Rated Teen for now - will go up in rating later. Don't worry - I'll warn you.

Disclaimer: They aren't mine *sigh* sadly.


They walked side by side to her flat. Once they had reached it, he looked up. "This is different from the Powell Estate," he said, mesmerized by the elegance of the building.

Rose looked up and shrugged. "I didn't want to live with mum and Pete. I didn't even want to live here." She paused for a moment and looked up at the stars above. "Then I realized I didn't want to live anywhere that wasn't..." she trailed off.

He looked over at her, looking up at the stars, "that wasn't what?" he asked her. There was fear in his voice, a slight tremble in his hands. He wasn't used to the fierceness that came with his completely human emotions. He was always so skilled at hiding them when he was pure Time Lord. At least, he thought he had been.

Then, slowly, she looked at him, her eyes full of tears and pain and heartache. "That wasn't bigger on the inside."