctor was not waiting for him. However, when he entered the lobby, the distinct sound of the Doctor's indignant yelling let him know that his absence had caused quite a stir.
Following the raised voices, Ianto ascended a previously hidden staircase and stood in the massive doorway. Illien and Nurick watched helplessly as the Doctor squared off against a frail but feisty old man. The Doctor was convinced that he was the cause of Ianto's disappearance. Although he knew it was wrong to let him continue, Ianto could not help but watch the Doctor's face flushed with anger and passion. Despite how much it aroused him, Ianto knew it had to stop.
"Doctor, that's enough," Ianto called out, causing the Doctor to whip around, dumbstruck with his mouth agape. After a moment of shock, the Doctor ran over to Ianto and squeezing him in a tight embrace.
Ianto was taken aback by the response but then realized the Doctor must have thought he was dead. With a slight laugh, Ianto whispered, "You didn't trust me."
However, the Doctor was not amused and pulled back clasping Ianto's face, "Never do that to me again."
Ianto could see the worry and sadness written across the Doctor's handsome features. Gently, he pulled him into his arms and spoke softly, "Come downstairs with me and I'll explain everything."
Once in the main lobby, Ianto began, "Illien, I'm very sorry to inform you but the guests and police officer taken before are gone."
Illien's face fell and Nurick rubbed his back in condolence. As Ianto explained about the beetles, the lava tube, and the guests' pheromones, the Doctor watched in awe, marveling at Ianto's intelligence and bravery. When the Doctor heard Ianto say he had taken the impregnation drug, he asked with shock, "How did that work on you? You would have to be . . ."
Upon realization that Ianto was in heat, the Doctor's eyes went wide and Ianto blushed earning a giggle from Nurick. When Ianto finished telling his tale, Illien announced, "I'm forever in your debt. We'll be able to find the perimeter of the tunnel and block it off. Please stay in your suite for as long as you'd like and we'd be honored if you joined us for dinner."
Ianto sighed wearily, "That's very kind but I have just escaped the bowels of this island and desperately need a bath. If you could send up a light meal to my room, I'd be grateful."
Illien nodded, "Of course. You'll find we have the finest salt baths on the island."
Ianto smiled politely and headed toward his room. The Doctor turned sheepishly toward Illien and told him, "I feel terrible. Please allow me to apologize to your father."
"No, that's not necessary. It's understandable; I would have done much worse had it been Nurick missing."
The Doctor pressed, "No, my behavior was completely out of line. I not only made terrible accusations against him but also you."
Illien gazed toward his father's bedroom and sighed, "You were right about one thing: I'm hiding a secret about him. Follow me."
Illien led the Doctor back up the stairway and up to Ellian's bed. The old man gazed up at his son and the Doctor as Illien announced, "Father, this is the Doctor. He's helping us with some problems in the resort."
Ellian nodded, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Doctor. I hope you've found our accommodations comfortable?"
With a sympathetic glance at Illien, the Doctor responded, "Yes, this is a wonderful establishment. I'm honored to meet you."
The old man smiled, "Illien, I think it's going to rain tomorrow."
The younger man answered, "I think you're right. I'll have some soup sent up."
Once back downstairs, Nurick went over to Illien's side and clasped his hand as he explained, "Ellian made this hotel famous. The family does not want it known that he is no longer truly running things. In fact, he hardly remembers anything for more than a few minutes; he doesn't even realize he'll soon be a grandfather."
"Have you been running this place the entire time?"
"Yes, but I've had help," Illien replied while gazing lovingly at Nurick. "If it weren't for his love and support, I'd have never made it."
Nurick kissed Illien's cheek affectionately before telling the Doctor, "You must understand since you have such an extraordinary lover. His intelligence is only surpassed by his beauty. You are quite fortunate."
With a small grin, the Doctor replied, "Yes, I am."
Once Ianto finished his bath, the Doctor took his own, finally emerging more refreshed than he had felt in a hundred years. After rinsing off the small granules and toweling his wet hair, he wrapped himself in a fluffy bath robe waiting nearby. Upon entering the main room, he gasped at the sight before him: Ianto was waiting by the bed clad only in the skimpy outfit the Doctor had packed for reasons he was too embarrassed to admit. Frozen in place, the Doctor watched as Ianto slowly approached him, his graceful feet seeming to follow the pattern of the glass tiles. Without saying anything, the young man carefully released the belt on the Doctor's robe and slid the fabric back until it fell to the ground.
Ianto slid one hand onto the small of the Doctor's back and then curled the other through his damp mane. He leaned forward and drew the Timelord into a deep, lingering kiss.