Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice or anything related to it.

Warning: SLASH (Wally/Dick, Kid Flash/Robin)

A/N: This will be more than a one-shot (Though not by much) so wait for the second chapter, okay? Also, I don't have a beta so it is not perfect.

Teenage Dream
(by: Katy Perry)

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I
We'll be young forever

"You are so beautiful." Wally stared at Dick's blue eyes, he was just so…whelming…who knew that word would come in handy one day. The boy looked away. He still felt extremely self-conscious without his mask, but he knew Wally had the right to see him as he is, he was his boyfriend after all. Boyfriend's should know all about you, right?

"Shut up." He looked away, blushing. They were currently lying in Wally's bed, just talking and sometimes kissing softly.

"I mean it, I can't stop looking at you, at your eyes…" Wally caressed the side of his face softly. He leaned in to kiss Dick passionately, nipping his bottom lip softly. The smaller boy moaned and Wally rolled them over so he was on top of Dick. He explored the boy's mouth, extracting small sounds from his boyfriend. He pulled away and started kissing his way to Dick's neck, then biting on it, making the boy writhe underneath him.

"You're perfect." He sneaked his hands under Dick's red shirt, tracing random patterns on the boy's skin. Wally kept attacking his neck as Dick kept moaning and panting. Wally loved how easy it was to get his boyfriend so flustered.

He pulled the shirt off and started biting down the boy's chest and stomach. Robin tensed up a little as Wally made his way further down, one of the speedsters hands caressing his thigh.

"W-Wally?" Dick felt extremely nervous, Wally was taking it way further than they had ever gotten before. He did love Wally, but it was all new to him, he didn't feel ready yet. There was no response. "Wally, stop…"

The redhead didn't listen, he was too entranced in kissing and biting every part of the pale skin in front of him. He bit on the side of Dick's stomach, extracting a whimper from the smaller boy. He didn't want to push Wally away, he didn't think he would be able to muster the strength to push his boyfriend off. He didn't want Wally to feel rejected, he wanted the redhead to understand and move away, not to force it.

"Please…" His voice was soft, unsure and frightened. He trusted Wally, but he was still scared of it all. Most of all he was scared of losing his boyfriend, though. He didn't want Wally to be mad at him, this was supposed to be expected from a boyfriend after all, Wally could get mad if Dick didn't go along with this step of their relationship. But still, he wasn't comfortable with it. He could feel Wally's hands on the button of his jeans. "Wally, stop!"

The older boy looked up from undoing Dick's trousers to look at him. "What's wrong?"

Dick looked at him nervously. "I just…I'm not ready, Wally." He figured the best way to get over this would be to tell his boyfriend the truth. Wally cared for him. He wouldn't hold it against him, right? "I'm scared."

Wally looked at him for a long while, just stared at him silently. Dick stared at him with fear, hoping Wally's silence didn't mean he was mad.

"Wally, please say something." Dick attempted a small laugh, but it didn't come out right. Wally seemed to snap out of his trance at that.

"You should leave." Wally rolled away from him, sitting on the edge of the bed, his back facing Dick.

"No! Wally, I'm sorry." Dick desperately sat up and tried to reach for Wally's shoulder, but he pulled away. He stood and walked around the bed, leaning down to retrieve Dick's shirt from the floor. He took it and then let it fall on the bed. Dick kneeled on the bed and tried to hold his hand, but Wally just pulled it out of reach and moved away from him. "Wally, please." Dick stared at the redhead with tears in his eyes, but he just looked away.

"Just go, Robin." Dick felt some tears escape, Wally hadn't called him that since they started dating, not when they were alone at least.

"Please, Wally, don't do this." The boy reached forward again, but Wally turned away.

"Get dressed and go away." His voice was cold and uncaring, finally breaking Dick's heart. The blue eyed boy pulled his shirt on, his hands shaking and tears falling. He stood up, putting his shades on and made his way out of the room.

He slowly walked to his room and laid down on his bed, curling around his pillow, hiding his face in it, letting it swallow his painful sobs. He hadn't expect Wally to actually break up with him, he had expected him to be slightly mad but Wally didn't even want to look at him.

"Please Robin…open the door." M'gann was leaning her head against Robin's door, she could hear the boy sobbing inside. It tore her heart apart to hear her friend in such pain. Superboy was standing behind her. He had been the one to alert the green-skinned girl of the sounds Robin was emitting. He hadn't known what to do about it so he had called her, knowing she could handle it better. "Tell us what happened, maybe we can help." M'gann had been knocking and trying to talk to him for a while, but the boy still didn't answer and his door stayed firmly shut.

"What is going on?" Kaldur appeared from around the corner, Artemis right behind him.

"Robin is in distress, he locked himself in his room and he's not answering." M'gann looked at her friends worried. Artemis walked over to the door and leaned in close to talk to the boy. She heard the sound of Robin's pain and sighed.

"Well, there's no use trying to talk to him right now. We will have to talk to the cause." She started marching down the hall.

"What do you mean?" Kaldur asked as he and M'gann followed her. Superboy remained where he was, staring intently at the door.

"We'll have to talk to his boyfriend, I'm sure he's the one to blame." She lead the way to the speedster's room. His pace fast and an angry frown on her face.

Meanwhile, Superboy walked forward until he could lean his forehead to the door. "Robin? Would you like me to call Batman?" Unknown to the others the boy inside the room, had been trying to calm his tears and Conner could hear the clinking of keys on his hands. Superboy knew he was handling the keys to the R-cycle, probably waiting to calm himself and be able to drive.

"Superboy?" His voice was soft and rough because of the crying.

"Yeah." He stood awkwardly outside the room. Probably he had said the wrong thing?

"Yes, please." Superboy was startled to actually hear that. He understood tough and walked to the briefing room.

"Batman, here." Superboy looked at the dark hero on the screen. "What do you need Superboy?"

"It's Robin…he's crying…and he asked me to call you." Batman nodded and finished the call.

Superboy walked back to the door of Robin's room.

"Hey! Kid Idiot! Open up!" Artemis banged on Wally's door. The speedster opened the door with an angry 'What!'

"What did you do to Robin?" Artemis said accusingly.

"He has locked himself in his room and he won't come out." Kaldur spoke calmly, trying to solve everything peacefully.

"That's not my problem, anymore." With that he slammed his door shut, leaving three astounded heroes outside.

They returned to Robin's door only to see Batman walking away and Superboy leaning against the wall in front of Robin's door.

A/N: Part 1 is done! yay! :)

I hope you liked it!

I know Kid Flash was a total jerk on this one, but don't worry he'll do better on the second part!

Which I'll try to publish by next week, okay?

Please tell me if I spelled something wrong. I'm extremely bad with grammar, spelling and such.

Anyway, thanks for reading and hopefully reviewing :D
